Police brutality, Police Shooting, Racial Profiling, Racial tension, racial unrest, Racially motivated, Racism in America

Another UNARMED Black Man Shot? And Black People Should be Voting for Who?

His vehicle was simply stalled on a highway in Tulsa, Oklahoma, yet all these police officers responded with their guns drawn.

Graphic video showing the shooting death of Terence Crutcher, 40, on Friday, went viral, adding the case to the list of police-involved shootings raising questions about relations between law enforcement in the United States and black men.

Police said they were responding to a call of a vehicle abandoned in the middle of the roadway. In video from officers’ dashcams and also from a helicopter, four officers are seen responding as Crutcher holds his hands up in the air and walks  away from officers, toward his stalled vehicle.

In the video taken from the helicopter, a male is heard to say, “That looks like a bad dude too. He might be on something.”

Police said Crutcher did not respond to their commands and that one officer used a stun gun on him and another shot him.

Police Chief Chuck Jordan, meeting with reporters, assured that justice would be done and called in the Justice Department before the Justice Department called him to ask for an investigation.

“I’m going to tell you right now that there was no gun on the suspect or in the suspect’s vehicle,” Jordan said. “I want to assure our community and I want to assure all of you and people  across the nation who are going to be looking at this: we will achieve justice.”

20xp-tulsa2-master768Crutcher’s twin sister, Tiffany Crutcher, said the family demands to know what happened and wants charges pressed against police officer Betty Shelby, who shot and killed Crutcher.

We ask for facts, we ask for answers, and we clearly got it through the video and we are devastated,” she said. “The entire family is devastated.”

Tiffany Crutcher, playing on the words of the male on the video shot from the helicopter, said her brother was a good man who loved God.

99 thoughts on “Another UNARMED Black Man Shot? And Black People Should be Voting for Who?”

  1. Yeah who should black people be voting for? Because regardless TRUMP gon win mark my words. Hilary chose a running mate that no one knows. Ignored Bernie Sanders and people are not happy with her ass. Add that to black folk being killed like rabid dawgs in the street. Yeah it’s a mess aight.


      1. Sup people. we better wake up. WE are at war.
        They out to kill us. How da fuck you arrest a bomber and he’s alive with a flesh wound and a black man’s car is broke down and he’s shot and killed? WTF???


  2. he was killed by a murderous husband and wife cop team from Tulsa. Yahoo and everybody else still focused on the alleged bomber who was taken alive. I guess Black lives really don’t matter :/


    1. Taken alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Supposedly shot, guarantee it was only a damn flesh wound. Sick of this mess.

      They are publicly lynching our people


  3. That white woman who killed him is going to see exactly how those white men stick together. I can tell by the news conference they are going to place the whole blame on her (as they should). She thought she was one of the boys. Them white men will repurpose the situation to act like they are doing something about killing unarmed black men. All the while not willing to take a stand when the officer was a white man. Watch, you will see.


      1. the police captain already said loud and clear there was no gun in car or in vehicle. They fixin’ to let her dry.


      2. Yeah that police captain contacted the justice department too and asked for an independent investigation. That bitch killed him for NO reason. Got damn shame. 😡


      3. I agree. These national protests, BLM movement, increased media coverage etc, are having an effect.

        They know they’re under increased scrutiny now. They cant get away with the stuff they used to. So they’re ready to sacrifice her, and throw her under the bus. She’s done.


      4. Tulsa is the home of one of the bigget race riots ever in life. Black Wall Street. But if you think they are fair.. then we shall see. I personally dont. We gonna see. I hope so. Cause his twin up there hurting something awful. 😥


      5. Bobby,
        Black Wall Street was NOT a riot. That was a straight up massacre using aerial assault tactics on basically unarmed people!! Glad you know your history!!


      6. All I got. Let’s say she go to trial and that’s a big fat IF. She’ll walk. Keep in mind there was a black female cop in the Freddie Gray trial.


      7. True Ashanti, but there is a good ol’ boys club among white men. They’ll stick their necks out for one of their male buddies before they do it for a female officer.


      8. Her husband is one of their fellow male cop buddies. They gonna stand behind him on the strength of her. Her husband will PROTECT her.


  4. If an unarmed pastor can get killed like this, then no black man is safe in Amerikkka. I’m scared for all my black brothers nationwide.


  5. I see people on Facebook sharing those “what to do if you get stopped by police info,” and I think, it is pointless. You don’t ever know what to do because you’re damned if you do or damned if you don’t and still get shot.


      1. Car trouble….add that to the long list of shit that’ll get a black person killed. Can’t even wait on AAA in peace without the threat of being executed by law enforecement.


  6. Sad. Just one more name added to the list. 😥

    Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Alton Sterling, Philando Castille, etc etc.
    The list just keeps on growing.


  7. Hands completely up & shot dead like a dog..Breakfast Club talking bout these pigs need combat training for what ?? Beat the piss out us then kill us …shit hurts man


  8. The complete lack of regard for our life …this man got 4 kids left in this world & somebody gotta explain to them he died BC his car broke down . WTF!!!
    4 of y’all , cameras surrounding y’all & y’all still shoot BC they dont give GAF …am soo pissed .


  9. Morning my Oppressed black, latino, and native indians brothers and sisters:

    STOP celebrating these white man holidays like christmas, thanksgiving, and pretty much anything that white people celebrate STOP celebrating that shiiit.

    STOP sitting up in church on sun-day, because that is the WIDE WAY straight to the destruction that is headed over here.

    STOP thinking that your voting will make a difference…this is the definition of INSANITY!!!!!!!!

    Try something NEW ( which you should be doing anyway ) …Keep God’s Commandments, so Christ can return quickly and KILL ALL THESE F** EDOMITES….EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!!!!


  10. This right here got me a hot 38…so this man who was having car trouble..instead of helping him… you taser him because he was a threat , right…then with his hands up.. you shoot him. Because of what again??? They are killing our black men right before our eyes.


  11. What gets me is , Ahmad Khan Rahami can blow up shit and still be alive , but Mr.Terence Crutcher gets killed after his car breaks down.


    1. Xmen,
      That fool Rahami is still alive because THEY (feds, police) want information out of him. Trust and believe if they had all the answers he would be swimming in the ocean somewhere with Bin Laden.


      1. That fool Rahami is still alive because THEY (feds, police) want information out of him. Trust and believe if they had all the answers he would be swimming in the ocean somewhere with Bin Laden.


    1. That fool Rahami is still alive because THEY (feds, police) want information out of him. Trust and believe if they had all the answers he would be swimming in the ocean somewhere with Bin Laden.


  12. White police officers are afraid of black males. That is a fact. Why do anything to provoke them?

    Why was Crutcher walking toward his SUV while officers yelled at him to stop? And why did he put his hands in his truck?

    Didn’t he know these unexplained actions would provoke the white officers to overreact violently?

    A case of suicide by cop must be considered before we overreact.


    1. I really don’t care WHAT he did or they will now CLAIM he did, they de-escalate every damn body that’s not black. That crazy Asian guy who punched a cop was arrested peacefully. White people walking around with guns threatening to shoot people are arrested peacefully. But black folks with their hands in the air get shot down like animals. GTFOH with that “let’s lick their boots so they don’t kill us” crap.


    1. I know money can’t bring him back, but his family about to get paid. That’s ridiculous. That fool doesn’t know anything about this man except his skin color, talking about “he’s bad.”


  13. Thats what i was wondering. These racist pigs sicken me. They didnt even try to help the man, give medical assistance or anything. Smh


  14. I’m tired of talking about black men being murdered in the streets. This is a fucking atrocity !! It’s time we do something about it.


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