Homosexuality, What she said

Gospel Singer Kim Burrell Warns More Gays Will Die in 2017

kim-burrell-550x399Pastor and gospel singer Kim Burrell is still catching backlash over her fiery sermon condemning gays for spreading HIV/AIDS in the church. In a video uploaded to Youtube.com, Burrell warned gays will die in 2017.

In the video, Burrell, 44, is heard saying, “Anyone filled with the homosexual spirit, beg God to free you. That perverted homosexual spirit and the spirit of delusion and confusion, it has deceived many men and women.”

Burrell, who is pastor and founder of Houston’s Love & Liberty Fellowship church in Houston, continued:

“You as a man, you open your mouth and take a man’s penis in your face, you are perverted! You are a woman and will shake your face in another woman’s breasts, you are perverted!”

She then targeted Bishop Eddie Long as an “embarrassment to the church”. The 63-year-old prosperity preacher based in Atlanta is rumored to be infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

“I’ve never seen anything as heartbreaking as Bishop Eddie Long go down to nothing,” Burrell remarked about recent photos of Long’s skeletal appearance.

Burrell’s fire and brimstone sermon implied that homosexuals in the church community are spreading HIV through unprotected sex.

34 years after the AIDS virus first scorched the earth, men who have sex with men (MSM) still lead the nation in new HIV contraction rates.

The HIV epidemic continues unabated in cities like NY, D.C. and Atlanta, where men forego condoms and take a drug known as PrEP to prevent HIV infection. But there are indications that the drug isn’t as effective due to new strains of the HIV virus.

A new campaign has been launched to convince black women to take PrEP. Black women are the 2nd group most likely to contract HIV from men who have sex with men.

Burrell was already backtracking from her controversial statements on Facebook Live. She said her warning of a deadlier HIV epidemic was taken out of context:

We’re not in a war against flesh and blood. I came on because I care about God’s creation and every person from the LGBT and anything else, any other kind of thing that is supporting gay. I never said LGBT last night. I said S.I.N. and whatever falls in the sin was preached.

“What I posted was not all I preached to. Isn’t that something? That is a design of the enemy to make it look like I have a personal agenda against [gay] people. To the carnal all things are carnal, and to the spiritual all things are spiritual.”

Burrell is scheduled to appear on the Ellen Degeneres’s daytime talk show on January 5th. And we all know Ellen is openly gay.

102 thoughts on “Gospel Singer Kim Burrell Warns More Gays Will Die in 2017”

  1. OK I didn’t watch the sermon, I just read the write up and I didn’t read where she said “gays” were spreading AIDS through the church, although if a man is down low and married he is putting his wife at risk.
    Secondly as far as her saying homosexuality is perverse then I would agree because you are using and would be changing the natural use of your vajay-jay and penis. O_o


  2. Looking at that pic of Eddie Long, he needs to come clean about whatever is wrong with him. It’s something else, Bernice King bounced soon as she heard about his involvement with those boys. Who knows what else she knew.


  3. Listen, she is in church and the church follows the words printed in the Bible. In the Bible it denounces homosexuality so what did they expect her to say about homosexuality? I see both sides and both sides annoy me. In regards to the church It seems some church folks be buffet picking the sins they want to dabble in but that’s none of my business…O_o


  4. So being gay is perverted but she has no problem going on Ellen to promote her album/church/ whatever?
    That’s pretty hypocritical imo..


  5. Opinions are like ass holes…i really dONT understand why homosexuals act all surprised when church folk start talking abt homosexuality. I aint been to church in a while but i do remember pastor talking abt people shacking, multiple baby daddies, liars, addicts & so on. News flash mfs everybody will not agree with your lifesytle ..PERIOD.


  6. I remember the days when people were gay and they didn’t hold press conferences or release statements, we and they knew they were gay and it was your life, your situations but know mofos act like they needs to blast it or hold a parade.😒


  7. Abstinence really ain’t hard to do.******
    If you single it aint. 4 years strong. Now if you in a relationship, that may be an issue.


    1. Abstinence really ain’t hard to do. Now risking your life and well being for some questionable Dick really ain’t worth it.


  8. Just took a hiv test and there was a notation that if you are a gay male you need to repeat the test in 3 months. I’m not bashing and I don’t care what grown folks do in their bedroom but for folks to act like it’s not a higher rate amongst gay males is ridiculous!!!

