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Is there “Light skin vs. dark Skin” privilege in Society? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Light_Skin_PriviledgeHard to believe we did a show just four (4) years ago, in 2012 regardingLight Skin vs. Dark Skinand this very topic is still alive and very well today.

Since Grey’s Anatomy star Jesse Williams spoke out of turn (for some), at the BET Awards last month, social media and online blogs felt he wasn’t black enough to do so.

Williams, who is half white, called out white people for appropriating black music for fame and profit.

He also showed support for social media militants, Black Lives Matter, saying, “We know that police somehow manage to de-escalate, disarm and not kill white people every day.”

Williams, whose mother is white and father black, let the world know just how comfortable he is NOT with his fame, in today’s hateful society of injustice and inequality.

Williams’ speech set-off such a firestorm online and in the media, that a petition was circulated calling the series creator Shonda Rhimes to fire Williams from ‘Anatomy’.

Many saying if Isaiah Washington was fired for being outspoken Williams should be fired just as well. Setting off the theory that “light skinned” blacks receive preferential treatment over “dark skinned blacks”.

Tune in tonight at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via blog talk radio for this discussion “Is there “Light skin vs. dark Skin” privilege in Society?”

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