
“Al Sharpton Is The New Face Of “PoliticsNation”

The civil rights activist has gone from marching in the streets to officially being named host of a weeknight hour of “PoliticsNation,” on MSNBC.

So the question is: will Sharpton succeed as the show’s host?

Sharpton had been guest hosting in that time slot and the ratings have risen about 18 percent since the controversial Sharpton began guest hosting about two months ago.

I’m just wondering if the cable network will dictate to the civil rights activist how he will negotiate both his roles (as activist and host) and what they [the network] will allow him to do; or what they will ask him not to do, since he has taken over as an anchor on MSNBC.

I caught a segment of the show tonight and thought Sharpton did well in debate HOWEVER, he needs training on trimming down his tone and being a bit calmer with his hype; meaning: he’s using an outside voice and not a studio voice in a softer sense.

I think maybe he also needs to get use to the teleprompter because he’s cutting off his guests before they can complete or finish their statements.

Catch Sharpton nightly on PoliticsNation, check your local listings, and tell me if you think Sharpton will fare well in this new role as MSNC’s host or will he opt out and continue in his civil rights position?

In ending he said: “If PolitcsNation is not on your television, then your television is not really on”

Go head Sharpton!!!!!

135 thoughts on ““Al Sharpton Is The New Face Of “PoliticsNation””

    1. damn even sharpton has moved up and moved on, i suggest “you let it go” and do the same @Adam.

      I’m no sharpton stans but damn we hear the same shit from you whenever Tracy posts anything about this man.


      1. Ebony,
        I still don’t like what he did about the Tawana Brawley fiasco and hate that he made Bensonhurst residents all look like racists, but maybe he is changing. I will give him a chance and check out the show.


      2. as a man gets older, he becomes wiser and last i checked, we were all human and should learn from our mistakes.


    1. I have liked Al Sharpton’s show since he became guest host. I think he treats guests with respects, including Republicans, and he has really been an excellent host. I think MSNBC has made a wise choice here by choosing him.


  1. I applaud MSNBC for hiring Rev. AL, they’re stepping outside the box to get the viewers to enjoy another perspective & opinion on politics from someone whom has the intelligence to tell it like it is! 2 thumbs up for the Rev. & MSNBC.


  2. He probably took the job in order to pay the IRS the $538,000. he owes them as a result of their lien in September 2010 or his wife Kathy’s alimony from their 2004 split. I would not watch his show even if he was the only one left on TV. Sounds like he is trying to further his own agenda–next he’ll be a presidential candidate. Another one who never held a paying job for a corporation.


      1. Another one who never held a paying job for a corporation.
        He’s got one now!! >>sho you right!


  3. Great!!!
    And kudos to The Rev. Like him or NOT, we need to hear from all people not just those that are safe and he’s not safe but i’m glad he’s getting a different look on this perspective.


  4. I’m looking forward to hearing what he has to say and what he has to offer his audience. Good luck to you Mr. Sharpton. Please no hate language please. I know you have a good heart 🙂






      exactly!!!! when she had to blast him she did and when he’s doing good she’s giving him his props. so I cosign you soldier 🙂 the ‘queen’ is fair.


  6. I think its about time to have a voice such as Mr.Sharpton on a major station, Im tired of the same “polished” faces quoting campain given slogans and soft ball questions to the politians, Thank God for Mr.Sharptons strongs points of view, this will be a huge rating boost!!! Watch!


  7. I was never a fan of Al Sharptonas but have been watching him on MSNBC lately since that is when I sit down to dinner and can watch some news. I have been impressed with him and see my opinion of him is changing. I wish him nothing but luck!


  8. Sharpton turns everything into a “race” issue. Pulls the race-card out daily. Let’s see if he’ll do that on this show.


    1. It’s one thing white people don’t seem to understand, all people are not treated equally and Sharpton has been known to fight for the under-dog and will not go unless he’s called. be it black, latino or otherwise. and he’s always called a duck a damn duck and I’m seeing that many have a problem with that but if some of us would just OPEN our minds a bit, let go of the man’s past mistakes and GIVE HIM A CHANCE!!!



      1. Adam,
        The issue of race is bigger than Al Sharpton on MSNBC Boo. Even if it’s the message he delivers, it’s bigger than he is.


      2. @Danny,
        Are you kidding us? This is NOT about his skin tone or his race….Sharpton is a buffoon he cant articulate a single thought, he has no original insight. . It is about his rants and his ignorance!


      3. Ya’ll stop it!!!!!! Stop hating!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God created everyone “equal” and no one race is superior over another. We all have different gifts and talents! The sooner you accept this the better THE world, YOUR world, and OUR world will be.

        Let’s wish the man luck….


