
“Chickens Come Home To Roost, For The Cops Who Shot Sean Bell”

The cops who opened fire on Sean Bell are facing a disciplinary hearing that could result in their dismissal. For years, theses cops have hidden behind their lawyers, who said the officers opened fire on the car with a hail of bullets because they thought one of the passengers had a gun.

Detectives Gescard Isnora and Michael Carey were among five officers who fired  50 shots at a car carrying Bell and two friends the night of Bell’s bachelor party at a Queens strip club. November will mark 5 years since this terrible tragedy.

The officers have already been acquitted of manslaughter charges in a criminal court but at Police department hearings a department judge must now determine whether the pair violated any NYPD regulations and if so, should be punished for it.

Isnora fired the first shot at the car Sean Bell was driving outside Club Kalua in Queens, sparking a barrage of gunfire that killed Bell and wounded his two  passengers. The detectives fired a total of 11 bullets at the time.

“His error in judgment facilitated everything that happened after that,” said  NYPD lawyer Adam Shelton, who called Isnora’s conduct “outrageous, unimaginable  and unjustified.”

The NYPD said Isnora and Carey face internal charges involving firing their weapons outside of department guidelines. Isnora, who was working undercover, was also charged with a violation related to blowing his cover. The officers involved have been working on modified duty, officials said. The 2 other cops, Oliver and Cooper also still face departmental charges but are said to  be trying to work out deals to retire.

The cops who opened fire on Bell said they believed someone in the car had a gun  and that Bell was trying to run them over. But this still doesn’t justify opening a hail of bullets on a vehicle when bullets are not firing back.

Nicole Paultre (pictured above) who was supposed to marry Sean Bell that dreadful day said “My daughters are now 8 and 5, and they miss their dad, and someone needs to be  held responsible for that.”

80 thoughts on ““Chickens Come Home To Roost, For The Cops Who Shot Sean Bell””

    1. I hope his fiance gets justice and peace in the end

      Nicole, Sean’s parents and the dudes that were in the car with him got alota money from the city when they settled..they paid trust


      1. Nicole, Sean’s parents and the dudes that were in the car with him got alota money from the city when they settled..they paid trust
        Last year, the city agreed to pay $3.25 million to the estate of Bell, $3 million to Guzman and $900,000 to Benefield to settle a civil suit.


      2. Nicole, Sean’s parents and the dudes that were in the car with him got alota money from the city when they settled..they paid trust


      3. I think what happened is awful and that Mr. Bell’s fiance deserves the money. I also know that none of us knows exactly what happened that night. Regardless, the police used 50 BULLETS. they could have shot someone at least in the arm, showed their badge, etc etc. and prevented death at all costs


  1. I hope the cops with sean bell’s blood on their hands pay and pay dearly!!! I hope that incident haunt they asses @night erynight. and if those heartless monfuccas have a conscious i hope that eats them alive too.


  2. sean bell never had a chance i’m just glad his friends survived to testify about what really happened that night. i hope his fiance see this situation until she finds peace with it or is at least satisfied.


  3. I think both these cops should be fired if not ALL OF EM for their WRECKLESS and heartless actions that took this young black man”s life!!! and wounded his friends. Theirs actions cost the city and their wreckless behaivor is a LIABILITY to all NYers.


    1. I think both these cops should be fired if not ALL OF EM for their WRECKLESS and heartless actions that took this young black man”s life!!! and wounded his friends. Theirs actions cost the city and their wreckless behaivor is a LIABILITY to all NYers.
      I cosign you.


  4. Contrast/compare this officer’s testimony and actions with that of the Pleasantville police in the killing of Pace University student Danroy Henry

    One officer is subject to dismissal, the other was named Officer of the Year. WTF????


    1. Contrast/compare this officer’s testimony and actions with that of the Pleasantville police in the killing of Pace University student Danroy Henry

      One officer is subject to dismissal, the other was named Officer of the Year. WTF????
      No action outside of pulling a gun and using it justifies deadly force..and their actions were deadly force.


  5. I hope they asked him and his partners how much they had to drink that night because they were in the same bar as sean bell and his friends. hell they prbly targeted them as they left. fuckin devils!!!!!!!! I hope they suffer to they last breathe!!!!!!!


    1. I don’t understand why it took 5 years for the NYPD to rule for them to face internal and criminal charges? Dayum 5 years?

      Sometimes justice takes years. look at the 97 y.o. woman that was raped down south somewhere and she didn’t get an apology from the state until just a year ago. Tracy blogged about it checked her archives. So i said that to say, Justice has no time and no place but as long as it happens that’s all that matters.