    And African American women are also suffering because men are not upfront about having sex with other men. They make gay community get mad and stay in denial about this disease when they need to embrace it and be proactive like they are about everything else!!! Even if it’s man mad stastics show it’s most commonly spread amongst gay men.


  9. Gay dudes quick to bash women on this topic. Yet they never point the same finger at themselves and the DL men of THEIR community.


  10. I see a lot of people are mad at what Kim Burrell said. Well y’all gonna stay mad because 2017 will be the year of hurt feelings and exposer. A lot of things that were once hidden will be bought to the for front this year. Lies will no longer be tolerated.


  11. Chile they already asking Ellen to rescind Kim’s invitation and NOT have her on her show. It’s already a hot mess. Folks saying she hate gays. Lawd Jesus


      1. if she feels so strongly about gays & their lifestyle, why go on a show hosted by a gay woman? surely there is some conflict here? could it be the all mighty dollar and exposure the show will give her?


      2. Yvonne I’m pretty sure Ellen invited her to “explain”
        No…..it is to perform the song from the hidden figures soundtrack with Pharrell


      3. Kim is so full of shit & she looks foolish for going on the show in spite of her “religious” convictions IMO and who knows, maybe she went on this rant to hype up her relevance.


      4. the message she spoke wouldn’t stop being true
        She would just be a hypocrite
        How we act doesn’t change the Word of God but it does bring shame to the God we claim to be professing


      5. I really want to see if this whole Ellen thing doesn’t get cancelled. Or maybe she just sings and doesn’t get interviewed.


      6. Awkward. If Ellen’s people don’t cancel, Burrell may. As much as Burrell may want to speak her mind, I don’t think it will be done on Ellen’s show.


      7. Pharrell released this vague messaged he does not condone hate speech. I think they were performing together. We shall see.


      8. Pharrell released this vague messaged he does not condone hate speech. I think they were performing together. We shall see.
        Yes Ms. Burrell is scheduled to perform a song with Pharrell from the Hidden Figures soundtrack on the Ellen show on Thursday.


  12. I hope Kim straightens it out and quickly. There is damage control needed here. Not every born again Christian thinks like this please know this. Blessings to y’all.


  13. I think it’s dangerous to claim people got HIV, without having access to their medical records. There are a number of diseases that can cause severe weight loss such as Arthritis, Cancer, and even mental issues such as depression. I’m not defending him… But i’m wondering why nobody stepped forward? If he had HIV or was “Rumored” to having it. There would be alot of angry gay men stepping forward right now pointing the finger at him and getting tested themselves.


    1. You talking bout Eddie Long and I’d imagine that most of the men he “might” have slept with don’t want to come forward because they are DL and have wives/ girlfriends.


  14. The LGBT community is overly sensetive. Just because someone doesn’t agree with a lifestyle doesn’t mean they’re a bad person. People are entitled to their own belief systems.


  15. Everyone sins and falls short of the Glory of GOD…the key is to acknowledge your sin, repent…then turn away from it…No matter what your struggle is…..All sin is sin! Nobody can judge sin but GOD….no preacher, no teacher, no butcher, no baker or candlestick maker….Not even the Pope!!! You just best to know GOD for yourself in the pardon of your sins; “LET GOD Be True and all Men a Liar!” Happy New Year…Peace.!!


  16. Let’s talk facts and religion. I don’t go to church, but I completely believe in God. Know why? Because church is a man-made, for-profit institution that vilifies gays but completely supports Pagan religious practices. This goes double for black churches, where people shake their hips and do the Harlem Shake and call it the Holy Ghost.

    In the black church, making strange noises with your mouth is called “speaking in tongues”. In actuality, its just a Voodoo ceremony.

    Nowhere in any Bible does it say that Jesus was born on December 25.
    And nowhere does the Bible call those astrologists “wise men”.

    The black church has women who pray on Sunday, and go to the “Root Lady” on Mondays.
    Virtually all of the black men on death row grew up in the black church. The preacher didn’t save them.

    The KJV Bible that most black churches cherish itself bears the name of the gay English monarch who basically authored it.

    AIDS is not Divine retribution. It is simply the result of careless activity. Black women can avoid AIDS and unprepared child births by using discretion when sleeping with a man, including using condoms. Because when everybody–gay and straight–uses protection, AIDS is eradicated.

    The black church is an utter and complete disgrace and a failure.


