
Death of Male Prostitute at Wealthy Democrat Donor’s Home Ruled ‘Accidental’

Police have closed their investigation into the drug overdose death of a male prostitute at the West Hollywood home of a high-profile donor to the Democratic Party.

Gemmel Moore, 26 (pictured inset), was found dead on July 27 at the home of Edward Buck, a wealthy donor to the California and Los Angeles County Democratic Party, according to the WeHo Times.

The Los Angeles County Coroner ruled Moore’s death an accidental overdose, so police have ruled out foul play.

But Moore’s family believes his death is no accident.

Moore’s mother, LaTisha Nixon, told the WeHo Times that her son made a living as a sex worker in the past few years. She said she believes Buck liked giving black males intravenous drugs and watching their reactions.

I called one of my son’s friends and was like, ‘who the hell is Edward Buck?‘” Nixon said. “And my son’s friend was like, ‘Oh my God, that’s that white guy, that wealthy white politician guy…’ He was like ‘Oh my God…’,” said Nixon.

When he calmed down, he told me that Ed Buck was one of my son’s clients and that Ed Buck was one of his clients as well,” Nixon said. “[Buck] would have my son to go out to… Santa Monica Boulevard looking for young gay black guys so he could inject them with drugs, see their reaction and how [they] would react and take pictures of them,” she said.

Nixon said investigators told her no drugs or drug paraphernalia was found in Buck’s home.

But an unidentified source who also turned tricks for Buck told the WeHo Times that Buck often provided him with drugs.

The source said Buck seemed to “get off on getting you higher and higher.”

Nixon described a late night phone call from her son who sounded panicked.

He called me crying. Three minutes on the phone hollering and I’m like ‘What the hell is going on?’”

He said ‘This man, he shot me up with something I don’t even know what it is,’ and I’m like, my son is having a breakdown or episode. But he sent me pictures of his arm, his arm was red.”

Nixon said Moore filed a police report, but WeHo Times was unable to obtain a copy of the police report.

Nixon said her son returned home to her after the incident.

Yes, my son was an adult and didn’t live a fairy tale perfect life, but he didn’t deserve to die this way,” she said.

Buck, who also served as a West Hollywood councilman, earned his millions pioneering computer technology, according to the Daily Mail UK.

26 thoughts on “Death of Male Prostitute at Wealthy Democrat Donor’s Home Ruled ‘Accidental’”

  1. If this was my son OOOH HELL NAW!! I’m going after you.. What make’s you think you can experiment one of are kids why don’t you do it on y’all white people?!?!?


  2. I believe her, I just wish he said forget him altogether and never went back, but the price he gave him for him to come back over must have got sweeter and sweeter. He could of made money elsewhere. Sad…. 😥 Rip young male


  3. This is sad and unfortunately he will get off because he is rich and even sadder this probably won’t stop him or more young men from letting him inject them with whatever if the price is right.
    On another note, I like how the media managed to associate him with Hillary. They couldn’t find a picture of him alone or crop Hillary out of it? She has nothing to do with this but some kind of way people will make this about Hillary or the democrats instead of focusing on this young man and what REALLY happened to him. The media and these games.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. C’mon what the hell kinda freaky shit was goin on in them parties? He wasn’t just drugging them he was prolly fuckin them too. he look like a damn fag/homo


  5. sounds like the mother is trying to position herself for a lawsuit against this guy, she’s going to have an uphill climb in court, especially since the cops say they didn’t find any drugs or drug paraphernalia in the guy’s house.


    1. trust and believe they killed the drugs b4 the cops got there. these white rich dudes know how to roll when shit goes south.


      1. Bobby,
        What would you expect her to do though? He’s an adult. She cant go grab him off the street, take him to her house, and lock him up in his bedroom.
        One thing every smart parent knows is that when your kids grow up they’re going to make some decisions you just don’t like… but you can’t do anything about it.


      2. You can’t force adults to make correct decisions. Whatever his choices, he didn’t deserve the Dahmer-like treatment he got.


      3. 1st of all @Ebony, that was her son and because of the questions surrounding his death. Pro or not it seems there’s a cover-up going on here and she has the right to ask questions.


      4. Questions should be asked whatever the younger man’s line of work. Shooting people up and taking photos of them sounds like Dahmer-type behavior to me. Somebody check Buck’s freezer…No, seriously


  6. what’s sad is, this guy will get away with killing this young man. he was a male pro. that vs. a high profile politician will never win. sadly this is a fact.


  7. 360 degrees of sad. 1st that some are sadistic enough to pay to torture, 2nd that some are desperate enough to charge a fee to receive it.




  9. People have just become numb to this type of stuff though. Rich white men hire gay escorts and boytoys all the time. Society doesn’t even see that as being all that scandalous any more.


  10. In this society, there is a line in which we stop caring about who may be a victim. Where ever the line may be, we will say, “Oh they deserved that.” There is a human, dead, and not because they wanted to die. There seems to be consistency from the Buck guy. So how is this not a thing? It is encouraged. This isn’t taboo out there, even around here. The simple fact that it is known would make most think there’d be an end to it, but no. So here we are, another person dead for no reason. None.


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