
Newt Gingrich Said: Poor Kids Have No Habits Of Working

Translation: Black and hispanic kids in this country have lazy parents who don’t work, therefore they have no work ethics instilled in them at a young age.

Gingrich may be the top runner for the republican party but the words coming out of his mouth are just as stupid, ignorant, lopsided, prejudice and misinformed as he is.

Children born into poverty aren’t accustomed to working unless it involves crime, really poor children, in really poor neighborhoods have no habits of working and have nobody around them who works so they have no habit of showing up on Monday morning”.

“They have no habit of staying all day, they have no habit of I do this and you  give me cash unless it is illegal.

The former House Speaker even implied that poor children’s only hope, is to aspire to be a prostitute, drug dealer or pimp! Gingrich even suggested that schools fire janitors and replace them with working class students.

The republican party has a bunch of ignorant clowns to choose from to run against President Barack Obama, making the prospects for a second term extremely promising.

73 thoughts on “Newt Gingrich Said: Poor Kids Have No Habits Of Working”

  1. i dare him to come up to harlem and say that shit!!!! hard working, job hunting motherfuckers would KICK HIS ASS for that!!!!


    1. i dare him to come up to harlem and say that shit!!!! hard working, job hunting motherfuckers would KICK HIS ASS for that!!!!
      cosign!!! esp. since these same poor people mad and frustrated too. his comments are extremely insensitive.


  2. As a Christian, I am saddened and appalled by disparaging comments about the poor. I taught at-risk, inner-city high school students years ago and my students’ parents were hard-working examples of the reality of inner city life


    1. As a Christian, I am saddened and appalled by disparaging comments about the poor. I taught at-risk, inner-city high school students years ago and my students’ parents were hard-working examples of the reality of inner city life
      Maybe newt can’t relate to that sounds like he hasn’t even tried.


  3. What a bunch of stupid remarks. Where you all standing behind the door when brains were passed out? You have proven your point to many!


  4. Gingrich is doing a great job destroying himself in his words. People don’t know about poverty unless they’ve actually been through it. When idiots say that Hispanics and African Americans are killing this country I really feel sorry for them. I personally know a bunch of lazy white people who are drug addicts and scam the government for benefits. Its no certain race that does it, that’s just a racist opinion. But truth be told, I love it when Gengrich does this, when election time comes next year, Obama will be reelected. I came from a poverty household, and I started working at 16. Been working ever since. Get real Gingrich.


    1. Gingrich is doing a great job destroying himself in his words. People don’t know about poverty unless they’ve actually been through it. When idiots say that Hispanics and African Americans are killing this country I really feel sorry for them. I personally know a bunch of lazy white people who are drug addicts and scam the government for benefits. Its no certain race that does it, that’s just a racist opinion. But truth be told, I love it when Gengrich does this, when election time comes next year, Obama will be reelected. I came from a poverty household, and I started working at 16. Been working ever since. Get real Gingrich.


    2. Gingrich is doing a great job destroying himself in his words. People don’t know about poverty unless they’ve actually been through it. When idiots say that Hispanics and African Americans are killing this country I really feel sorry for them. I personally know a bunch of lazy white people who are drug addicts and scam the government for benefits. Its no certain race that does it, that’s just a racist opinion. But truth be told, I love it when Gengrich does this, when election time comes next year, Obama will be reelected. I came from a poverty household, and I started working at 16. Been working ever since. Get real Gingrich.

      You better PREACH* Boi!!!!!!!!


    3. Gingrich is doing a great job destroying himself in his words. People don’t know about poverty unless they’ve actually been through it. When idiots say that Hispanics and African Americans are killing this country I really feel sorry for them. I personally know a bunch of lazy white people who are drug addicts and scam the government for benefits. Its no certain race that does it, that’s just a racist opinion. But truth be told, I love it when Gengrich does this, when election time comes next year, Obama will be reelected. I came from a poverty household, and I started working at 16. Been working ever since. Get real Gingrich.

      i COSIGN


    4. Gingrich is doing a great job destroying himself in his words. People don’t know about poverty unless they’ve actually been through it. When idiots say that Hispanics and African Americans are killing this country I really feel sorry for them. I personally know a bunch of lazy white people who are drug addicts and scam the government for benefits. Its no certain race that does it, that’s just a racist opinion. But truth be told, I love it when Gengrich does this, when election time comes next year, Obama will be reelected. I came from a poverty household, and I started working at 16. Been working ever since. Get real Gingrich.



  5. Fuck you Newt!!!!!
    Obama gon kick ya ass in the polls anyway. that’s why these white devils tryna rigg states to cheat Obama out of a second term. But it won’t work and ya ignant ass won’t win!!!


