
“Bishop Eddie Long Is Talking Because His Accusers Are”

Jamal Parris, 24, and Spencer Legrande, 23, are speaking out about their experiences with Long, despite signing a confidentiality agreement. And Bishop Eddie Long wasted no time responding to his accusers yesterday.

Apparently, Long’s accusers aren’t happy with the terms of the structured settlement they agreed upon earlier this year. They thought their $2 million settlements spread out over 20 years was a generous amount — until they started spending the cash and discovered that $100,000 doesn’t go a long way when you’re greedy and have extravagant tastes.

In a message to his congregation posted on the church’s website, Long wrote:

New Birth Members,

We have a long history of dutifully serving those in need in the local and global communities and we will continue to do so. We are committed to the calling of a strong, viable and relevant ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately, we are in the media again and people are wondering what I am going to say. All I have to say is what we stated earlier. All parties involved decided to resolve the civil cases out of court. The decision was made to bring closure to this matter and allow us to move forward with the plans God has for this ministry.

I will continue to honor and abide by my commitment of confidentiality and restraint as it relates to the resolution of the civil litigation and will not be diverted from the important work of the ministry.

94 thoughts on ““Bishop Eddie Long Is Talking Because His Accusers Are””

  1. “We have a long history of dutifully serving those in need in the local and global communities and we will continue to do so”

    Translation: I have a long history or servicing young men in the community and will continue to do so


      1. “All parties involved decided to resolve the civil cases out of court. The decision was made to bring closure to this matter and allow us to move forward with the plans God has for this ministry”

        Translation: the church paid them lil bastards off so that I can move forward with my plans to bring in new, tight glutes, young tenders and
        show them what it’s like to be touched by “love”


      2. “All parties involved decided to resolve the civil cases out of court. The decision was made to bring closure to this matter and allow us to move forward with the plans God has for this ministry”

        Translation: the church paid them lil bastards off so that I can move forward with my plans to bring in new, tight glutes, young tenders and
        show them what it’s like to be touched by “love”

        LMAO —- I. Can’t!!!


  2. “We have a long history of dutifully serving those in need in the local and global communities and we will continue to do so”

    Translation: Those lil sons of bytches are runnin they damn mouth again and ya’ll wonderin if I’m gon tell the truth and all I have to say is what I said earlier… I did not take advantage of any young, ripe , impressionable, fatherless male


      1. Translation: Those lil sons of bytches are runnin they damn mouth again and ya’ll wonderin if I’m gon tell the truth and all I have to say is what I said earlier… I did not take advantage of any young, ripe , impressionable, fatherless male
        I believe them boys and I hope that they do write a book, and do a movie. Bishop needs to be exposed, he is still lying to his congregatyion, family etc….


  3. It continues to boggle my mind how impossible it is for him to state that he is innocent of any wrongdoing…for that and that alone I STILL have no respect for anything he has to say…


  4. Uh huh. You better shut up. Look, he messed with the wrong dudes. That’s his fault. He’s the one that got them hooked on the finer things knowing darn well they couldn’t afford it without him footing the bill. There was no way to win with all those guys. And soon as that secret 5th one spends up his money he’ll be talking too. Even if he paid them all of the money up front they still would have blown through it in no time and started talking. He’s an idiot. Luckily for him he’s got a church full of people even more idiotic than he is.


    1. Uh huh. You better shut up. Look, he messed with the wrong dudes. That’s his fault. He’s the one that got them hooked on the finer things knowing darn well they couldn’t afford it without him footing the bill.

      Sounds like what pimps do….

      I hope they write a ‘tell all’…and make a movie off it….He needs to be exposed and not be able to hide behind his money to cover it up….

      What boggles me is HOW can people STILL attend his church and CONTINUE to pay HIM tithes every week! 😦 THAT chit is mind blowing….


