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Do Men have a sense of entitlement without a desire to meet expectations? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

A sense of entitlement is when an individual perceive themselves as deserving of unearned privileges. These are the people who believe life owes them something; a reward, a measure of success, a particular standard of living.

And these a man who believes he’s God’s gift to women without the effort to meet expectations in the relationship. These men want you to conform to their ways without reciprocating the same.

Some men even believe or have the notion that, because they once spoiled the women they’ve dated in the past, they should take advantage of the woman who spoils them going forward. An attitude and belief to justify their selfish and/or narcissistic entitlement. Dwelling on “what was” or “how it use to be” instead of embracing new possibilities. Some men giving false desires of hope, having women believe they are the prize, so she must audition her part, when all he has do is walk right in and play the part…. Really?

“I have a topic suggestion: Why do some black men feel a sense of entitlement? Meaning they expect for black women to conform to their ways and hold them down but some wouldn’t do the same for us. They want us to audition for the wife part but they should automatically get the part. They expect for us to cook, clean and pay the bills but we are not supposed to have the same expectations from them”…..

Shameka Michelle

There you have it.

Shemeka MichelleTune into Conversations Of A Sistah at 6:30 p.m. EST with host Tracy L. Bell as she sits down in the studio with special guest Shemeka Michelle, author, speaker and personal empowerment advocate as we discuss “Do Men have a sense of entitlement without a desire to meet expectations?”

All ‘links‘ in this post will access the show.

See you on the air but in the meantime sound off here!

104 thoughts on “Do Men have a sense of entitlement without a desire to meet expectations? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

      1. No actually she went in on woman and what they accept in relationships. how they are not honest with men because they’re afraid to lose them. it was a good show!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. And rightfully so. Women need to raise their standard of living and expectations #realtalk


    1. You betta Man thee HELL Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Since it’s being aimed at us we need to do “1” thing……..address it.
      Only “HIT DAWGS” holla.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. some men do think a woman should give her all while he just sit back in the cut and allow her too. One of my GF’s was dating this dude and every time he wanted to have sex, they went to her apartment. Never his because he was married. so he had her (as his side chick) and his wife. FOH


    1. Good morning Fam,
      The one thing that tripped me out is when Trace said she have GF’s that’s been engaged 20, 30, 40 years… O_o WTF…..that’s a “let’s get married when our SSI kick in” type of arrangement


  2. Ladies please remember: a man will only continue what you allow. If you don’t give them a sense of entitlement, they won’t feel entitled.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I agree!!!
      when one of my suite mates like this guy our Junior year in college, she would do his homework, write his papers. I told her you may as well take the course for him then collect his damn degree. But she she did it because she like him. and he took advantage of that fact because he felt entitled..that simple.


  3. They want us to audition for the wife part but they should automatically get the part. They expect for us to cook, clean and pay the bills

    These are the same reasons I believe marriage is over rated. women get the short end of the stick. we do everything plus become their cum buckets. No thank you! I can be alone without the added stress and responsibilities of a man and his kids.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. These are the same reasons I believe marriage is over rated. women get the short end of the stick.
      Women get what they tolerate. relationships are about compromise. If that man can’t compromise in your relationship then you say thank you >>>> NEXT!!! 😛

      Liked by 1 person

    2. some and you noticed i said ”SOME” men do feel entitled but being a a cum bucket? you on some whole nother shit with that comment.


  4. I never auditioned. My husband and i dated then after a year he proposed and we were married. I don’t think that all men think they are entitled but i do believe that certain expectations should be met in your relationship and these expectations should be clear. period!!


  5. Oh well i have to agree with the narrative. some of my brothers do feel entitled in these relationships out here. especially when they making the dough to call all the shots. women go along with the bullshit to be IN. Good topic.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. If you’re dating or married to a man with a sense of entitlement please trust when things go wrong, he will make everything out to be your fault. If he has had an affair, he would blame you for not giving him enough attention or if he has been irresponsible with money, then he will find somewhere or some place else to lay the fault except with him.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. The biggest consequence of dating a man with a sense of entitlement is that very soon you will find that there is only one person in the relationship and that is him. 😡


  8. Hm a sense of entitlement in a relationship can go both ways ya know. #justsaying women expect to be treated a certain way too because of what they feel entitled too.


