Embarrassing moments, Food and Dining, Jimmy Kimmel Live

Let’s hope Auntie Fee never gets a cooking show

YouTube have a twisted obsession with making Internet sensations out of uncouth, uneducated   people who are challenged by the English language. Remember Antoine Dodson and Sweet Brown? Most of these Internet stars have no real talent, but they do have a unique knack for making a spectacle out of the mundane.

One such person is Chef Auntie Fee, a sassy woman who uploads videos to YouTube featuring her low budget cooking recipes. Well last night she appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

Auntie Fee’s culinary skills are questionable — as is her penchant for preparing food on unsanitary surfaces such as counter tops and dirty kitchen sinks. Auntie Fee’s kitchen would never pass a health inspection.

What’s attracting to the masses is Auntie Fee’s liberal use of profanity and Ebonics — which gives other cultures the opportunity to insult and belittle our community by elevating these people to star status.

Auntie Fee is not entertaining, she’s embarrassing. Nothing good ever comes out of promoting these individuals. They only serve to lower other cultures’ opinions of our community.

Celebrity Mess, Embarrassing moments, Toni Braxton

Toni Braxton was ASS out at NJ Concert!


Toni Braxton skirt/dress assemble fell apart at the buttocks as she performed on stage in New Brunswick over the weekend. Toni kept singing as if her ass was never out. I’m sure she felt the breeze as her dress gave way.

Eventually a gentleman from the audience lent her his jacket.

View the video below
