Conversations Of A Sistah, Tracy L. Bell, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio

“When Boaz is BROKEN” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Broken is a state of despair we’ve all been in at some point in our lives or another. It’s the mindset of having given up all hope and becoming ineffective in life. This toll weighs heavier on men than it does women.

Women don’t hurt any less than men, but our hearts are generally more open. We are naturally more vulnerable, so it’s often easier for us to start over once we have healed. Men, on the other hand, take losses like deaths, especially if it’s a real death because they never fully recover. They can move on, but a piece of their heart is always missing. This can pose many issues in the relationship.

But what about when your man is broken, your potential other? How do you deal with him? In fact, how can the relationship last or even survive? Is the man even worth the love? At what point do we think “fuck it” and just give up?

Tune in tonight at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” for my Conversation with Mr. Ken Brisbon (pictured above), Founder of “The Game is SOLD, NOT Told” for our discussion on “When Boaz is Broken, a Women’s guide to dealing with BROKEN men.

AllConversation linkswill access the show!!

See you on the air!!

30 thoughts on ““When Boaz is BROKEN” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. He said he don’t believe in a FREE lunch, meaning a lot of men who are broken think they have this sense of entitlement….that’s the problem 😡 with some of these ninja’s. I don’t mind a broken man but the buck stops with me. Fix yourself or keep it moving.

    Good conversation Trace I loved him


  2. Loved the conversation. I just think it’s sad when 2 people might be perfect for each other but the broken-ness of one keeps the relationship stagnant. 😦 just my 2 cents


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