      4. I cosign Civil,

        What remains to be seen is how clean or how dirty Sharpton will play?

        He has the opportunity to be a pointed stick, which in a way he has always been… a mixed messenger… and the public has very little ability to sort out the valuable messages about justice vs injustice from the communication style and the mistakes of the messenger.


  9. I caught a segment of the show tonight and thought Sharpton did well in debate HOWEVER, he needs training on trimming down his tone and being a bit calmer with his hype; meaning: he’s using an outside voice and not a studio voice in a softer sense.

    Tracy I agree!
    Rev. Sharpton makes a good guest on msmbc but it’s hard to listen to him for an entire hour. Seems like he speaks too loudly and in sort of a monotone voice. I like the guy but I can only watch his show for about 10 minutes


    1. Yeah Cameo,
      My dad says that he thinks Rev. Sharpton has some good points, in that he has dedicated much of his time and effort to civil rights and justice. BUT he has also disgraced himself by using inflammatory rhetoric and has unjustly attacked innocent people for imagined transgressions in order to rationalize his cause of the moment, much as do the right wing cable presenters on FOX and friends.

      My father suggests that Rev. Al may have toned down his act somewhat since the election of Mr. Obama, as one would expect, but he still exists as a personification of it’s “all about him”


    1. MSNBC does sound kind of desperate @Wanda, but I’ll wait and watch until it’s been on a while before I make a judgement.


    1. sounds like our “blog queen” growing kinda sweet on Sharpton

      I was never SOUR oh him. Caught the show, liked it, in fact proud of him and wanted to open up a dialogue about it that’s all. 🙂


      1. sounds like our “blog queen” growing kinda sweet on Sharpton

        I was never SOUR oh him. Caught the show, liked it, in fact proud of him and wanted to open up a dialogue about it that’s all.

        Ok, ok…. let me not fuck wit this comment no more.
        wassup Tra? 🙂


      2. I was never SOUR oh him. Caught the show, liked it, in fact proud of him and wanted to open up a dialogue about it that’s all.

        damn Trace! You proud of him? Must be a BLACK thing?


      3. damn Trace! You proud of him? Must be a BLACK thing?

        Excuse you? I’ve followed Rev. Sharpton “in and out of media” for some time now. My mother has always been an advid follower of the man. And this move is not only one that is positive but it represents change and growth in his sector and history of politics. I haven’t always agreed with Al Sharpton and was never shy about voicing that. I’m fair and will give anyone a chance and/or the benefit of the doubt regardless of their race, creed or color. And if you’ve followed this blog long enough you’d know that I speak on all things, all subjects and all people regardless of their color.


      4. Excuse you? I’ve followed Rev. Sharpton “in and out of media” for some time now. My mother has always been an advid follower of the man. And this move is not only one that is positive but it represents change and growth in his sector and history of politics. I haven’t always agreed with Al Sharpton and was never shy about voicing that. I’m fair and will give anyone a chance and/or the benefit of the doubt regardless of their race, creed or color. And if you’ve followed this blog long enough you’d know that I speak on all things, all subjects and all people regardless of their color.



      5. Excuse you? I’ve followed Rev. Sharpton “in and out of media” for some time now. My mother has always been an advid follower of the man. And this move is not only one that is positive but it represents change and growth in his sector and history of politics. I haven’t always agreed with Al Sharpton and was never shy about voicing that. I’m fair and will give anyone a chance and/or the benefit of the doubt regardless of their race, creed or color. And if you’ve followed this blog long enough you’d know that I speak on all things, all subjects and all people regardless of their color.

        You better PREACH ~~~


      6. damn Trace! You proud of him? Must be a BLACK thing?

        Excuse you? I’ve followed Rev. Sharpton “in and out of media” for some time now. My mother has always been an advid follower of the man. And this move is not only one that is positive but it represents change and growth in his sector and history of politics. I haven’t always agreed with Al Sharpton and was never shy about voicing that. I’m fair and will give anyone a chance and/or the benefit of the doubt regardless of their race, creed or color. And if you’ve followed this blog long enough you’d know that I speak on all things, all subjects and all people regardless of their color.



      7. Excuse you? I’ve followed Rev. Sharpton “in and out of media” for some time now. My mother has always been an advid follower of the man. And this move is not only one that is positive but it represents change and growth in his sector and history of politics. I haven’t always agreed with Al Sharpton and was never shy about voicing that. I’m fair and will give anyone a chance and/or the benefit of the doubt regardless of their race, creed or color. And if you’ve followed this blog long enough you’d know that I speak on all things, all subjects and all people regardless of their color.

        Trace you have allways kept it 100….