  6. I wasn’t there and didn’t see what happened, but what I do know is another young AA male is dead, and no justice has happened for his family!! That these police officers are still receiving a “paycheck” is outrageous and an insult to taxpayers!


    1. I wasn’t there and didn’t see what happened, but what I do know is another young AA male is dead, and no justice has happened for his family!! That these police officers are still receiving a “paycheck” is outrageous and an insult to taxpayers!
      Yes, taxpayers should not pay for the burden of 3 cops’ mistake.

      Chief Police should get fired and the 3 cops should go to jail.


      1. why come ya’ll ain’t in chuch????
        I had a good time @Bedside Baptist

        Whaddupp, Whaddupp, Whaddupp good peoples?


  7. Why is there even an internal investigation with they NYPD? It was cold blooded murder, point, blank period!!!!

    The cops should have been put in jail a loong time ago. Let’s move it along with this already.


  8. So the officers involved in the shooting incident remain with the police department but on modified duty and face departmental charges that could result in their dismissal, officials are saying in this post?


    They shoulda been dismissed immediately and a long time ago.


  9. This is outrageous. What law was applied here? They should be fired, put away or atleast got wrongful death in this case. Something that will provide a tiny bit of justice. Damn!!!!!!


  10. While this was an unpopular decision, the decision to even prosecute the cops was a political move made by the newly elected district attorney. The truth is, based on the facts, that the oficers were justified in using a force to stop a person who used a deadly weapon (a car) to injure an officer. It’s not popular, and it’s a shame someone had to lose their life, but officers had a split decision to determine whether Bell was going to run them over or not. The law is not based on hindsight, mearely what a reasonable person would do at the time.


      1. While this was an unpopular decision, the decision to even prosecute the cops was a political move made by the newly elected district attorney. The truth is, based on the facts, that the oficers were justified in using a force to stop a person who used a deadly weapon (a car) to injure an officer. It’s not popular, and it’s a shame someone had to lose their life, but officers had a split decision to determine whether Bell was going to run them over or not. The law is not based on hindsight, mearely what a reasonable person would do at the time
        unpopular? yeah right just like your damn comment. you are entitled to your own opinion but please don’t bring ya ass up in here talkin bout “officers had a split decsion to decide their lifes or bells” when they could have shot the boys tires out instead of firing 31 bullets to take his life so please STFU cause there is no justification for your comment.


      2. @UncleEd,
        I really can’t believe that people can be this heartless. These men have taken a Son, a Father, a Fiancee, and a Brother, away from this world, they got off, and still you say some shit like this?? There is nothing that NY or the NYPD can do that will restore Sean Bell’s life.

        I don’t give a damn what the courts say, they murdered that young man, and to continually bring pain in this matter is inhumane.


      3. While this was an unpopular decision, the decision to even prosecute the cops was a political move made by the newly elected district attorney. The truth is, based on the facts, that the oficers were justified in using a force to stop a person who used a deadly weapon (a car) to injure an officer. It’s not popular, and it’s a shame someone had to lose their life, but officers had a split decision to determine whether Bell was going to run them over or not. The law is not based on hindsight, mearely what a reasonable person would do at the time.
        Uncle-ed, I’m Smmfh……so sad….at least he’s still living can’t say the same for sean bell


      4. The truth is, based on the facts, that the oficers were justified in using a force to stop a person who used a deadly weapon (a car) to injure an officer.

        UncleED, Please STFU and STFU now!!!! cause NOTHING I mean absolutely NOTHING justifies 50 bullets!!!! I’m sure Sean Bell’s family would prefer they had killed the car and not their son, brother, fiance and father.


      5. While this was an unpopular decision, the decision to even prosecute the cops was a political move made by the newly elected district attorney. The truth is, based on the facts, that the oficers were justified in using a force to stop a person who used a deadly weapon (a car) to injure an officer. It’s not popular, and it’s a shame someone had to lose their life, but officers had a split decision to determine whether Bell was going to run them over or not. The law is not based on hindsight, mearely what a reasonable person would do at the time.
        UncleEd, there are no good guys here. Bell and his crew were certainly not looking for trouble, but the cops overreacted. 50 bullets is ridiculous, especially when a gun isn’t visibly brandished. Your comment is a big fat fail# nothing justifies Bell’s exdcution.


      6. While this was an unpopular decision, the decision to even prosecute the cops was a political move made by the newly elected district attorney. The truth is, based on the facts, that the oficers were justified in using a force to stop a person who used a deadly weapon (a car) to injure an officer. It’s not popular, and it’s a shame someone had to lose their life, but officers had a split decision to determine whether Bell was going to run them over or not. The law is not based on hindsight, mearely what a reasonable person would do at the time
        UncleEd, 50 BULLETS???


