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Why Misery is a choice… Tonight’s Conversation on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Man remains a slave of misery because he has chosen it. It is easier to be miserable because the whole crowd is miserable. It feels more comfortable to be with the crowd than to be alone. Misery seeks comfort because that is what makes it happy.

This is why I don’t understand everyone’s surprise with the words and statement that came out of rapper/designer Kanye West’s mouth about slavery, when the rapper is famously known for his constant frown. The man NEVER SMILES.

The only way Kanye hooked onto the sluttish famed Kardashian family is because of the death of his mother. Kanye West sought the fulfillment of love to cover two things; grief and void, yet he’s still living with a deep wound that has not been healed or treated.

Join me tonight at 6:30 p.m. EST via blog talk radio on “Conversations Of A Sistah” as we discuss “Why Misery is a choice?

Hope to see you on the air but in the meantime, you can sound off here!

All ‘links’ in this post will access the show.

75 thoughts on “Why Misery is a choice… Tonight’s Conversation on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

      1. and he does always look miserable and unhappy.
        Yes he does. I don’t know why people think other things or people will fulfill happiness. It will not.


  1. “The only way Kanye hooked onto the sluttish famed Kardashian family is because of the death of his mother. Kanye West sought the fulfillment of love to cover two things; grief and void”

    Yes🙌 people do it all the time and that’s fine but see a therapist in addition. He’s blaming the dumb shit on opioids and meds. Heal the right way. Smh

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s why the saying goes, never make major or life altering decisions when you’re depressed or grieving.


  2. Miserable people like to piss off the masses. That’s why he’s latched onto Trump and talking Kim is the beautifulist woman in the world but we dont GAF. his miserable ass will continue to fail that’s all.


    1. Yea. yea her show may not be about Kanye but his comments are somehow became topic of discussion here.

      Sup peeps. happy Hump day!!


    2. Happy Hump Day.
      It’s beautiful here in NY hope yall experiencing the nice weather.

      See ya’ll on the air in another what? 2 and a half hours.✌


    3. Whatz good fam?
      Trust and believe Tracy’s entire show is NOT about Kanye or his dumb ass slave comments. Misery being a choice s what she said. Believe that!
      Now tune in with some gin 😆 nah that’s a sin


  3. He and JayZ use to be brothers and ruined that relationship.

    When you miserable you loose people cause you push them away.

    Liked by 8 people

  4. I’m not going to jump on the Kanye West bandwagon because I know alot of people in my own space that’s miserable. 😂😂 that slave talk was for attention

    Liked by 1 person

    1. STOP playing Anthony!!!!

      He clearly was NOT referring to mental slavery. He was referring to actual slavery.

      This is what I expect from Kanye. He’s ignorant. His wife is like 3 IQ points above a clinical retardation diagnosis. Soooo umm yeah.

      Stay in school, kids. No matter how much money you have, it will never replace knowledge. Period.


    2. wasn’t Kanye referring to mental slavery?
      NO he was NOT. his miserable ass was trying to back peddle on his comments.


  5. Azaelia Banks read TF outta him and for the first time I was right there with her. When folks think they sound smart but haven’t picked up a book in 20+ years and don’t know what they are talking about. Add that with a couple drugs, some mental disorders and years of living in hollyweird with the Kardashians and you have Mr. West, a full grown AA male who don’t know who TF he is period.


  6. I watched the interview real time and it wasn’t taken out of context. Maybe it sounds “woke” to sit here in 2018 saying that slavery was a choice and to talk about slavery with the luxury of never having endured it…but let’s not disrespect our ancestors by signing on to this mess. There was never a choice given to those who were stripped from their homelands…they navigated the reality they were given and made the only “choices” they could to survive…and because they lived another day…we’re here.

    Those who didn’t run from slavery shouldn’t be faulted because they didn’t make the “choice” to leave…they made the “choice” to survive how they knew how and it’s arrogant and disrespectful to sit here and question them for it.


