Conversations Of A Sistah, Tracy L. Bell, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio, What she said

Sex & The Power of the Pipe! on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

12809637_478407482368668_2417366051421375774_nSex is most often controlled by the compatibility of two people in a relationship. But what if that sex is so mind blowing that you lose all reason, logic and basic common sense? What happens once you relinquish all control and inabilities between the sheets? You find yourself vulnerable and submissive based upon the act alone. I believe the term used nowadays is “whipped!”

You find yourself thinking about that person, constantly thinking about the act and being a slave to the next encounter for the opportunity of your next fix. It becomes your addiction, the reason for that pep in your step and that glide in your slide. It has the power to change you. Change your attitude, your feelings, your emotions and inhibitions.

Dr. TaMara_GriffinJoin me tonight at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistahvia blog talk radio, with my special guest, Dr. TaMara Griffin (pictured here), on the topic “Sex & the power of the pipe“.

Dr. Griffin, is a sexologist, sex therapist and author of the book “I am Sex“! And also a certified Clinical Sexology and lead Associate in Sex Education.

All “Conversation links” in this post make it possible to access the show!

142 thoughts on “Sex & The Power of the Pipe! on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

    1. Sup Trace!!!
      Now this is WTF I’m talkin bout!!!!
      Tat sista is FYNE too. Ah hell yea I gotta hear this topic.
      Trace how you doin sexy??? 😆


      1. Morning peoples… show of hands, whose been whipped? Dick whipped or by the pussy? let’s see who gon be honest.


      2. by show of hands, whose been whipped? Dick whipped
        Again I say:
        I wouldn’t want to be “dick whipped” and we in two separate places, two separate households. If he gon dick whip me I wanna be where he is….like married, like in a committed relationship.


      3. Good morning My Fam.
        @Omar, to answer your question, unless it sings and spits quarters, it will NEVA have me trippin! 😛


      4. Morning good peoples….wassup?
        I’ll never tell y’all my bittness in public like this. LOL not me no zir rhee


      5. Morning. Everybody. Let’s tune in for the conversation and not guess where the topic is going.


      6. Morning Fam
        I can admit, I have been dick whipped b4. and it’s not cute when a man has control over you like that. It’s like you are in a trance. That’s why now, I’m careful with my choices.


      7. Good morning everyone.
        I’ve been a member of this blog family and the show a little more than 3 years now and I must say this is the racy-ist topic I’ve heard thus far. 🙂


      8. Hello all. I’m pleading the “FIFTH” on this subject and REFUSE to interject until I hear tonight’s show. My comments will follow the host and her Dr. TaMara. I recognize a setup when I read one. LOL


      9. Can y’all handle Tra’s show topic?
        It’s whippa-luscious!!!! LOL!!! LOL!!! But you know Tra she’s gonna take this subject to the wall.

        Morning all.


      10. Interesting topic. But always anxious to hear Tracy’s perspective and how she spins the conversation. That’s OUR GIRL!!






      13. Hello Fam
        I don’t think there’s POWER IN THE PIPE, I believe there’s power in the poonahnah!!


      14. Hey Fam.
        Happy Thursday. Hope no one missed the show but if you did, you need to catch the rewind. You will be amazed out how Tracy and her guest addressed the topic. Wow!


      15. a thousand thumbs up !!! Tracy worked this topic and had a bad ass black sexologists skilled on the subject to back her up! This show was the shit!!!! Still talking about it with some of my co-workers.


  1. I can relate to having some good pipe LAID on me 🙂 Lawd but when it was OVER I had to go into PIPE withdrawal. LOL 😛


    1. How come y’all just didn’t become FUCK BUDDIES?
      Um because I’m too good to be a man’s fuck buddy! Oh hail NO! when it’s over it’s over good sex will neva make me linger


    2. How come y’all just didn’t become FUCK BUDDIES?
      Um because I’m too good to be a man’s fuck buddy! Oh hail NO! when it’s over it’s over good sex will neva make me linger
      I CoSign that!!!


  2. Mm Mm Mm…Tracy what can anyone say about “the power of the pipe?” If a man got skills in the bedroom that’s a blessed man!! Lawd have mercy! I get chills just thinking about it. JESUS!!!!


  3. I wouldn’t want to be “dick whipped” and we in two separate places, two separate households. If he gon dick whip me I wanna be where he is….like married, like in a committed relationship. #dontjudgeme


  4. The power of the pipe? so this is not about size? O_o 2night’s topic is just about “that thing” being good? 2night’s show is about a sista being pipe driven? OK I’m LMAO 😛 I gots to hear where Tracy is going to take this.


