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Is there “Light skin vs. dark Skin” privilege in Society? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Light_Skin_PriviledgeHard to believe we did a show just four (4) years ago, in 2012 regardingLight Skin vs. Dark Skinand this very topic is still alive and very well today.

Since Grey’s Anatomy star Jesse Williams spoke out of turn (for some), at the BET Awards last month, social media and online blogs felt he wasn’t black enough to do so.

Williams, who is half white, called out white people for appropriating black music for fame and profit.

He also showed support for social media militants, Black Lives Matter, saying, “We know that police somehow manage to de-escalate, disarm and not kill white people every day.”

Williams, whose mother is white and father black, let the world know just how comfortable he is NOT with his fame, in today’s hateful society of injustice and inequality.

Williams’ speech set-off such a firestorm online and in the media, that a petition was circulated calling the series creator Shonda Rhimes to fire Williams from ‘Anatomy’.

Many saying if Isaiah Washington was fired for being outspoken Williams should be fired just as well. Setting off the theory that “light skinned” blacks receive preferential treatment over “dark skinned blacks”.

Tune in tonight at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via blog talk radio for this discussion “Is there “Light skin vs. dark Skin” privilege in Society?”

We’re taking your calls in the studio at 1-917-889-7872, please press “1” to speak with the host.

Follow the “Conversation links” to access the show!

70 thoughts on “Is there “Light skin vs. dark Skin” privilege in Society? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. Yup she fired Isiah Washington over the gay slur thing. After a petition. So they thought they could try it again. is all


    1. But Isaiah was fired for being hateful (that’s considered hate speech). Jesse ain’t spoke nothing but the truth. Glad she has his back. Someone (of a high enough profile) needed to say what he said.


      1. Isaiah was fired for being hateful
        This may be true but they’re saying people were LESS 4givng with Washington because he was dark skin.


      2. This may be true but they’re saying people were LESS 4givng with Washington because he was dark skin.


      3. Isaiah was fired for being hateful
        No Isaiah Washington was fired for supposedly being homophobic which is/was a bunch a bullshit. Folk kill me you speak on homosexuality and all of a sudden you hateful. O_o FOH it’s all apart of their agenda. smh


      1. Bird, Apple, Adam, Corp, Bobby, Nicole, Brown, Cameo and Felicia.
        Happy Wednesday y’all
        And anybody after me 😛


  2. That is the sexiest light bright man I have ever seen in my life. The masculinity just oozes out of his face…. I swear on Jesus I have never looked at a light bright this way in my life.


  3. Trace, where can I find this petition? I wonder if I can leave a comment like on those GoFundMe pages …Feeling a little petty today 😡


      1. Majority of Grey’s Anatomy fans are white women and it’s a lot of them that signed. You know they super salty too that he showed appreciation for black women for being dedicated, nurturing, and putting others before ourselves (especially since his momma is white…).


      2. Majority of Grey’s Anatomy fans are white women and it’s a lot of them that signed.


      3. Why would “they” start a petition?! Nothing he said was hateful…but “they” hate the truth! Shonda isn’t stupid because of this, I bet you she will have arise in ratings for grey’s anatomy….more black peoples too!


      4. I bet you she will have arise in ratings for grey’s anatomy….more black peoples too!
        Right.?? I never gave the show a chance but I might have to now. Lol 🙂


  4. Cracker Jack’s are annoying. Jessie got their asses in their feelings. They will deal because Jessie has already spoken the truth (light or dark) that doesn’t matter. I wish some of these self hating brothers would take a note out of Jessie’s hand book.


  5. Folks sooo mad at the…TRUTH! Didn’t matter how it came from a light or dark messenger, bottom-line, we all still “HEARD” the message.


  6. After his speech I’ve wondered how much his life has changed, because I’m sure it has. How are people treating him at the work, are neighbors looking at him with the side eye, is the waiter/host at restaurants taking their sweet time getting to him(well more than usual), are some family members pissed with him. But on the other spectrum he gained alot of respect from the black community. Just a thought.


  7. Jesse did that speech and put some RESPECK on his name. They may not like him but they respect him and before they speak they think about what they gonna say to him, Any other time they just say what they wanna say. He reminded me of Brother Malcolm fearless standing up there…and Malcolm X was dark skinned. O_o


  8. Palease that Boy was sincere, he talked about white folk just like his “WHITE” momma wasn’t even sittin there. O_o


    1. Flo, that is why *white folk* in their feelings because he is not claiming his white roots & PROUD to be a BLACK man.


  9. Whatever he does, I hope black people back him up. He’s been speaking on our behalf for a while, but this time he garnered more attention for it, and put his career on the line by doing so.


    1. He ain’t give a shit about his career, that shit was made crystal clear once he went on with his “black power” rant!!!!!!


  10. I applaud his speech. Tamir Rice is dead, innocent lil 12 y.o. at this point I wouldn’t give a fuck what people thought about me r my damn career.


  11. He is doing the REAL work? Just like when Trayvon passed, these dumb azz celebrities and non celebrities posting photos of themselves with hoodies, talking about “I am Trayvon Martin” …….and I’m like “NO THE F – – K YOU’RE NOT. Trayvon is dead! What the f – – k is you posting that gonna do. NOTHING!!!…..and when those basketball players turned their jerseys inside out (or something like that) in protest of whatever injustice that was at that time (I forgot because there are so many) and I’m like HUH, WTF, REALLY??? We need to put in work…….SERIOUS WORK, not posting and retweeting s – – t like that’s gonna be the cure. Can’t no one man carry us all.


      1. You know they stay watching and reading our stuff…
        They have to study how to keep us oppressed


  12. I don’t watch Grey’s Anatomy and never heard of Jessie Williams until now. So!!! Yeah he’s career and name has sky rocketed ever since he told folk off and shamed police.


  13. A. Owner of BET (he ain’t black you know)

    B. Stacey’s pointed nose azz. (she wishes she was white so bad)

    C. Don “Sugar Booty” Lemon (he hates blacks because he
    probably feels like they don’t support his lifestyle, when in reality, beige people are more anti-gay than anybody)

    D. Pharell (he is the NEW BLACK and he thinks that Jesse should stop blaming others for black people problems)

    E. White media who’s mission is to only stir up controversy.

    F. Beyoncé (his speech got more attention than her performance and that didn’t sit well with her)

    G. Blog Queen (she’s a special kind of special and I’ll leave it at that)

    H. All of the above


  14. Jessie told da truth, shamed the devil and praised black women all while looking in his white mama’s face. wasn’t NO Shame to his fame.


  15. He is a real hero and a stand up dude. 👏👏👏👏 most full blooded Negros ain’t said or did shit except hide behind a keyboard. Hats off to him.


  16. Jessie told the TRUTH and folk mad because he used his platform to do it. Power to the people!!! Light or dark doesn’t matter, at the end of the day we all in the same damn boat.


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