      1. @Bird

        I honestly don’t understand how anyone can follow his ministry with a clear conscience. Honestly! I mean if he was innocent and none of this stuff was true he would have fought this in criminal court and would have vehemently denied all charges and maintained that he was innocent…this muhfuggah been slick with his shyt and he’s choosing to avoid the topic by throwing out a bullshyt commentary… LMAO 🙂 <===== @folks who still attend New Birth and still think Eddie is innocent…


  5. “I will continue to honor and abide by my commitment of confidentiality and restraint as it relates to the resolution of the civil litigation and will not be diverted from the important work of the ministry.”

    Translation: I will not release the videa tapes of these young men applying lubrication to their own anuses and performing lewd and sexual dances for my amusement. I am now focused on new booty and my attention to that will not be averted.


    1. I believe when these victims begin to write their tell all, that’s when B.E.L. will step down. I hope sooner than later. Just to show his sheeple that he is definitely GUILTY! Boy I tell you, this really makes Christians look stupid really stupid


  6. And because he has all those idiots in his church and he settled with those guys which closes the civil case, he should just admit it. Pour his heart out to those idiots in his church and tell them the Lord is helping him get through and exercise those demons from his life. In fact, maybe he should have an exorcism at one of the Sunday services. Do a special service at the football arena. No doubt legions would still follow him and then he would have taken the power from his former lovers.


    1. Pinky,
      And what’s sad is his church could see the tapes and would say somthing like the flesh is weak, let he without sin cast the first stone, blah blah blah.


      1. what’s sad is his church could see the tapes and would say somthing like the flesh is weak, let he without sin cast the first stone, blah blah blah.

        Let the church say AMEN!

        I’m not even going to lie. A lot of what has been going on in these churches these days has really kept me away from them. Not away from God b/c I’ve always been very spiritual in my own right but religion and sitting in a church amongst a bunch of brainwashed, hypocrites. I’m not even interested.


      2. @Jamilla
        People have to know the word for themselves. People say we aren’t supposed to judge, but you use judgements to make decisions on a daily basis. I choose to use my good judgement and common sense to stay away from this predatory wolf in sheep’s clothing. Also, there is a HUGE difference between judging and correcting.


      3. People say we aren’t supposed to judge, but you use judgements to make decisions on a daily basis.

        🙂 cosign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      4. @ Harlem

        Agreed. I also say that there’s a fine line between what’s a judgement and an opinion. In my judgement/opinion most of these churches are out to get paid. There is sooooooooo much homosexuality, greed, fornication, adultery etc. going on in the church. Hell, I can go to the club for all of that. I’ve just been really turned off from the “religious” side of things for these very reasons. It’s rampant in the Catholic church, Baptist, even the damn Mormons have crazy shyt going on. I’m just more into spirituality than religion.


      5. @Jamilla, I attend church reg and I am not brainwashed at all never have been or will be. Just cause you attend church doesn’t mean you aren’t spiritual either I believe in corporate worship and I also believe in having my own personal relationship w/God. I respect those who don’t attend/like church but to label all church goers is a bit much IMO.

        You don’t need an excuse not to attend church #petpeeve


      6. Let me also add the world is full of hypocrites from work to your neighborhood but you still go to work and home everyday again nobody needs an excuse not to attend church


      7. @Daisy

        what you said is true, but we are also told to stay away from evil and those who go against the teachings of Christ and not to even wish them God Speed as it is like cosigning their bad deeds.

        I attend church. However the members I fellowship with are all displaying that they follow the word of God. I’m not with them 24/7, but we are all on one accord spiritually. First and foremost we follow the sabbath on the 7th day. Most Christian churches refuse to go against the tide and hold worship services on the true holy day. That tells me all I need to know there. I am no Jehovah’s witness or Seventh Day Adventist or any of that, but if we can’t follow ten commandments I know it’s not the place for me.

        Ok I’m gone for real this time.


      8. @ Daisy

        What I said was a general statement not directed at EVERY churchgoer. Not to keep beating a dead horse but this is the reason that some people get offended all quick.