  5. Yes Trace you on the RIGHT topic with this one……”break her ass DOOOOWWWNNN!!!!” YES!!! LOL LOL LOL


  6. The Power of the pipe?
    Trace I like that…….But know that it has always been about submission. A guy will make you say your his just to control your mind and emotions. Sexing her good is like piercing her heart. Literally. I’m tuned all the way in on this topic.


  7. The pipe only has power when a woman allow a man to ejaculate all up in her brain. Keep it leveled ladies and you’ll remain in control 😛 good show topic Ms. Bell I gotta hear it.


  8. women are emotional creatures anyways which is why sex is so much more different for them. It’s easier for them to be whipped. But if you know how to grip a man’s “Johnson” both with ya hands and ya Vjay Vjay….you could have him whipped as well. so the power goes both ways, which is why I can’t understand why Tracy didn’t make this topic: SEX and the ART of being whipped! O_o


  9. Never underestimate the power of sex – PERIOD. Such vulnerabilities should be shared with someone you trust. I don’t want to be whipped, I have been b4 and it’s not a good thing/feeling. because it can be very addicting. and all addictions are not good additions and being whipped is one of them. that’s my .2 now I’m gonna tune in.


  10. The fact that sex can change everything is a scary in reality. some me want women they have sex with to fall in love with him and that makes it harder too break the bond. So often people claim that sex is “just sex” for men they don’t bond from it, but I’ve not found that not to be true either. Sometimes the guy gets more attached too. GOOD sex is more powerful than people give it credit for sometimes and it makes me wonder if that is because a lot of people haven’t experienced REALLY GOOD sex. It can be MIND blowing. I say just have good sex with a keeper. like a life partner.


  11. I’ve slept with plenty of guys that just weren’t that spectacular in bed. So the pipe don’t always have power. Sex is so over rated.


    1. Sex is so over rated.
      Sounds like you ain’t neva had ya back blown out! You need that back blown OUT to gain a different perspective on this subject.


    2. Sounds like you ain’t neva had ya back blown out! You need that back blown OUT to gain a different perspective on this subject.
      Yea…Um, No I don’t think so. you can pin my ass to the wall and I’d still say SEX IS OVERATED!


  12. Yeah Trace I know of the power ’cause I use it all the time…
    the better the sex, the faster those doors can be unlocked to that secret place between those involved. and people who say they’re not gonna get hooked on someone suddenly finds themselves turned out because someone laid the bomb sex on them – and that leaves them vulnerable. Yeah I’m all too familiar with it.


  13. “sex is emotion in motion”. I think the most power does lies behind the good stuff. and It is scary when you realize just what it can do to you!


    1. Because sometimes sex is what it is, to fulfill a physical need. when love is more of an action, an emotion. not everyone in love is fucking and vice versa.


  14. In order to stay dick proof ladies, as my grand mama would say: If you don’t let him LICK IT you won’t want him to stick it 😛


    1. I’m confused is power in the size or nah? Giggling
      Of course it is and he needs to know how to work that thing once he’s tapped into her yoni. when he can hit all them walls yes a sista can and will lose her damn mind.


    2. Yeah Natasha, I think that size does matter, size does not necessarily equate superb sexual prowess but I matters.


    3. I’m confused is power in the size or nah? Giggling
      @Random I guess it’s an individual preference because Dr. TaMara said SIZE doesn’t matter.


  15. The power of good dick makes women act ‘right’. The average woman – regardless of her walk of life – responds to good dick, if nothing else.


    1. I think most times women are more strung out than men.


    2. This was the shit in the clubs in the early 90’s. Music still hits all the right notes. Bring her out on the floor and work it until it is time to bounce to the hotel.


  16. Yup there is power in the pipe because the owner of good dick can and will wind up “screwing you into slavery.”


    1. I Agree…..a brotha can have you calling his dick MASSA!!!
      and what man deserves that type of worship? a husband. I had a sista strung out over me and she caused so much heartache. never again. I’m careful now with whom and how I share my sheets and I’m looking for long term and satisfying not a short term fix. yeah there is power in the pipe, provided your skilled.


    2. Yup there is power in the pipe because the owner of good dick can and will wind up “screwing you into slavery.”
      Exactly why I don’t/won’t have sex buddies nor do I sleep with everyone I’m attracted to because I REFUSE to be one of those chicks. 👏👏


  17. Yup good dick will absolutely imprison you in a cage of misery and ecstasy all at once. 😛 so women should proceed with caution.


