2014 Senate Seat, Corey Booker, New Jersey, Politics

From Newark’s Superman to the U.S. Senate


Newark Mayor Cory Booker has his sights set on greener pastures and it’s definitely beyond Broad Street in Newark, New Jersey. The second term Mayor of the brick city, formerly announced he’s in the race to finish the U.S. Senate term of the late Frank Lautenberg.

It seems as if Booker has lost his zest for the city of Newark and is no longer challenged by the constant antics for seeking media attention and prestige off of its good citizens. Guess he was tired of leaping into burning buildings by a single bound and saving senior citizens from fires that were never set ablaze.

Booker, 44, felt a political void and “played out” with nothing left to do in using a city of people who were no longer of interest to him. Aside from his alleged 1.4 million followers on Twitter and the fade of his failed reality show, Booker has long since been searching for something new. He’s tired of exploiting Newark as “YA-Mayor-ship; therefore Booker has to try and light those political embers again to prove his relevance.

Lautenberg’s corpse is not even set in his grave good and already the political vultures are vying for his seat.

My question is, what has Corey Booker done for the city of Newark that would define his legacy and set his trail to the Senate seat?

In my opinion, I think he’s fanned the flames but never put out the fire!