
“The Trial Begins For Michael Jackson’s Physician, Conrad Murray”


The world was shocked when on June 25, 2009, pop-icon Michael Jackson died of acute propofol intoxication after he suffered cardiac arrest at his home in the Holmby Hills, CA.

Autopsy results have shown that Jackson, known as the King of Pop, died at age 50 from an overdose of the anesthetic propofol and other sedatives.

Murray was by the singer’s side on the day he died and pleaded not guilty in January to a charge of involuntary manslaughter. He faces up to four years in prison if convicted. His lawyers will argue that Jackson drank the propofol while the doctor was away from his bedside.

Opening statements in the trial began today and the judge has said the trial will last until October 28. The jury consists of six whites, five Hispanics and one African-American.

Murray, a cardiologist and surgeon, practiced medicine inside and outside of California in recent years. His medical licenses in the state was suspended earlier this year.

The defense contends that Jackson killed himself, and that Murray was unaware that his patient swallowed a cocktail of drugs, including a dose of the anesthetic, which is not made to be swallowed.

But the prosecution played an audio of Michael Jackson slurring his speech on May 10, 2009. The audio was recorded on Dr. Murray’s iPhone while Jackson was under the heavy influence of unknown drugs.

The prosecution says Dr. Murray was fully aware of how drugged Jackson was a month before he died. Yet the doctor continued to administer potentially deadly drugs to Jackson.

Murray’s licenses in Nevada and Texas remain intact but his criminal charges prompted local medical boards to issue restrictions that prohibits him from using or administering most anesthetic agents, including propofol.

Stay tuned people as all of the dark details will be revealed before it’s over!

88 thoughts on ““The Trial Begins For Michael Jackson’s Physician, Conrad Murray””

  1. I heard the audio and OMG!!! This is the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. I don’t want to think about MJ in that light. So sad…


  2. This is the news all across the net and radio. I’m missing the phenom with this trial.

    MJ was a mess well before meeting Conrad Murray. Conrad was a careless Dr and all over the place in his normal practice. Bring the 2 together, you have this ending, and the promoters knew it. They knew he wouldn’t be able to pull off this tour, and once word started to get out, they offed him. Murray’s getting probation and losing his license for negligence, but HE DIDN’T KILL MJ. Was he wrong for leaving him unattended? Yes. Should a Dr be familiar with CPR? Yes.

    When murray gave MJ the drug, he didn’t die. Who’s to say who gave mj the drug june 25 that killed him? If the dr says he didn’t, then he didn’t; who can argue it when no one else was in the room?


      1. I meant to cosign you Angelhair.


        it’s called negligence. & when ur pt dies bc of it U R RESPONSIBLE! he nvr should have left him. period!


    1. @pointman
      while I fully understand where you’re coming from, Dr. Conrad is still a medical professional. What doctor does not know how to administer CPR I even now how to perform CPR and I am nowhere near being in the medical profession. I do agree with you that no one knows what really happened because they were the only two in the room, with that being said if MJ to take the medication, why did the doc leave the medication alone with MJ in the room??? So many questions, not enough answers… I absolutely agree with involuntary manslaughter charge, although not intentional, he absolutely displayed a lack of responsibility…#endrant

      BTW, Good morning everyone


    2. @ point:

      the facts in this case are clear: Dr. Murray administered the intravenous sedative into Michael’s vein. No one else did that but Dr. Murray. Then he left him alone so he could talk to his baby mama on his cell phone. I can’t stress this enough that Propofol is never used in the home!! It is anesthesia that is used ONLY in an operating room to knock a patient out for surgery. You have to monitor the patient’s breathing at all times while he’s under! Let me repeat: it’s illegal to administer anesthesia outside of a hospital setting! Dr. Murray knew that but he did it anyway because he wanted the money. Then when Dr. Murray got to the hospital and the emergency room doctors asked him what he gave Michael, HE LIED about the Propofol because he knew what he did was illegal! When you put all of that together you have a case of negligent homicide.