  18. Sex is a powerful tool and some brothers use it loosely. I’m selective in sharing my energy. How many others can say the same?


  19. Oh my!!!!!!!! when I read the heading I thought she was referring to weed as in pipe. but as I read the post and now some of these comments I see/understand/realize to which pipe she’s referring. Can’t help but to LOL. How does Tracy come up with some of these topics….my gosh.


  20. I’m definitely tuned into this conversation. because I’m willing to bet that this is a conversation that came up amongst Trace and her GF’s


    1. Of course she has….I can only imagine her CONVERSATIONS offline. Her concepts are deep too. Mm to be a fly on the wall.


    2. I can only imagine her CONVERSATIONS offline
      Well if you have her book “Conversations Of A Sistah” you’d have an idea.


    3. Well if you have her book “Conversations Of A Sistah” you’d have an idea.
      Exactly because the conversations in the book are a little raw.


    4. Point Tracy has no doubt refereed to “IT” as the pipe.
      But on the show she kept repeating that shit so eloquently,, listening to her was truly turning me on


  21. You find yourself vulnerable and submissive based upon the act alone. I believe the term used nowadays is “whipped!”

    Yes Lawd and in some cases a sista needs deliverance from her damn self….an intervention. an prayer session to be reformed. I’ve never been there but have GF’s who have. and I need to have all em tuned in. LOL 😛 seriously.


  22. Sex is powerful. and it’s taken lightly these days. people are having it for recreational purposes when it’s so much deeper. If we valued our bodies we’d no longer take sex so lightly.


  23. Well alrighty then. This conversation topic is straight on the run from the gate. Wow!
    I’d rather read the comments here than hear the show. #nosir. gotta do both because it’s just 3:23 pm and we’re up to 101 comments already. I know this topic got my fellow bloggers talking. 🙂

    This RIGHT HERE Though::: ::“You find yourself thinking about that person, constantly thinking about the act and being a slave to the next encounter for the opportunity of your next fix. It becomes your addiction”

    I’m almost scared to tune in 😛


    1. I don’t think having a big penis makes a guy more powerful. But from my experience they are more confident which would make them seem more powerful.


    2. A large dick IS power to women who crave large dicks. Because they are rare, when these women encounter a big dick that is attached to a man that they otherwise really dig, they pretty much can’t let you go, no matter what.

      BUT most women prefer normal average dicks or just slightly above average, so no real power over most chicks.


    3. Tracy please ask the good sex doctor IF SIZE MATTERS????
      Oh well, if you heard the show, you heard her say NO it doesn’t. The Clitoris and “G” spot can get the job done


  24. I haven’t met a man yet who has that much power in his dick. It’s not the dick. Dick don’t bring down nations. Let’s think about all the powerful men and I mean powerful men who have fallen from grace, lost positions, families and whatever else you can think of. To top all that …think about how powerful women are when they can even cause ANGELS from heaven to lose their positions. Read the Bible at Genesis chapter 6….now that’s power. Even perfect angels couldn’t resist the power women possess.


  25. 25 minutes before listening to Tra sexy voice online. 🙂 there’s power in that and that’s fa damn sure!!


  26. You sleep with 5 people, he sleep 20 and 2together y’all slept with 25 people. Dr. TaMara laid down the law!!! she rocked it and was not judgmental. Trace covered it from the rooter to the tooter.


  27. Tracy this was a HOT SHOW topic. After hearing it I was all over Dr. TaMara’s website. I LOVED her. This chick didn’t studder or stammer but got right to every point!!!! Much RESPECT to her.

    We need to be more responsible about our choices and realize that being DICKTIMIZED has its consequences. 😛


  28. I had to hear this show again. This was GOOD conversation. Loved the guest and was so turned on by how Tracy commanded the topic.


  29. Tracy was bugging me out with the giggling during the show. sounded like she was having a party in the studio O_o another good show. one of THE BEST!!!


  30. Lawd Jesus! This was the show of all shows!
    This here “Conversations Of A Sistah” was OFF the chaZAIN!!
    And No Tracy’s mother didn’t say “Size matters” 😛 I was done when she said that and I could here the embarrassment in Blog Queen’s voice! Show was super good! Kudos to the good right Rev. Dr. TaMara Griffin!!


  31. Loved the show and still don’t know enough to know what is great sex.?? I enjoyed the commentary though. Dr. Griffin is an interesting creature.


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