
2-Year-Old Boy Snatched by Gator Near Disney Resort Hotel

disney-gator-attack-550x299Divers and wildlife officials are searching for the remains of a 2-year-old boy who was dragged into a lagoon by an alligator near Disney World’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa Tuesday evening.

The boy, on vacation with his parents and 2 siblings from Nebraska, was wading near the shore of the Seven Seas Lagoon when the attack happened at 9:15 p.m., Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings told reporters at a press conference early Wednesday.

Demings described the father’s desperate attempts to wrestle his son from the alligator’s jaws. The child’s mother also dived into the water as the alligator retreated with the boy.

“The parents diligently tried to get the child,” Demings told reporters. He said the boy’s father suffered injuries on his hands during the attempted rescue.

The gator is estimated to be between 5 and 7 feet long.

Demings said 50 law enforcement officers, 2 marine units, a helicopter, and a gator tracker would continue the “recovery operation” throughout night.

4 alligators were caught overnight and euthanized to search for signs of the boy in the stomach contents.

Demings said there is no record of a similar gator attack at the man-made lagoon and beach, just steps from the resort hotel.


A Disney spokeswoman told reporters there were “no swimming signs” posted around the lagoon. The signs do not say alligators are lurking nearby. The spokeswoman said Disney world staffers were “devastated” and Disney was helping the family.

Resort guests were told to move away from their balconies, according to the UK’s Daily Mail.

The Grand Floridian Resort & Spa is located directly across from Disney World’s Magic Kingdom in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, near Orlando.

There are over 1 million alligators in Florida. Wildlife officials record an average of 10 alligator attacks on humans a year.

20 thoughts on “2-Year-Old Boy Snatched by Gator Near Disney Resort Hotel”

  1. No Swimming Signs and they still ignored them O_o and as a result they are killing alligators to search their stomach contents O_o …the child is dead because his parents refused to follow the rules. WoW!!!


  2. Wait a minute wait a minute…. wait a minute….so kids falling into gorilla pits and being dragged off by gators….this is why i dont let my little gremlins out of my sight..I run a tight ship…and I don’t feel no kind of way about it…albeit some people do oh their just boys or their just playing…I have things that can do…. within my eye sight and my full on participation to minimize the chances of horrible situations like this

    Oh Good morning ya’ll


  3. Morning Conversationers!
    This is a sad story. I can’t even imagine what pain the family is going through. Some of these comments tho!😳 When we went to Disney we were out late every night. The parents did nothing wrong IMO.


  4. I feel like I need to go to church this Sunday. Fall to my knees. Too much bad news. Make you scared to go anywhere and do anything.


  5. The energy in Orlando is veeeeery bad right now, real talk. The Voice contestant being killed by a crazed fan, the Pulse night club massacre and now gators snatching babies….all within days. I prayed for that bad energy to dissipate and blow out into the Atlantic…..


  6. So I guess we all know their skin color….. Because if the Family was black we would have a family photo and a Background of everyone’s history. Watch your child… Where were the parents?? Blah blah blah!! Where is the FUCKING outrage!!


    1. You know how they do it. Of course the parents white, that’s why we ain’t seen no cameras in their faces. Smfh


  7. Disney is going to settle this quickly and it won’t be cheap. They didn’t have gator warning signs up because it would be bad for business no one and I mean no one is staying at a resort with a lagoon and gators are in it. This is going to cost them big bucks.


  8. Sad the little white kid drowned but what I wanna know is where is the outrage that the parents had the kid out after 9 at night allowing him to run around a lagoon that said no swimming. Guess they had no idea how gators were lurking in that water. And how come we didn’t get a ‘snapshot’ of the family’s history like we did that black couple whose kid fell in the gorilla embankment.


    1. And how come we didn’t get a ‘snapshot’ of the family’s history like we did that black couple whose kid fell in the gorilla embankment.
      Exactly!!! Racist ass selective media coverage! Why are they protecting the parents? cuss they white bright light?


      1. After officials found the body of the 2-year-old Nebraska boy whom an alligator dragged into a lake at a Disney resort, his family “asked for privacy as they grieve the loss of their son,” the Orange County Sheriff’s office said Wednesday.

        Now ain’t that some shit? O_o


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