  9. Tracy & Shemeka:
    A man with a sense of entitlement needs a partner with lack of self-assurance who would always put his needs and priorities ahead and who would support his inflated view of the self. would you agree?


  10. Women are no different.
    They think that sleeping with a guy or being in a relationship with him automatically entitles them to his money when that’s just wrong!!! Unless you prostituting it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Women do not owe anyone any chances. Why are entitled men so shocked by this? Statistically, women risk their bodies and breaths just speaking to them. 😆


  11. I know ‘1″ thing is for sure…….A relationship creates the opportunity for sex but does not guarantee it. Your needs are important, but they don’t ever determine the outcome. Sex is requested, negotiated, and agreed on.


  12. Both women and men can challenge male entitlement and the ways it infiltrates interpersonal relationships in ways that are non-violent and grace-filled conversations and Tracy always find a need to have them. 🙂


  13. This right here is a LOADED topic. Men some of them were raised to believe they have that sense of entitlement with women. especially those mamas boys.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. In the grand scheme of things men and women don’t owe each other anything except mutual love and respect. what he expects from her, he should be willing to reciprocate those very same things. arrogant men think they’re entitled. that’s it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. what he expects from her, he should be willing to reciprocate those very same things.
      and in some cases they do.


  15. Well men can work the entitlement expectations and so can women. I know women who expect gifts and favors after good sex. why? because they feel they are entitled to it. and some men do pay and live up to those expectations. same can be said for money. this is nothing new. men and women have been playing this game for centuries. Only the rules of engagement are a bit easier.

    Yes I will be tuned.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Men are not entitled to sex with women, no matter what. Men are not entitled to any woman’s body, affection, time, or conversation—no matter what. Point. Blank. period. And it doesn’t matter who has what!!


  17. Ooh this conversation is ON!!!!
    Relationships—of any kind—do not automatically mean consent. heterosexual relationships, it should NEVA be considered the duty of women to “please their men.” This is simply another branch of misogyny. It does not matter if she flirted with him, accepted a drink from him, accepted a dinner date from him, or married him. None of this constitutes consent or the obligation to consent.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. We are not “prizes.” No one “deserves” us because that language is for objects, and we are not objects.


  19. “I don’t need a man to stand at the altar with a preacher and tell me a bunch of lies he ain’t gonna keep – I need a man that’s gonna commit with their WHOLE SOUL!!!!” Shameka Michelle

    That show was FIYA!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Lawd have mercy!!!!
    Every Girl, woman and mother who need to hear this show.
    Tracy thank you!!! The Conversation was …..Lawd


  21. Tracy thank you for bringing in Shameka Michelle to remind us that we need to consider our self worth. As women we need NOT lower our standards to accept men and their shenanigans.


  22. OMG awesome conversation.
    People if you missed it check out the rewind. rewind the podcast. it’s worth it.


  23. I love the confidence of Shameka Michelle she is really encouraging for women. Good women are hard to find and yes she’s a good woman. any man would be a fool to fuck that up.


  24. There are some men who take advantage of manipulating women with their expectations but with strong women it won’t work. Good women are hard to come by thee days. Especially ones who are morally correct. when you see single women who are strong and doin they own shit out here please believe they are not compromising their standards.

    Tracy you rocked a good show. I enjoyed listening to 2 women speak truth!! 2 beautiful strong women at that


    1. Exactly @Civil,
      That’s why she said women need to be clear on their expectations in a relationship and quite frankly her biggest point was HONESTY! I mean dayum if a man can’t give you honesty and consistency then let’s not even. and that’s not asking for a lot. Smh


      1. That’s why she said women need to be clear on their expectations in a relationship
        Men too for that same matter. Don’t expect from her what you’re not willing to give. It goes both ways.


      2. Men too for that same matter. Don’t expect from her what you’re not willing to give. It goes both ways.


  25. Heard the podcast on the train this morning. I started screaming and people started looking at me like i was cray cray 😆

    That was a good show!!!! Lawd ham mercy!!!


    1. Well you were in good company because Tracy’s reactions were the same at certain points in the conversation. I screamed when she said “If a man has not grown in 2 years and he’s still in the same place, he’s not evolving” and who wants a stagnant man. A stagnant man will have you stagnant. No effort or enthusiasm. No thank you!!!


      1. Yea I had to scream too because she was speaking truth..I chuckled a little as well. 😆 Tracy’s laugh and excitement is already contagious. 😆 😆


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