      8. Excuse you? I’ve followed Rev. Sharpton “in and out of media” for some time now. My mother has always been an advid follower of the man. And this move is not only one that is positive but it represents change and growth in his sector and history of politics. I haven’t always agreed with Al Sharpton and was never shy about voicing that. I’m fair and will give anyone a chance and/or the benefit of the doubt regardless of their race, creed or color. And if you’ve followed this blog long enough you’d know that I speak on all things, all subjects and all people regardless of their color.

        Blog Queen, you better PREACH BITCH


      9. Excuse you? I’ve followed Rev. Sharpton “in and out of media” for some time now. My mother has always been an advid follower of the man. And this move is not only one that is positive but it represents change and growth in his sector and history of politics. I haven’t always agreed with Al Sharpton and was never shy about voicing that. I’m fair and will give anyone a chance and/or the benefit of the doubt regardless of their race, creed or color. And if you’ve followed this blog long enough you’d know that I speak on all things, all subjects and all people regardless of their color.

        Tracy ripped a new ass hole into somebody!!!!!!!


  10. Big mistake. I admire Rev. Sharpton don’t get me wrong, but he is just not very good at hosting the show. Tried to watch it several times and just turned it off.


    1. DAYUM!!!!! Google it, Yahoo it or Bing it (Take your pick)

      “Al Sharpton” radio show

      Short answer: Yes, he does.

      I don’t follow it, but, I’ve heard it.


  11. Catch Sharpton nightly on PoliticsNation, check your local listings, and tell me if you think Sharpton will fare well in this new role or will he opt out and continue in his civil rights position.

    Yeah, maybe for people who want to watch a train wreck. Soon enough and MSNBC will boot him.


  12. Wow so many people taking their time to comment about the Rev. Al Sharpton on the ceo blog, which is “proof” that he has drawing power to the masses and that his face on msnbc will contribute greatly to the increase his ratings.


  13. “civil rights leader” my ass!!!!!!
    This has nothing to do with his role (S) but about the $$$$$$$ This is a real RISE for the REV.


    1. Exactly!!!! Congratulations!!! He’s not only growing but he’s moving up to all things good and better. I just pray he will remain humble. 🙂


  14. I’m sorry, I generally enjoy watching the MSNBC shows, but I cannot stand listening to Sharpton. I don’t want to be too insulting to the guy because I think he’s at least genuine, but he is an awful speaker. He may say really insightful things and bring up great points, but I can’t get over how he sounds. It’s just painful to listen to, and I just want to tell him to spit it out. wow


  15. Nothing against Sharpton, but as others here have commented, he’s odd, or just blatantly stupid? he is an incompetent interviewer.
    For example: On the east coast earthquake; he asked a guest geologist his thoughts on how it might have been worse; the response, “if it would’ve been of a stronger magnitude”.
    But more power to him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  16. Not too long ago Al Sharpton was asked if The Tawana Brawley incident was all a hoax and he stammered about and changed the subject. For him to say it was all made for him to make money would be admitting that he used the race card in the most abhorant way to further his career and fill his bank account. He was charged with and found guilty of slander and let black businessment pay the man he slandered. He is a liar and cheat. He tried to destroy people to get his agenda furthered.


    1. @Ace,
      Damn your comment is like so ten years ago, and it sounds like it hasn’t change.
      While I don’t know the Al Sharpton that you know, the man you knew as Al Sharpton back then may have grown up. so like some of the rest of the haters on him, let it go!!! get over it!


  17. If George Bush can be elected president, twice, I think Al Sharpton is qualified to have a cable news show.



  18. Sharpton is far more of a self promoter, headline grabber than a civil rights leader/activist. This is the nail in MSNBC coffin imo.


  19. I would like to know when he is going to have Tawana Brawley on his show so they both can apologize to the nation and especially they people they slandered.


    1. If I hear one more comment about brawley, benson heights and any of the other TIRIED shit from Sharpton’s past Ima SCREAM gotdamnit!!!!!!!


  20. Oh this will be good!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    MSNBC are genuises. people will flock to his show to hear what shocking stuff will come out Mr. Sharpton’s mouth.


    1. he just said tonight, he’s not going to be “all stiff” and uptight at the teleprompter but will keep it real! and he’s doing just that.


      1. some people are never satisfied, when he didn’t have a job people were still bitching now he’s making an honest living and ya’ll (ADRIANE) still bitching.



  21. In ending he said: “If PolitcsNation is not on your television, then your television is not really on”

    Go head Sharpton!!!!!

    LOL 🙂 OK.


  22. Congratulations to Rev. Al *slick perm* Sharpton. All things must change nothing should remain the same fam.

    Good morning.