  17. A bit harsh YES but she has a right to her opinion. I think that homosexuals have pushed an agenda that’s done more harm than help. The gay scenes in Empire, and How to Get Away with Murder have turned viewers off and we’ve just stopped watching the shows.

    Why would I or a straight man be interested in two men getting it in? There’s no appeal. When Viola Davis turned out to be bisexual on How to Get Away with Murder….I was completely confused. It’s too much.


    1. Adam,
      Its called entertainment. And its making money. In case you haven’t noticed, your opinion hasn’t stopped FOX or Lee Daniels checks from clearing.

      And just because you would like something to not exist doesn’t make it so.


  18. Kim Burrell, was simply addressing homosexual, and lesbian spirits in the church who are not living right before God

    when you don’t know God~ fornication is in the same category~ there is no big sin or little sin with God, at the end of the day Holiness is still right~ the only reason why God is against Homosexuality, and lesbianism is because there is no future in it~ In the beginning HE created them male and female and they were told to go and replenish the earth~ you can even see it in the animal kingdom how God set it up~ The return of Christ, is truly drawing near believe it or not~ If you havent accepted Jesus Christ, as your Lord and savior, please do He will FORGIVE you no matter what you have done wrong and help u to get your life on the right track and give you eternal life.

    There is no rel PEACE being away from God, May you all have a blessed and prosperous new year.


    1. No need to preach just keep your kids far away from perverts because they do recruit… As with Eddie long you reap what you sow


  19. One thing for sure we will ALL stand before God when we die. Those of you all bringing up other sins need to know that homosexuals are the only ones that seek to legitimize their sins.

    Unfortunately just like adultery, fornicating and stealing the Bible is clear on ALL sins including homosexuality.

    We can call it hate for someone to call it out, but the truth is for someone to tell you that if you don’t get right you will spend eternity in hell,and that’s true for all sinners.

    That is love because when we stand before God it’s too late and there will be no do overs. True repentance is acknowledging that you are sinning, asking God for forgiveness and turning away from that sin.



      1. she looks old as hail…now this one here! I mos def think she looks older than the avg 44 year old


      2. Thank you!!!!!!!!!
        If you don’t condone homosexuality, don’t hide it. Be unapologetic about it. I don’t see the Klan apologizing for being racist.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Exactly. She needs to stand by her convictions. and she’s acting silly in the video. But she is very clear and calling IT SIN.


  20. I’ll never understand why they subject themselves to horrible treatment, just to have a relationship with god. Kim Burrell is just one of many pastors who expressed her beliefs. Why be surprised? It’s like being mad at the klan for not accepting you because you’re black.

    The black church sure loves to single out homosexuals but never want to deal with the issues plaguing the community. The list is endless on what they could touch on, but stay mute about.


    1. The hypocrisy is profound. I just read up on the Rev. Cleavland guy and it’s a classic story. Fighting with a part of yourself that you think God is supposed to fix but then you end up fuckin yourself and everyone else up because what is natural to you is a horrible sin to the church.


      1. Val
        Christian’s are cherry pickers and massive hypocrites, they excuse all their faults while condeming everyone else’s, their delusional lot


      2. I don’t know about cherry picking sin but I do know, that laying man with man and woman with woman or mankind with beast (like a dog, horse or cow) 😡 is def an abomination.


  21. It’s funny how people love to single out sins. At the end of the day, half of the shit that most of everyone does is not pleasing in the eyes of GOD. This is why we must repent daily.


  22. We have become a country full of thin skinned cry babies who absolutely HATE truth. I look around, LIES and WICKEDNESS are embraced. Moses, David, Elijah, Yeshua, the prophets and disciples were all hated and persecuted….simply because they condemned what society condoned. When you have set yourself apart and refuse to follow the course of this world the blogs and reprobate commenters will drag you…..the so called “evolved”, “intelligent” and “progressive” will despise you. We who claim to be in Christ must, once and for all, choose which side of the fence we’re gon tread on cuz The Most High don’t do lukewarm.


  23. Let not judge people because if we are judging gays let’s judge all sins. Sex before marriage is a sin, wedlock kids is a sin, living with a person having sex not married is a sin, getting drunk or gluttony is a sin, nothing taking care of the temple, lying is a sin, adultery and fornication are sin. Sleeping with others wives and husband’s is a sin before God. The list goes on. I don’t know why one sin is judged harshly because God is judging all.