  3. These Hollywood doctors are something else. Reminds me of Kanye’s mom. For the right price, people will do anything and everything.


    1. Hey Lexy,

      I cosign everything you said. And now Conrad is experiencing the price of greed just like the “doctor” who gave Kanye’s mom plastic surgery


  4. MJ was under Dr. Murray’s care, he got the drugs from him,, this not syrup & coke we talking about… MJ could only get the drugs from a doctor, so that Dr is responsible,,


  5. There were 100′s of doctors that MJ had giving him illegal drugs during the span of his life. I feel like its was morally wrong for Conrad to give MJ the drugs but I feel like he was only following what his patient wants. There are millions of people who go and get drugs that they do not need because they are addicts. MJ was an addict, we have to accept that.

    Conrad was merely a LEGAL drug dealer. Not saying that he shouldnt be held responsible but I dont think he should be sent to prison over this.


    1. Conrad was merely a LEGAL drug dealer. Not saying that he shouldnt be held responsible but I dont think he should be sent to prison over this.

      IMO, he shouldn’t go to prison but he should be held responsible? So if not prison then how? And administering intravenous anesthesia outside a medical facility is illegal…so Conrad was not a “legal drug dealer”.


    2. @Joann
      What I meant by legal drug dealer was that he LEGALLY able to give people drugs and write perscriptions…not like a street corner drug dealer that has to duck the police.


      1. don’t understand what him being mj has to do with anything?

        money boo, it’s all about the $$$$$$


  6. The Hippocratic Oath is an oath historically taken by doctors and other healthcare professionals swearing to practice medicine ethically


  7. This here is so traumatizing….just wow…Michael was not even here anymore even when he was alive he was just a machine…no peace in his mind whatsoever…Although I’m sad that he died the type of peace he needed could only be found with the Lord. This is what happens when you dont have anyone really in your corner to reach u. Dr. Conrad was trife as all get out but mike was unreachable…it was too late long before he died. The best interview about mike was given by Lisa Marie (look it up on youtube, the one she did with Oprah). She kept it 100.


    1. u can’t just follow what ur patient wants if its not in their best interest

      cosign, I’ve heard of doctors giving their rich patients drugs, but never in my life have I ever heard of a doctor giving a patient ANESTHESIA outside of a hospital. I’m a registered nurse, so I can tell you with absolute certainty that it’s just not done! Even Dr. Sanjay Gupta was shaking his head and chuckling on CNN last night. Giving a patient anesthesia outside of a hospital or clinic is unheard of. It’s absurd. NO doctor in his right mind would do that because he knows it would be career suicide if the patient dies


      1. cosign, I’ve heard of doctors giving their rich patients drugs, but never in my life have I ever heard of a doctor giving a patient ANESTHESIA outside of a hospital. I’m a registered nurse, so I can tell you with absolute certainty that it’s just not done! Even Dr. Sanjay Gupta was shaking his head and chuckling on CNN last night. Giving a patient anesthesia outside of a hospital or clinic is unheard of. It’s absurd. NO doctor in his right mind would do that because he knows it would be career suicide if the patient dies
        I heard that MJ called the concoction that Conrad mixed up for him “milk” and MJ would tell Conrad that he needed his “milk before going to bed every night…

        MJ was very aware of what Conrad was giving him. How do we know MJ was trying to kill HIMSELF on the low???


    1. if MJ to took the medication, why did the doc leave the medication alone with MJ in the room???

      Excatly that’s like leaving kids in a candy store. esp. since he was already a closet druugy.


  8. Yes. Dr. Conrad seriosuly violated the medical code of ethics. Alot of professions have one (client/atty priv., journalistic code of ethics in re to your sources etc.) and according to medical professionals; and not just ya’ll…he committed a SERRUS no no no no.

    *I did feel sorry for him crying yesterday. It seemed to be for real and genuine.*


  9. it’s illegal to administer anesthesia outside of a hospital setting! Dr. Murray knew that but he did it anyway because he wanted the money. Then when Dr. Murray got to the hospital and the emergency room doctors asked him what he gave Michael, HE LIED about the Propofol because he knew what he did was illegal! When you put all of that together you have a case of negligent homicide.