    1. He sounded better yesterday @Tra…he musta READ what you said LOL
      I was thinking the same thing @Random as I tuned in. He seemed better and a little toned down just as Tracy suggested. I’m also starting to view him in a new light.


      1. @jojo, he did seem a little polished. and you know how ms. bell is, if you’re ghetto she’s instantly TURNED OFF!!!



      2. @jojo, he did seem a little polished. and you know how ms. bell is, if you’re ghetto she’s instantly TURNED OFF!!!

        I’m glad Tracy’s giving the man a chance and bloggin about the show. I expect to hear her commentary about him and the show weekly. *hint-hint*


      3. I’m glad Tracy’s giving the man a chance and bloggin about the show. I expect to hear her commentary about him and the show weekly. *hint-hint*

        if she does, she will LOSE adam as a ceo follower.


      4. I’m glad Tracy’s giving the man a chance and bloggin about the show. I expect to hear her commentary about him and the show weekly. *hint-hint*




      5. I’m glad Tracy’s giving the man a chance and bloggin about the show. I expect to hear her commentary about him and the show weekly. *hint-hint*

        once in a while yeah i can see but every week? hell to the um..NO


      6. I’m glad Tracy’s giving the man a chance and bloggin about the show. I expect to hear her commentary about him and the show weekly. *hint-hint*

        At the end of every show he ends with a punch line and yesterday he said something like, “a republican showing up at a democratic funtion is like him attending a “tea party” drinking coffee” I was rollin when he said that!!! 🙂


      7. I’m glad Tracy’s giving the man a chance and bloggin about the show. I expect to hear her commentary about him and the show weekly. *hint-hint*

        if she does, she will LOSE adam as a ceo follower.

        who cares, adam is only one out of many

        Morning fam.


      8. who cares, adam is only one out of many

        yep and adam gon still come in here n voice his opinion whenever he gets ready to…too…Tracy ain’t ban me so why not?????? I don’t have to agree with everything she post just like i don’t agree w/some of the comments. that’s why this is called a BLOG to share opinions and open up dialagoue.


      9. yep and adam gon still come in here n voice his opinion whenever he gets ready to…too…Tracy ain’t ban me so why not?????? I don’t have to agree with everything she post just like i don’t agree w/some of the comments. that’s why this is called a BLOG to share opinions and open up dialagoue.

        i agree and still respect you for that.



        I always do….RESPECT MY OPINION is all I’m gonna say.


    1. Not a fan but I’ve been tuning in. Good for the Rev and kudos to him he seem to be getting better.

      don’t be a hypocrite…. either you like the man or you don’t.


  23. Catch Sharpton nightly on PoliticsNation, check your local listings, and tell me if you think Sharpton will fare well in this new role as MSNC’s host or will he opt out and continue in his civil rights position?

    imo, i think he’ll continue to maintain BOTH positions. caught the show yesterday and i’m digging it so far.


    1. Seems to me like you have softened your stance on Rev Al Sharpton Mizz Tracy… WOW!

      I think she has too. 🙂 I think she like him better in this type of role. But hey like somebody said “people change” I’m digging the show myself. In fact, I think “BLOG QUEEN’S” turning alot of her readers on to the show as well….and that’s always a good look.


      1. I think she has too

        I don’t EVER remember Tra hatin on this man. she’s criticized him based upon his actions publicly but never has she been hateful regarding him IMO.


      2. @Chef “what’s his name, ain’t you dat nicca???? You ever cooked for Trace? I bet you haven’t…who you???? How you know Trace? You know Trace personally? I know you don’t.


      3. Seems to me like you have softened your stance on Rev Al Sharpton Mizz Tracy

        Carl, all we gotta do is type “SHAPTON” in her SEARCH box and find out! cause “I cosign” you my brotha i think she has.


      4. Seems to me like you have softened your stance on Rev Al Sharpton Mizz Tracy…

        @Chef Carl, But wouldn’t you be the one who would really know that? Since I’m thinking her connection to Sharpton is THRU YOU? am I wrong?


      5. Seems to me like you have softened your stance on Rev Al Sharpton Mizz Tracy… WOW!

        @Carl & Omar, it takes a really big person to support and congratulate someone they ain’t crazy about…Not saying that Tra hate him but she’s giving credit where CREDIT IS DUE!!!!!!!!!


  24. I love the show, caught it yesterday and I SWEAR it’s like the REV took heed to everything BLOG QUEEN wrote LMAO!!!!! But that’s a GOOD THING!


    1. Yeah @Corp, I’m starting to change my mind about him myself. His new image is actually working on my concious 🙂 guess it’s TRUE you should never judge a book by its cover. and NO we don’t him personally but I’m likeing the show.


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