Mike Brown, Police, Police Shooting

Ferguson Awaits as grand jury has reached it’s decision.


The grand jury has been meeting for more than three months now and has been released as the announcement is due to come in the Michael Brown shooting shortly. Law enforcement all over the country are on alert based upon the pending outcome of their decision, as to whether or not policeman Darren Wilson will be indicted for killing the unarmed teen.

Michael Brown was shot and killed by Wilson on August 9th in Ferguson, Missouri in a barbaric manner.

In the meantime, businesses, office buildings have all been boarded up, schools will have early dismissal, while Ferguson police officers along with the National Guard is on hand to subdue any outbreaks of violence brought on by disruptive protest.

The Brown family has been notified of the grand jury’s decision and their press conference will come immediately following.

Stay tuned.

Controversy, Demonstration, Discrimination, Mike Brown, Racial tension, racial unrest, Racist

It is going to get messy in Ferguson, Mo!

Mike Brown Darren Wilson

The cop who fatally shot unarmed teen Michael Brown set off a wave of protests in Ferguson, Mo.— all because he told investigators he feared for his life when he pulled the trigger that killed the unarmed teen.

Darren Wilson testified before a grand jury over this case, that Mike Brown punched, pushed, scratched and reached for his gun, which led to him gunning down and unloading six bullets into the teen, killing him out of anger.

Wilson told federal officials that Brown shoved him in his SUV, then grabbed his gun. The teens blood was found on Wilson’s gun, his uniform and in the SUV.

Wilson testified for four hours before a grand jury last month, which means this case is already being favored to side on Wilson’s testimony alone, although his version of events contradict what several other witnesses said about the incident that day.

The prosecutors leading this case are ex policeman, with the head prosecutor, whose father  was killed by a black man. The citizens of Ferguson, MO as well as Brown’s parents already know Wilson will not be indicated.

There will be NO JUSTICE in this case, which is why the officials in Ferguson will have NO PEACE!

Mike Brown, Missouri News, Murder, Racial tension, racial unrest

Missouri Teen Laid to Rest



Mike Brown the 18 year old unarmed teen, who was executed by a Ferguson, Missouri police officer was laid to rest yesterday, in an emotional and moving service attended by over two thousand mourners.

In a rousing speech, the Rev. Al Sharpton reminded mourners that 18-year-old Brown “should be in his second week of college.” And described how Brown’s body was left on the street for hours after he was killed “like nobody cared about him, like he didn’t have any loved ones, like his life value didn’t matter.”

We’re required in his name to change this country,” Sharpton said to cheers. “Justice is going to come! Justice is going to come! Justice is going to come!”

The vast majority of mourners at the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church were African-American and many said they were deeply moved by the funeral.

Brown’s stepmother shared how Mike told her a month before he was gunned down in the streets that he kept dreaming about death.

“I’ve been dreaming of death, seeing pictures of death, seeing pictures of bloody sheets hanging on clotheslines” ‘That touched me” his stepmom said. “That’s what it was like when he was laying there on the street (after being shot). He prophesized his own death.”

Right now, a St. Louis County grand jury is considering whether to charge the white officer with a crime. Wilson, 28, has not been seen since the killing and has made no statements.