  7. Misery? Really Tracy? People need to stop making excuses for this man and/or rationalizing his behavior. Smh.


    1. Yes really. miserable people are attention seekers. You didn’t know that? Please tune in. ya wanna bet Tracy WILL say the same thing in her narrative? let me know I’m willing to wage a bet with you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Today, we have slavery of the mind and we are slaves to the Democrat Party Plantation and that is a choice. Kanye is Black and therefore is not allowed to think for himself. Kanye made a choice to step off that Democrat Party Plantation and is strong enough to handle the backlash. Back in the day, White Democrats used to call men like Kanye an “uppity” boy for daring to oppose them, now we have our own Black people publically lynching us for stepping outside of group-think. We are suppose to wear victimhood like a batch of honor. Nope, not me!


      2. So, I’m confused by this statement “Kanye is Black and therefore is not allowed to think for himself”. Is this literal or figurative?


      3. I’m not on a democratic plantation. You are entitled to your opinion whether it is in line with mine or not. But I stand by mine. Kanye’s message/comments were arrogant, dangerous and disrespectful. period.

        Liked by 2 people

      4. It’s laughable when folks, especially black folks, debate about Republicans and Democrats, and NEVER note that both parties are for the protection and advancement of White Supremacy. Always has been, Always will be.


      5. Presidents are selected, not elected. Voting is the illusion of freedom and people flock to it like sheep to slaughter.


      6. Angie
        What is there to be Confused about? He got a white family influencing his thinking that simple


    2. Misery? Really Tracy? People need to stop making excuses for this man and/or rationalizing his behavior.
      well it certainly sounds like you are! I seriously DOUBT Tracy will be making excuses for Kanye West in her monologue tonight.


    1. Miserable people say dumb shit even if it’s for attention.
      YES they do!!!
      I CoSign you 100 and they’re RIGHT here on this blog!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Well unfortunately he doesn’t even realize he is too, a slave by choice!! A slave to his irrational thoughts, expressions and to his wife (with them FAKE hips). Oh yeah and Trump 😏

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Kanye West is an ignorant, thoughtless, low life. I am honestly having trouble putting into words how disgusted I am by him and with him. I wish he would just disappear. Miserable ass. 😡


  10. I’m so over Kanye or Yeezy’s comments about slavery being a choice. I do know that misery is choice and some peopl rather live that choice than be happy.

    Looking forward to the show💜


    1. Lydia
      I think Kanye was miserable b4 Kim I think he thought marriage to her and kids would help him in the grieving process but apparently it hasn’t. He’s open about being on opioids


  11. According to Kanye he has the finest woman in the world. 😆 so his sambo ass should always be smiling. Kim can’t even help him. she knows nothing about his struggle can’t even understand it. I wonder if she has silicone for brains? Kanye might be miserable but that misery has him on a fast track at ruining his career. Misery makes the people around you DISAPPEAR into thin air. Trust and believe that.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Attention seekers. They seek attention by pissing people off. Sometimes when you’re happy people don’t like that so they are excited when they can piss you off because their goal is to make you mad have you miserable. That’s why they study your happiness because they hate that you arem

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I was right.
        Tracy mentioned on the show how attention seekers are miserable. She likened it to a baby. How babies seek attention


      3. True if I am understanding you correctly, because the children will be the ones to get the attention, not daddy. I could be wrong I don’t live with these people, but I don’t like the Kardashian clan. They do nothing and are nothing, but attention seekers and bunch of whores who cling on to men who have money. Their mother is the Queen of it. If I had to guess Kim is a big apart of that misery, I can only manage what she might be to live with.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Lydia
        I think Kanye was miserable b4 Kim I think he thought marriage to her and kids would help him in the grieving process but apparently it hasn’t. He’s open about being on opioids


  12. Lol
    Trace said she so happy. Sometimes people think she’s high😂😂😂😂 damn


  13. Good show on why misery is a choice? Wow.
    Yes Tracy you gotta feed miserable people out of a longer handed🥄
    Well said and good show


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