Blog talk radio, Conversations Of A Sistah, Law and order, RESPECT YOURSELF, Tracy L. Bell, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio, You Tube Videos

Are teens lacking RESPECT? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

“Conversations Of A Sistah” is back with a vengeance and ready to tackle a serious subject and conversation at hand; are teenagers lacking respect and reverence for those in authority? Where is the RESPECT that follows an elder in position?

My topic comes as a disturbing video surfaced online of a ninth grade Paterson, New Jersey student who attacked his teacher in the classroom for confiscating his cell phone during class. The attack which was captured on video shown above, has gone viral on Facebook and youtube and shows the student slamming his 62 year old teacher to the floor in an effort to retrieve his cell phone back. The 23-second video shows the 16-year-old with his arms wrapped around the teacher, knocking him into an empty desk.

The district filed a complaint against the student earlier this week, a spokes­woman said, and Paterson police said they arrested him at his home on Friday.

He said the teacher apparently confiscated the phone — which belonged to the assailant — from another student. The principal said students are allowed to use cellphones in class for academic purposes, but staff may take the devices and return them at the end of the day if students use them for other reasons.

Many questions have been raised since this incident such as; who are the boys parents? Why is a lack of disrespect evident in the teens behavior? And should the parents be held accountable?

Join me tonight at 6:30 p.m. on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via Blog Talk for this much needed discussion.

I will be taking your phone calls on the subject at 1-917-889-7872. Please press “1” to speak with me the host.

All “Conversation” links in this post will access the show…see you on the air!

Campaign, Conversations Of A Sistah, ReadyWriter Production Company, RESPECT YOURSELF

ReadyWriter Production Company adds “Respect Yourself Campaign”

ReadyWriter Production Company is proud to present “A RESPECT YOURSELF” Campaign to raise awareness of the importance to “RESPECT” one’s self as well as others.

In today’s society it is very common to insult someone based upon their race, creed or individual preferences. If it’s easy to disrespect someone all in the attitude of hatred or dislike, it should be just as easy to respect another individual as a human being.

For disrespect is not something to accept.

“In recognizing the humanity of our fellow beings, we pay ourselves the highest tribute, when we RESPECT ourselves and one another.”

A lack of self-respect can prevent one from fulfilling their potential and developing healthy relationships. Often we respect individuals who are more accomplished than ourselves however, there is a basic level of respect that is a right and does not need to be earned.

Whatever you believe to be respect, apply it to yourself, don’t harm yourself or hurt yourself but instead, respect yourself!

Every individual is different and unique in their own right. It will always be impossible to respect someone else, if you can’t respect yourself first!

When it starts with you, respect is due!

And it’s a powerful thing, when respect you bring…

So join in with us… for it is health and strive each day to respect yourself!

Order your RESPECT YOURSELF wristbands (as shown here!)


On our website at