    1. it’s illegal to administer anesthesia outside of a hospital setting! Dr. Murray knew that but he did it anyway because he wanted the money. Then when Dr. Murray got to the hospital and the emergency room doctors asked him what he gave Michael, HE LIED about the Propofol because he knew what he did was illegal! When you put all of that together you have a case of negligent homicide.

      *COSIGN* and hence it being illegal also means the drug was OBTAINED illegally so THEREFORE as a MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL ethically he should have known better i say lock his butt up….TRUST and believe if you have surgery the anesthesiologist is SITTING right there monitoring your vitals the ENTIRE TIME!!!!! this fool was on the celly??? BOY BYE… and the family pisses me off MJ had problems and they out publicity WHORING (not the mom) plastic azz JERMAINE probably increased the drip he NEVER truly got over MJ stealing his shine LOL


      1. @ pinky

        even a licensed doctor can’t give IV anesthesia to a patient unless he’s an anesthesiologist — which Dr. Murray is not. That’s why Dr. Murray lied to the emergency room personnel about giving the anesthesia. He is criminally negligent in Michael’s death. He should go to jail for that alone.


      2. even a licensed doctor can’t give IV anesthesia to a patient unless he’s an anesthesiologist — which Dr. Murray is not. That’s why Dr. Murray lied to the emergency room personnel about giving the anesthesia. He is criminally negligent in Michael’s death. He should go to jail for that alone.
        Mrs, Street “doctors” (drug dealers)arent suppose to have oxycotin, Xanax, and other PRESCRIPTION drugs but they do…should they be blame for every drug overdose that happens? I dont think so…..


  10. This is terrible case of a bad doctor and a drug addict. Conrad was his enabler. I honestly think Michael was an addict since 1984 when he got burned. Its a shame they couldn’t get him some real help in order to save his life.


    1. Its a shame they couldn’t get him some real help in order to save his life.

      how was they gonna do that? when the nigga BLOCKED erbody who tried to intervene out? without some serious change he was destined o DIE.


      1. This is so unbelievably sad to listen to…this is WORSE than the pic yesterday…I’m gonna sit this post out…


  11. Ain’t no way MJ woke up, saw nobody around and then decided to medicate himself. He would have been too out of if for that.


  12. MJ was grown and he knew what he was putting in his bodie…Nobody was holding a gun to his head and making him do this.

    I agree that Conrad should lose his license, but I dont believe he should go to jail. MJ’s family needs to accept that their brother was a dope fiend… and that he ORDERED these drugs to be given to him. plain and simple.

    I dont blame the dope man for overdoses. Clearly they have no morals by SELLING the dope in the first place. Its like dances with the devil…you cant blame the devil when he steps on your toes….


  13. Yes the doctor was wrong for giving MJ the drugs. But at the end of the day its MJ’s fault for allowing himself to be given the drugs…

    face it!!!!!! the king of pop was a junky ya’ll.


    1. Yes, MJ was a longtime prescription drug addict. But Murray was supposed to keep him alive, not help him kill himself with Propofol. And I am NOT moved at all by Con-Man’s crocodile tears.



      1. Yes, MJ was a longtime prescription drug addict. But Murray was supposed to keep him alive, not help him kill himself with Propofol. And I am NOT moved at all by Con-Man’s crocodile tears.


        cosign and I still think he was offed to get the insurance covering a show that the promoters figured out would not happen.


      2. Michael was too far gone to make grown decisions and use logic…Thats where a licensed doctor comes in to offer guidence…Under his oath (I think yall medical professionals take one) they are instructed to always take into consideration the patients best interest at all times. The problem was when people told mike no he just replaced them. Even if it would have cost him a hefty payday “dr.” Conrad should have been smart enough to just say no…Please…Dr. Conrad was not that exclusive…he was bottom of the barrel as far as celebrity clients go…Thats why it took so long for mike to find a private physician, because the repuable ones didnt want to deal with him. Thats why he had gone thru so many doctors in the past.


