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You can’t heal, what you won’t reveal…Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Your mental health is crucial on this high to low ride called life. Experiencing any type of hurt or trauma is something we can’t avoid. Sometimes the wounds and the hurt we experince are excruciating to the point that, we must find the strength to open the wounds, stick our hands inside and pull out the core of the pain that is holding on.

Until you heal, you will bleed on other people and continue to live life in a cycle of defeat. Some wounds run deep but in order to heal, you must reveal what has hurt you.

Join host Ms. Tracy L. Bell at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” as we continue to honor Women’s History month with health Holistic Mental Wellness Practitioner, Ms. Shwanna Loyd (pictured left) for our topic “You can’t heal what you won’t reveal

Hope to see you on the air!

All “conversation links” in this post will access the live podcast.

104 thoughts on “You can’t heal, what you won’t reveal…Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

    1. Did you see that angry mentally ill gurl who was pepper spraying random white people on the train and on the streets of NY? I was so glad when they caught her O_o that was crazy. speaking of mentally ravaged people.


      1. It’s like Shwanna Loyd said, that hatred & pain festers what you saw was that woman acting out that pain. It was crazy but she was doing it.


    1. This is why the topic is, You can’t heal, what you won’t reveal how will you heal something that you keeping inside? That pain leads to other issues like anger, abuse, drugs, alcohol and eventually sickness.No thank you. I wanna be fully healthy, mind, body and soul.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Ang,
        This is why I say check on people, even if they don’t appear to need it.
        I like that Tracy have topics that are eye openers and very necessary.


      2. I agree.
        and it’s apparently the ones that are happy and smiley most of the time, you have to look out for *sigh* not just people who outwardly seem depressed


    2. some people can’t easily talk about what hurt them, sometimes the pain is too deep.
      But you heard her, she said it can effect you physically. so true


    3. some people can’t easily talk about what hurt them, sometimes the pain is too deep.
      Life is too short to hold it though. I’ll be damned if I’m carrying pain to my grave 😡 HELL NO!


    1. Good morning Fam
      Yes!!!…Please love on yourselves…I know life can be hard & cruel but you can’t let that get the best of you. 🙂 stay positive and keep moving
      This I know is gonna be another good show.


    2. Good afternoon Fam.
      In other news… Manafort is getting an extra 45 months… Big deal! The mofo shouldve gotten AT LEAST 20 years 💯✌🏽


  1. Listen folks, I know it’s hard to be positive or even try when your mind is consumed with negative thoughts. Express your thoughts and feelings to someone or write them down. I promise you there is at least ‘1’ person who cares enough about you to help. Stay Strong.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Nicole this is NOT the forum to open up in. we say we family but IDK if these people can really handle it. But I got you. email me if you need too.


    2. Hey Fam……I’m good. 🙂
      This is my anthem right now.
      I love y’all for expressing concern and letting me know y’all got my back. That’s wassup.
      Y’all made my day. Now I’m anxious to hear the show tonight.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. No not guessing the closing song for tonight but she played his song once b4 and I purchased the single. 😛


      2. Nicole this is the song playing right now. You knew didn’t you? Or did you request it? *rolls eyes*


  2. I think when people have very, very dark thoughts like suicide that they should definitely utilize professional resources that are available and very easy to find but then I think if you believe in the Lord instead of using your days and nights planning to take your life, sit down in a quiet place and talk to God about your situation, and then pray fervently about it as well. Trust, God is listening.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, sit down where you can feel comfortable and talk to HIM. Or write it down, write what you are feeling and going through. Get it out and then after a bit, read what you just wrote.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. write it down
        This is very TRUE. my pain and experience gave birth to books. My books. That is how “Conversations Of A Sistah” came to be, out of hurt and anger. I had to release what was inside of me. it was either that or strangle some people 😆 My stories have graduated because you grow from what hurt you when you reveal it. It is then that you become FREE!

        Liked by 14 people

      2. Oh what a slick little way of trying to find out more about her date. 😡 Smh. some of us are soooo NOSEY.


      3. Tracy keep doing the damn thing gurl.
        you be hittin the nail on the head with some of these topics.


      4. Praise God 🙌we all deal differently. Your pain inspired stories, while others something different. My pain produces fasting and prayer🙏I’m all out warrior mode.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Why hello👋👋there Ms. Bell…thank you for bringing out the best in our conversations 😘😘we💜💜💜you.


      6. Tracy can we get some more information about that date with the masturbator 🤣😂please🙏and thank you. That topic of conversation was🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Chile…Chile


      7. Yea Trace we wanna know about that date. In fact tonight’s conversation should have been Part2🤣😂🤣😂


  3. Men are good for holding shit in. we’ll kill the shit outta some weights at the gym before we sit down and bitch about what’s bothering us. #justsaying

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Tra did it again.
    Another good topic.
    Mental illness is real, and you really do need a strong support system.
    If not you’ll crack up one day.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Some people are incapable of healing. . .
    some folks can not heal.. . Period…
    Demons can not heal period ..
    But for those that have mental illness they can heal and be a testimony to others …

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Thank you Dr. Loyd. for taking your time and making love to this topic.
    Good show.
    Tracy is really connecting with professionals on IG


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