        People tend to believe that one persons comment is directed straight at them and it may be but it also may not be. Again, my opinion WAS NOT directed at all churchgoer’s it was just a general ststement. It’s something I’ve seen in the majority and is my judgement/opinion. LOL

        It’s a generalization…nothing more nothing less. If you feel you’re not the type of church person I generalized then my comment wasn’t about you nor was it for you.


      9. harlem,
        There is a diff in calling a false witness out and throwing shots at all church members. I didn’t say anybody shld co sign Bishop Longs action. I like going to church on Sun be it the right day or not I don’t get caught up in sat/sun etc as long as your heart/praise n worship is pure have at it.


      10. @jamilla, I didn’t think your comment was directed at me I just wanted to give the other viewpoint of church.

        I understand it was your opinion and I gave mine in response. Like I said I respect those who don’t like/have a negative view abt the church. Its far from perfect but I still believe in it and God.

        Although I don’t condone what Bishop did as a christian I do feel he has the right to forgivness like any other human. I just want him to admit and confess *sighs* oh well such is life

        I don’t have a heaven or hell to put anybody in


      11. @ Daisy.

        Understood. And for the record I definitely believe in Good, Jesus, the Holy Spirit…the whole shebang. I’m a Christian (non-denomination) but I’ve been turned off of church for the moment. I think it happens to us all at some point but many are too afraid to admit it but for me it is what it is. I’m not an atheist or devil worshipper. God knows my heart and knows what’s up and he knows why I’m not in church at the moment. I just felt the need to express the way I felt with the SR fam.

        Again, I do see you’re point and respect it.


  7. “I will continue to honor and abide by my commitment of confidentiality and restraint as it relates to the resolution of the civil litigation and will not be diverted from the important work of the ministry.”</em"
    Translation : “I aint admitting to shit!!! cause if I did then my ass will be in more than just civil trouble…I WILL however CONTINUE to lie to my congregation and take their money and fuck any lil boy that comes to me for mentoring.. the media needs to get over it ….it my fault I have a powerful tongue….”


  8. I see Eddie Longfellow still rocking that “slo glo” …

    I refuse to call him bishop… Anyhow i’ll exit this post with his theme music…

    Just let your Slo Glo, ohh it all so silky smooth, just let it shine through yeah… Just let your slo glo….. Slo Glo….

    Now listed at your local Walmart under rollback savings.. 🙂 LMMFAO!!!!


  9. I think all of them are nothing but hustlers, Long included. He hustles the church and these former angry lovers hustled him. They all deserve each other.


  10. Eddie Long – Unfortunately, we are in the media again and people are wondering what I am going to say. All I have to say is what we stated earlier.

    Congregation – “We?”…nah nigga, they tombout yo ass…literally


      1. I wonder if he hitting Ms Eddie Long from the back every night from withdrawls

        I wouldnt let that nigga touch me with a ten foot pole….I’d be in a separate part of the house and the only time we’d speak is after church when he bring home that money from the day’s “message.”

        I’d be taking so many trips around the world that folks would think I’m dead….I’d make his life miserable…like saying no to anything that he ask…..I’d start drinking and smoking….anything to tarnish his “wholesome” life…..cause at this point their perfect life is a shame and he has totally ruined that lady’s life….

        I’d do everything but divorce him……


      2. I’d do everything but divorce him……
        Well that part I agree too, but I wouldnt tarnish my own image in the process of attempting to tarnish his. I would probably no longer sleep with him or in the same room for that matter. Our association would be very limited


      3. yall don’t know what’s going on behind that man’s closed doors. his wife may very well be treating him like shit but no matter what, i believe she knows his truth and that is he’s GAY!!!!!!!


      4. @Coco her fukking image is tarnished every damn Sunday she sits front row at New Birth and supports this pedophile…..she might as well be free and get loose…shit he done done MORE than his share of busting loose (pun intended) on the church’s dime….


