CEO's Blog, Live entertainment, Short Film, Slow news day

Cyrus Webb in the film “Broken Silence”

Loyal CEO reader “Jamilla”, is the winner of a complimentary copy of my book “Conversations Of A Sistah“…The punch line in Cyrus Webb’s script that Jamilla guessed and had me rolling was “Be back to scoop you in 20 😆

Enjoy the read Jamilla and thank you for being a loyal reader and follower!


You all know Mr. Cyrus Webb right? Executive Producer of “Conversations Of A Sistah” and President and Founder of “Conversations Media Group”.

Well anyway, Cyrus makes his first acting debut in the short film above “Broken Silence”. Cyrus says one punch line in his script that had me rolling…If you can guess the punch line, you’ll win a complimentary copy of one of my books.

So sound off!!!! Oh and for those of you who don’t know, Mr. Webb is wearing the light blue shirt and eye glasses.