        Shoot in the arm or shoulder or knee cap! ONCE, MAYBE twice! But 50 bullets is ridiculous!!!


      7. *pumped 50 bullets in the direction of four unarmed black men???


        UncleEd, your comment must have been to start commentary on this subject cause you WRONG as all hail.


      8. Uncle Ed, 50 bullets was completely ridiculous — the cops were also drinking and they were shooting to kill-not disarm or stop- but to kill.

        The payout is a wake-up call to the police — get your act together and quit killing people in a hail of 50 bullets.


      9. Uncle Ed, no offense BUT GO DA HELL! Go str8 to HELL!!!! There is NO WAY you can justify SEAN BELL and his friends being hit with 50 bullets. The cops actions were WRECKLESS in every sense of the word.


      10. While this was an unpopular decision, the decision to even prosecute the cops was a political move made by the newly elected district attorney. The truth is, based on the facts, that the oficers were justified

        Like everyone here, I disagree w/you UncleEd, there is NO JUSTIFICATION for shooting a round of 50 bullets @ 3 unarmed black men in a car!! None!!!!!!!!!!


  11. It seems to be open season on anyone who’s not a paleface. This cop and his buddies, in cold blood killed Sean.
    RIP Sean Bell.


    1. They are gonna burn in hell. They have Bell’s blood on their hands but they’ll pay here on earth first.

      cosign Pinky.


  12. “My daughters are now 8 and 5, and they miss their dad, and someone needs to be held responsible for that.”

    😦 Those poor girls, may God bless them and their mother and may they find peace in the process.


  13. Nicole Paultre (pictured above) who was supposed to marry Sean Bell that dreadful day said “My daughters are now 8 and 5, and they miss their dad, and someone needs to be held responsible for that.”

    Nicole Bell Paultre lost the love of her life, how will she ever get over that? How will she ever recover from that? Thank God she has Sean’s memory in her daughters. I pray she have peace some day.


    1. Nicole Bell Paultre lost the love of her life, how will she ever get over that? How will she ever recover from that? Thank God she has Sean’s memory in her daughters. I pray she have peace some day.

      @Flo, I can’t image how she must feel. Hurt, torn and looking for Justice in the murder of her fiance and the father of her children. Can you imagine re-living that every day that you live and every November in thinking about how and when it happened? 😦 May God give her the strength she needs to carry on and the courage to continue to raise her girls in the midst of such a cruel world.


      1. Nicole Bell Paultre lost the love of her life, how will she ever get over that? How will she ever recover from that? Thank God she has Sean’s memory in her daughters. I pray she have peace some day.

        @Flo, I can’t image how she must feel. Hurt, torn and looking for Justice in the murder of her fiance and the father of her children. Can you imagine re-living that every day that you live and every November in thinking about how and when it happened? May God give her the strength she needs to carry on and the courage to continue to raise her girls in the midst of such a cruel world.

        Exactly and she look like she been CRYING for days in that picture.


  14. R.I.P. Sean Bell I hope them motherfuckers, every last one of em involved skip through hell in a soaked pair of gasoline drawers!!!!


  15. I hope the cops are fired and justice is served once and for all in this case.
    R.I.P Sean Bell

    @Blog Queen, are you related to him? Holla at me offline.


      1. @Blog Queen, are you related to him? Holla at me offline.

        I don’t think so
        my question wasn’t addressed at you miss thang!!!!!!!!!!1 🙂


      2. my question wasn’t addressed at you miss thang!!!!!!!!!!

        i know 🙂 but just thought I’d jump in and tell you for her.


      3. my question wasn’t addressed at you miss thang!!!!!!!!!!

        i know but just thought I’d jump in and tell you for her.
        Nosey ass bloggers. I shoulda hollered @Trace offline to avoid this shit!


      4. Mm Touchy.
        No love lost @Mrs….you still my gurl you just don’t mind ya bittness that’s all.


      1. I Cosign ~~ NO JUSTICE NO PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!

        NO JUSTICE NO PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!

        NO JUSTICE NO PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. Every dog has it day. Woof!!!!!!!!!!!

      Woof? WTF? Every devil has a hell, these pigs are too dirty to be called dogs, are you kidding?


      1. Every dog has it day. Woof!!!!!!!!!!!

        Yeah please don’t insult dogs this way!


  16. I hope the motherfuckers go to jail because they are murderers!!! No doubt about it!!!

    YES the chickens have come home to roost Ms. Bell


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