      5. Lexy,
        No her image is not tarnished not in my opinion. She is a woman supporting her husband, all is well with her and her GOD Im sure unless she knew all along and participated/supported his foul actions.


      6. No her image is not tarnished not in my opinion. She is a woman supporting her husband, all is well with her and her GOD Im sure unless she knew all along and participated/supported his foul actions.

        well then coco, she’s really a fuckin fool cause he couldn’t even honor their marraige. and trust me, a women knows when her man is cheating whether it’s with a man or with another woman.


      7. @coco – Well he’s already done a perfect job at tarnishing his image! I’d probably be smoking and drinking due to stress. He would be speaking to my lawyer. I refuse to stay with a male (He lacks the worthiness of being called a man, let alone a Bishop) accused of sexaul anything with other males. Standing by your man is good, but I I draws the line with domestic abuse and homosexaulity.


      8. Mrs Schlong (of Eddie Long) is in on it too for her own selfish reasons.. I agree with one of the comments above.. he should step down and admit he has an attraction to young boys.. get help and save himself from damnation.. that in itself would speak volume to his congregation


  11. He’s bassically saying, “Yeah, I did it but we decided to settle out of court. All parties were told to STFU about what happened and I’m keeping to my end of the deal but them niggas got loose lips.” <———-no pun intended.


  12. i dont think he realizes that settling made him look guilty especially after the trannie came into the picture with his name tattooed on his wrist.


  13. kneegrow please! I hope u walk out in shame from your house of worship. You shouldnt be preaching to anybody but a mirror in your bathroom. Shame people still follow.


  14. What boggles me is HOW can people STILL attend his church and CONTINUE to pay HIM tithes every week! THAT shit is mind blowing….


    1. What boggles me is HOW can people STILL attend his church and CONTINUE to pay HIM tithes every week! THAT shit is mind blowing….
      I was just thinking the same thing. They cannot be that gullible. Some people just believe what they WANT to believe.


      1. I’m trying to figure out if the church SAW a tape of this man n another DUDE how could they make excuses….well I guess the black community did the same for R. Kelly….maybe we thought the piss was water and not urine… Black people tend to believe what we want and not what we see in front of us….

        I guess thats how we got through 400 yrs of slavery… :shurg:


      2. I’m trying to figure out if the church SAW a tape of this man n another DUDE how could they make excuses
        Eddie Long has a sex tape?


  15. I saw those 2 young men on TV and what I saw were 2 angry, broken men. Obviously they have been offered a lot more money than what New Birth paid out because they have no fear of losing what they won in the negotiations. I hope all involved get the psychological help they all so badly need and finally have some peace in their lives.


    1. Which is all the more reason he should step down IMO How many of us go to GOD in confession and turn around and maintain the same behavior ..I know Im unfortunately guilty of that Furthermore I would not want to be lead by someone that cant even admit to his church ANY wrongdoing or blame… Everything I have heard out of his mouth is what he aint doing or hasnt done


      1. I have a question: If he confessed to God, isn’t that enough. Or as a pastor he owes the community more?

        It could be enough if he atoned, but he can’t lie about it and of course technically he hasn’t because he has never once said he didn’t do it. I give him a little credit for that, but he still knows his flock is mislead.


      2. I have a question: If he confessed to God, isn’t that enough. Or as a pastor he owes the community more?


        In some cases.. but sense he hurt others, he should make amends with them, sincerely apologize because we as people need to helps others, especially Sheppard’s for GOD.. that’s our point of being here on earth..imo sometimes we hurt people and then they turn around and hurt others. He should break that vicious cycle before it gets out of hand


      3. I have a question: If he confessed to God, isn’t that enough. Or as a pastor he owes the community more?


        For the average person just confessing to God should be enough, but he is a man of the cloth, which means he is held MORE accountable for his actions…this is stated in the bible. Thus, if he is maintaining an image as though nothing went on with these boys, when indeed it did, his congregation has a right to know who is leading them. I’m not saying that he OWES anything to them, but he likely needs to step down if he doesn’t want to address it any further…it’s too much of a distraction…


      4. it’s too much of a distraction…
        I agree, he should have enough decency to step down…if he aint gonna admit it….That’s the part that is sickening…IMO he has NO respect for his congergation….AT ALL!!