  24. She better preach… What did she say that was wrong? She does not need to go on Ellen. What religious christians need to ask is for people not to record speeches. They dont record any other group in the pulpit. – correction places of worship should be sacred.

    They are trying to silence religious people under the Obama administration due to his failure to protect DOMA and his enforcement of the new laws for LGBTQ sexuality.

    Sorry I believe in free speech in the pulpit. Don’t go to their church if you dont believe in what they are saying. Easy solution.. No Other group has to defend themselves against others like Christians.. its ridiculous


  25. What’s ridiculous is people thinking that they can bully people into supporting you. You can’t tell somebody what to preach. It’s a church, sleeping with the same sex changing your gender is not acceptable at her place of worship.

    Facts there are a lot of black males who sleep with men that are dying of aids. Fact it’s happening whether Kim Burrell makes a speech from the “pulpit” or not. Denying it does not make it any less true. Hollywood propaganda liberal machine don’t talk about the negatives and are very anti religion.
    I am so over people talking about they are living their truth. Too often on suffering people’s death certificate there is so much shame they won’t release what the real cause of death. They come up with all kinds of clever ways of the cause of death… to each its own but…. 1 out of 2 homosexual black males have HIV. Your mad at her for saying the truth? Fight with the CDC! What kind of denial are you in?

    Black women are contracting hiv #2 group. You got the nerve to tell Kim what not to say . I stand in support of Kim and her freedom to voice her message amongst her group! If I agree with it or not doesn’t matter she should not have been recorded without permission.


      1. He’s one angry tranny. Dayum!
        Kim better watch her damn back cuss that dude sound like he wanna kick her ass!


      2. Let Tha Gay Church Say Amen!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 Bible Thumping Cherry Picking Closeted Freaks Please Get Left in 2016


      3. Cot Dayum!
        These fags are coming for her like a big dick in the gay parade.
        They hate that bitch!!
        WoW and WTF?!!


      4. OMG!!!!
        I am damn dead at ALL this shit!!!
        Why are they going IN for her hair, her looks and her shape?
        So NOT relevant…….Kim said what she said and Gays are mad 😆 wow


      5. It’s very simple, she told the TRUTH and they’re mad!
        A hit dawg will always holla.
        Like Kim said it’s about “the sin” and homosexuality is an abomination.!!


      6. So all the GAYS who have an online following are dragging Kim Burrell because she said Gays gone drop dead in 2017. If it ain’t truthful why worry? If they know they’re lifestyle is in accordance to God’s will what’s the issue?

        At the end of the day what she stated has absolutely NOTHING to do with the way she looks or what she’s wearing but yet they all attacked her shape, her hair and her looks, how petty. One I can say challenged her with the WORD, just one and his little tirade ain’t even justifiable.


      7. So all the GAYS who have an online following are dragging Kim Burrell because she said Gays gone drop dead in 2017. If it ain’t truthful why worry? If they know they’re lifestyle is in accordance to God’s will what’s the issue?

        At the end of the day what she stated has absolutely NOTHING to do with the way she looks or what she’s wearing but yet they all attacked her shape, her hair and her looks, how petty. One I can say challenged her with the WORD, just one and his little tirade ain’t even justifiable.
        CoSign Kayla


      8. WHAT THE FUCK?!
        That barber wants noooo parts of this bullshit…Kim Burrell should thank him for burning her CDs, thats one less gospel song he gets to chop and screw


      9. well dayum!!!!!! they dragged this gospel singer/pastor/preacher woman to the grave and back.. they came for her looks, her wing, her shape, her dawg and her x-gay husband. she better watch her back. and for those of you who didn’t know who she was b4 today, I’m sure you know who da fuck she is now.


  26. what did they expect her to say? that God want all gays to live happily ever after? butt fucking into eternity. and to that one queen in the blue jacket, I guess you do look at Michelle and Barack Obama and know they’re 2 people in love because their union is natural. it is NOT natural for a man to be laying with a man and/or a woman to be laying up with a woman.

    y’all mad, get glad and get the fuck ova it. God intended for man to be the giver and woman to be the receiver. anything else is in natural people.

    kudos to Kim for being brave enough to speak the truth.


  27. I can’t believe she apologized? she need to stand by what she said even if she has to clarify it. speaking against homosexuality is NOT hate and gays kill me saying that as soon as someone call their asses out.


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