      1. @Man

        I think he’ll get off simply because he was likely hired to do this shit in the first place…I still think there was a conspiracy going on to off Mike…


      2. I agree with Man and the rest of ya’ll who say Murray is gonna get off. If even one person on the jury thinks like some of ya’ll he’ll get off…


      3. the dr will prbly get 4 years
        even though 4 years isn’t long at all, the Dr will get off with an even lighter punishment. Get ready for the mud slinging and ALL the drugs MJ was on even before Conrad came into the picture. This doc aint just became careless like this either. This is y I say the plan was to off MJ all along. It was too easy. He’s addicted to drugs, all knew it. Murray’s a careless Dr, perfect.

        I do have to say though after hearing this on the radio. Dr Murray wasn’t aware of what drugs MJ was on. This was said on the radio. God that can’t be true because every physician asks you about ur med history before they do anything with you. So the docs lying. We’re the public and we all knew MJ was on something due to those severe burns in his head.

        Even still, doc aint going down for 4 years. He’ll never practice medicine again either. How does one tell a rich man no?


      4. 4 years ain’t nothing! He is guilty, by the true definition. He is the professional that got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, so to speak.

        Do your time fool.


      5. The verdict will be similar to Elvis’s doctor (nothing) or that woman that shot up John Belushi when he overdosed (15 months in prison)…


  14. MJ SOUGHT out these type of doctors that would give him illegal prescription drugs. U see he didnt go to the average doctor for these drugs cause he knew he couldnt get them. He went UNDERGROUND and found a doctor with no morals and that was money hungry who would give him the concoction he was looking for.

    MJ KNEW what the doctor was giving him. And that shit is gonna come out in court!!


    1. MJ ordered the concoction. I’m thinking that Conrad was use to giving MJ the concoction on a daily basis and figured MJ would be alright if he left and used the phone….


  15. i think he was giving him nimbex too which is a muscle relaxant, so that combined with that large dose propofol had to have been lethal. 😦


  16. so ….”dr” Conrad is saying he went to the restroom for 2 minutes max and that MJ sat up in his bed, mixed all the drugs together, took it, and stopped breathing all while he was gone…In his drug induced stupor??? naw cuz u gave it to him and he was OUT!


      1. dr” Conrad is saying he went to the restroom for 2 minutes max and that MJ sat up in his bed, mixed all the drugs together, took it, and stopped breathing all while he was gone…In his drug induced stupor???

        cosign, there is NO WAY this man did this himself. have you ever seen ppl when they come out of surgery? they’re all groggy and disoriented. i call bullshit on the Drs part.


      2. Conrad’s actions were still illegal, and he was still responsible UNDER LAW, AS A DOCTOR to ensure this man’s health! I agree with ya’ll, he should go to jail.


      3. there is NO WAY this man did this himself. have you ever seen ppl when they come out of surgery? they’re all groggy and disoriented. i call bs on the Drs part.

        Exactly! They sound and act like the able audio of MJ. Bottom line: was MJ at the point of no return? YES. Did he hire a shady doctor: *Insert Conrad Murry* YES Sould Conrad Murry have known the consequences of prescribing and giving drugs only authorized to be used in extreme medical emergencies: ABSOLUTELY! Will he pay for his crime: Prolly not, although he should and should never practice medicine again


  17. MJ wasn’t trying 2 kill himself, he wanted SLEEP,, street drugs r different than what Mike was getting, he hired that man 2 help him sleep & monitor him while he was under,, Conrad was on the phone & neglected Mike,, somebody who was trying 2 kill himself wouldn’t have put so much into a big concert & comeback,, I hope they throw Conrad under the damn jail..


  18. I think they are trying to convict him of negligent manslaughter, or something like that….meaning he probably didn’t plot to kill him, but he acted in a manner that caused a man to die and had he not acted in that way (that way involving illegal and unethical activities), a man would still be alive. He isn’t being tried for Murder 1….


    1. @Soldier

      Oh. Okay.