      5. IMO he has NO respect for his congergation….AT ALL!!

        please he believe he’s above them people. are u 4real


      6. Hey @all

        I agree…but Eddie Schlong’s sick love affair with money and worldly possessions will never leave him humble enough to do the right thing…he needs to strip himself down (not literally) to the child of God that existed before all the flashy cars, money, jewelry, jets, etc. He has one of the biggest sins holding him prisoner, and that is the sin of PRIDE…


      7. He has one of the biggest sins holding him prisoner, and that is the sin of PRIDE…

        now you said it!!!!!!!!!!


  16. As much as the congregation is trying to “Stand By Him” I promise ya’ll if tomorrow he announced that he is planning a youth group trip… The bus for that trip would be empty….


  17. He wrote that letter in true Business 101 fashion. You begin and end the letter with a subject in no relation to the topic, and put the meat in the middle. His pulpit is not by faith, but by business. I am not impressed or amused, just shaking my damn head at the bullshit.


  18. NBCI and The Black Church
    Are Embarrassed By Bishop Eddie Long
    Sanctions Should Be Imposed On Bishop Long For Abuse
    Washington DC – The National Black Church Initiative (NBCI), a faith-based coalition of 34,000 churches
    comprised of 15 denominations and 15.7 million African Americans, is outraged that Bishop Eddie Long has
    settled his sexual abuse case out of court. The accusations of the four teenage boys in this case are too serious to
    not be brought to light – Bishop Long himself even asserted that he would fight the case to prove his innocence.
    The truth was not illuminated. Justice was not achieved.
    Despite the fact that Bishop Long is not an NBCI member, we monitor the behavior of all clergy as it reflects on
    the Church as a whole. Christian leaders must set an example of the moral code preached to the faithful – abuse
    cannot be tolerated. This case, combined with the decades of scandals within the Catholic Church, tarnishes the
    reputation of the Church. Pope Benedict XVI has admitted that “the greatest persecution of the church doesn’t
    come from enemies on the outside but is born from the sin within the church.” The Protestant Church cannot
    afford to experience the same breach of trust, scandalous abuse of power and lack of transparency. Bishop Long’s
    refusal to adjudicate this case in the court system is a glaring illustration of guilt – one that the church cannot
    afford to endorse.
    Rev. Anthony Evans, President of NBCI says, “”NBCI does not hesitate to condemn clergy who abuse the trust
    given to them by their parishioners. We have worked diligently to partner with organizations to prevent abuse and
    counsel the abused – SNAP, the Survivors Network for those Abused by Priests, is doing particularly good work to
    protect those abused by the faith-based community. We de-fellowship Bishop Long and his church for three years
    for condoning this behavior – we can ill afford to allow abusers in the House of God. His position, after time,
    should be restored by members of his congregation.”
    About NBCI
    The National Black Church Initiative (NBCI) is a coalition of 34,000 African American and Latino churches working to
    eradicate racial disparities in healthcare, technology, education, housing, and the environment. NBCI’s mission is to provide
    critical wellness information to all of its members, congregants, churches and the public. NBCI offers faith-based, out-of-thebox
    and cutting edge solutions to stubborn economic and social issues. NBCI’s programs are governed by credible statistical
    analysis, science based strategies and techniques, and methods that work. Visit our website at http://www.naltblackchurch.com


      1. cosign feefee, she don’t like the KK’s, Bey and sharpton.

        naw i think the flip side is sharpton’s her boy.


      2. waiting for Tracy to post about Beyonce’s pregnacy

        um nobody’s cares about that. justasayin#


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