  6. Fat, wrinkled faced fuck! You hate poor people because you think they all black…prejudice fuck.

    Excuse me fam but his comments pissed me off. Esp. when you got people busting they asses every~damn~day to make ends meet. and they busting they asses in every color.


  7. Mr. Multiple marriages, Freddie Mac Money grubber, lobbiest with deep pockets Newt? I am a democrat and have worked all my life, brought up by hard working people who knew that repubtards will lie to your face and pick your pocket at the same time. You dumb ass. You’d never get my vote.


  8. I am appalled by this ignorant man’s vicious comments and amazed that he actually believe what he’s saying. That’s scary


  9. Now that Cain is out of the picture,
    it looks like Gingrich will be the top candidate for the GOP NOMINATION.
    I am confident the President can/will win (hands down).


  10. The Republican party has become the party of the mentally challenged. If the Republican party was a character in The Wizard of Oz, they would be the Tin Man in search of a heart. The party of the Rich will soon cease to exist.


    1. The Republican party has become the party of the mentally challenged. If the Republican party was a character in The Wizard of Oz, they would be the Tin Man in search of a heart. The party of the Rich will soon cease to exist.

      They are so embarassing. if i were republican i’d vote a different party.


  11. This ignorant motherfucker! His words were so ignorant it was embarassing. This dumb ass fat fuck is so out of touch with reality. I dare him to speak in the hood and talk that shit, they’d clean the streets with dat ass.


    1. Such idiocy, racism and hatred coming from him! Sad
      yet this will be who the repubs choose to run against Obama. I think it’s a disgrace that these candidates are so blantantly hateful and disrespectful


  12. “Gingrich may be the top runner for the republican party but the words coming out of his mouth are just as stupid, ignorant, lopsided, prejudice and misinformed as he is.”

    I co-fucking sign Tracy aka the Queen of this blog!!!!


  13. This republican like all of them are prejudice and only thinking about himself. His comments were not only cruel but ignorant and hurtful. and he thinks Donald Trump is the feather in his cap? wrong/fail on so many levels.


    1. This republican like all of them are prejudice and only thinking about himself
      Mrs, their level of thinking is SCARY., esp. regarding the poor and this economy.


    1. good morning ceo people *waving*

      Newt is not only IGNANT he is off the damn hook with that mouth of his. wanting to make chilren janitors? he needs his ass whooped!!


  14. The republican party has a bunch of ignorant clowns to choose from to run against President Barack Obama, making the prospects for a second term extremely promising.

    Ms. Bell I agree with you..


    1. The republican party has a bunch of ignorant clowns to choose from to run against President Barack Obama, making the prospects for a second term extremely promising.

      a republican in office would be disaster for this country. Bush fucked it up and they sayin Obama made it worse. IDTS….


  15. I can’t believe what this man said and most importantly I can’t believe people going along with his ignorant ass!!! we are truly living in a sad day when you can have somebody speak this way and feel this way regarding the hard working poor. Un-FUCKING-believable!!


  16. Does he have any real working habits? because from what I’ve heard he’s a real CROOK? But then again what politician isn’t? He’s stole money from Fannie Mae, left his dying (of cancer) wife and cheated the system in so many ways. so WTF? how is he the expert on this?




    1. This is better than gossip Gia,
      It’s good to know what these crackers are thinking and saying out loud cause they sure dont give 2shits about people like you and me. we need to be informed so we can know just how DEEP they’re prejudice and hate is.


  18. but why newt thinks that black kids are all on welfare and their parents dont work, look at the state of Arizona, 90 % of the people are white and on welfare, but Newt is not going to talk about that, I think he putting down black people because he wants to get the conservative white votes, so here he goes again riding off black people’s backs. All kinds of people get welfare, and thats money from taxpayers including black people’s hard earned money, and why he thinks only janitorial jobs will be best for black kids. he may be surging in the polls, but people have to remember he took millions of dollars from lobbyists.


  19. They’re talking about doing an “Apprenticeship”
    “Apprenticeship” my ass!!! It’s just another ploy to exploit people for ratings and personal gain. And after all its said and done, they’re only going to hire one person??? AND; WHY IS IT (ONLY) TARGETED ON BLACK YOUTH?!? They can do ALOT more with their money if they wanted to.


  20. Don’t believe the hype folks.. He’s projecting false bravado.. He doesnt stand a chance in the general election anyone.. And he knows that.. No bullshit..


  21. Nobody in this country ever got rich on his own, they’ve had help, so WTF is he talkin bout. He the main one who has robbed from the same poor he talk about.


  22. Why is he making it seem like just cause you live in a poor area, your parents dont work and dont teach work ethics…..He’s a idot, and it’s scary to think he will be the GOP Candidate smfh… It’s crazy the he’s referencing “teenage unemployment”, why not let these teenagers focus on finishing school.


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