Conversations Of A Sistah, Light skin vs. Dark skin

“For Some, Bleaching Is The New Beautiful” on ‘Conversations Of A Sistah”

In many different cultures and countries around the world, skin color plays a huge role in the concept of beauty. Lighter skin is often preferable to darker skin. The effects of the African American self-hate toward each other because of ones skin color is rather eye opening and sad, to say the least. This is a very hot and taboo topic among the African American community.

As a culture that came from years of oppression and hatred inflicted by slave owners, forced to think that because of their color, they were inferior, blacks have somehow reverted back to having this sort of mindset which is, in fact, hurting them as a whole. With no thanks to the media and its influence on what is seen as beautiful, Black America is tearing itself apart when it focuses on such a shallow aspect of a person that they cant control.

Join Host Tracy L. Bell at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” for her commentary “For Some, Bleaching Is The New Beautiful“.

We will be taking your calls on this subject at 1-917-889-7872. See you on the air!!

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