      I’m not sure how I feel about assisted suicide myself. I do know that there are worse things than death and some people simply cannot deal with them. As their family or as a society as a whole, who are we to tryin and force them to live a life they no longer want to live?


  19. Yes MJ was an addict. Yes he would have paid anything to get his drugs. But as a licensed medical professional, you are responsible for your patients even when you are prescribing medications to them yet alone administering the drug yourself. This drug is not even a prescription drug, we are talking about an anesthesia that should ONLY be used in a facility where proper monitoring can occur. He is definitely negligent even if he did not administer the fatal dose, he provided it and allowed this patient easy access to a drug they would not ordinarily have.



    R.I.P MJ 😦


  21. The bottom line is that both parties have to assume responsibility in the situation, MJ unfortunatley has already asuumed his responsibility with his death. Now, it’s time that Conrad Murray (I refuse to address him as a Dr.) must asuume his responsibility. MJ is not on trial here, Conrad Murray is. At the very least, he should be charged with some type of involuntary manslaughter.

    Sidenote: Kinda the same thing when two drunk people get in a car accident together and the passenger dies. Usually the family sues the driver, because yeah the passagener shouldn’t got in the car with another drunk person, but ultimately the driver is the one held accountable, because they shouldn’t have gotten behind the wheel. The BURDEN of responsibility is on the driver. Same situation here, the BURDEN of responsibility is ultimately on the doctor…..MJ was NOT A doctor-Conrad Murray was…HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN better and he has to be held negligent for his lapse in judgement as a doctor.


  22. Mike was clearly out of it…that concoction was powerful. Mike spoke in his real voice that Liza Minelli spoke about in an interview. She said the whole soft spoken high pitch voice was an act. It was truly sad that he died like he did but even more sad how he lived. He was truly a lost soul, looking for peace and he NEVER got it. You take a young boy at the age of 5 and thrust him in an adult world and he was forever lost. I found it interesting the promoter testified that Mike was out of it a practice, yet they didn’t hesitate to promote the “This is It”. The same promoter claimed they wanted the world to see how great a shape Mike was in before his death….lies!!!


    1. Ms. Wanda,
      I believe that con-rag had a moral,ethical and professional obligation to Micheal as a friend, MD professional, and a human to make Micheal go into rehab, or alert the authorities that he was in great danger. He failed badly, at all 3, and for that he should be brought to justice


  23. This shit is gonna be a trip.. This nigga seems as guilty as Casey Anthony… which of course doesn’t bode well for people that want the nigga to be convicted of murder..


  24. This demon is GUILTY as sin. I hope they throw his murderous ass in jail. I hope and pray he doesn’t get off with this. There is too much evidence against his murderous ass for him to get off.

    And if he gets off I’m going to go with the notion that this murderous piece of shyt was sent to kill Michael.

    R.I.P Michael Joseph Jackson 😦


  25. Ok so Murray

    Used Propofol outside of the hospital setting
    didn’t use proper monitoring equipment
    left him unattended
    when he found him unresponsive he didn’t call 911
    he called MJs assistant instead.
    then tried to get back onto scene to get rid of evidence

    He needs to go to jail for real


  26. I don’t think the prosecution has a slam dunk case of Murray’s actions legally amounting to MURDER. Negligence yes, which is a civil case, but murder IDTS..


    1. I just hope MJ will get justice in death
      This trial isn’t about justice. Or even about truth. It’s about people once again using Micheal to get rich and/or famous while tarnishing his already tarnished image.

      I can’t say that I won’t comment any more about it here or elsewhere but I won’t be hoping for any good to come out of this farce. All I can do is hope that Micheal is finally at peace and blissfully unaware of the bullsht that continues to circle around him even in death.


  27. Tracy aka blog queen, ya new layout got me lost!

    But that MJ audio was sad. they said his soft voice was just a front and that he really didn’t talk like that. the truth emerges


    1. they said his soft voice was just a front and that he really didn’t talk like that. the truth emerges

      yes Lisa Marie Presley put it on blast in that Oprah interview.


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