Black History, Blog talk radio, Conversations Of A Sistah, Selma 50, Selma 50th Anniversary, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio

Selma “50” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”


Selma “50” or bloody Sunday as it is also known, heralds those brave men and women who fought for Civil Rights in the 1960’s, when they were met by police who used clubs, tear gas and water hose to attack those Civil Rights Demonstrators on March 7, 1965. The event is considered a watershed moment in the civil rights movement and it helped lead to the passage of the Voting Rights Act.

This past weekend, the occasion was commemorated with a march led by President Barack Obama across the “Edmund Pettus Bridge”, which is named (by the way) after a KKK Grand Wizard.

“In one afternoon 50 years ago, so much of our turbulent history — the stain of slavery and anguish of civil war; the yoke of segregation and tyranny of Jim Crow; the death of four little girls in Birmingham, and the dream of a Baptist preacher — met on this bridge,” Obama stated.

The conversation piece is also about why former President George W. Bush, was not marching (in this photo) next to President Barack Obama?


director_1Join me tonight at 6:30 p.m. on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via for my special guest, Ashley S. Mason (pictured here), Director of Selma-Dallas Tourism, as we discuss “Selma 50” and the events that took place in her city to commemorate the anniversary.

All Conversation links in this email make it possible to access tonight’s show.

104 thoughts on “Selma “50” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. Not one racist republican attended Saturday’s event O_o says a lot about them and where they stand on Civil Rights, the Voting Rights Act and President Obama.


    1. Hey Tamala,
      And W is to be commended at least he marched while his party that has gone off the fuckin cliff should be condemned. Racist Munfuckers!!!


      1. Yea @Bobby,
        I have to ask, why were the Bushes NOT next to the Obamas and instead, off to the side?


      2. Afternoon all,
        I found Bushes position ODD as well, Former Prez Bush should have been right up there in front with Obama. Tracy Please ask Ms. Ashley Mason why??


      3. where y’all get it from the George W. didn’t march with Obama in Selma?
        @Xmen…….It appeared in a Selma newspaper.


      4. @Yasha,
        Just so you know. Bill Clinton was also to the right of this picture, and he was not included, either. Could it be because there were so many people in the front row that in order to get the President and John Lewis into the picture, they had to crop the left and right sides? C’mon this is not an issue.


      5. Just so you know. Bill Clinton was also to the right of this picture, and he was not included, either. Could it be because there were so many people in the front row that in order to get the President and John Lewis into the picture, they had to crop the left and right sides? C’mon this is not an issue.
        @Miss Ang….Just so you know, missing from the 50th anniversary of the Bloody Sunday march in Selma, Alabama? WAS President Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary Clinton, the Clintons were in Miami for a Clinton Global Initiative event. Perhaps that is why Bill was not in the picture? So um please consider that!


      6. Good Afternoon Ladies and Fellaz,
        I don’t think it’s so much about the dignitaries who were present, it’s about the law itself and what those brave men and women sacrificed that day. People lost their lives on that bridge. And for Congress to NOT give a fuck and y’all to be worried about where former President Bush was is irrelevant. In the end his ass was on the stage with Obama anyways.


      7. President Obama is the current President that is why he led that picture. He marched along with those Civil Rights Activist who march on that day in 1965. Maybe Bush was comfortable being exactly where he was.

        @Tracy please post that picture? O_o


      8. Hey y’all.
        Maybe that is where the former President George W. landed when it was time to position people for the march. Maybe it was more important to have the original marchers highlighted upfront than anything else. I say this is maybe a question for Tracy’s guest tonight.

        See y’all on the air.


      9. Good afternoon,
        Not sure why Bush being upfront is a big deal? Who cares? Bottom line is, he was there, he wound up on stage and most importantly his got over that bridge. 😛


      10. I have to ask, why were the Bushes NOT next to the Obamas and instead, off to the side?
        Angel, exactly how has this omission of Bush a big deal? Are U really outraged and consider this a controversy? No one but U right? Not even the current or past Republican party officials are acknowledging nor responding to this event. This is nothing more than a question by U to serve your agenda of creating a controversy as usual. FOH who cares about the Bushes?


      11. Good afternoon,
        Looking 4ward to tonight’s show… Just wanna say. What did either of the Bush’s have to do with the Civil Rights movement, then or now? Nothing!!! Peace!


      12. What is up everybody!
        The issue of voting rights legislation and the issue of Selma, we ought to have an experience that brings people together and not make it into a political conversation. Who cares who was there. We sure know who ain’t doin shit to bring about change.


      13. Some of y’all’s comments are ridiculous!!!
        You need to understand that the people who got their heads beaten in 50 years ago weren’t marching to “bring people together.” They were marching for a political purpose and with a political goal in mind. So a who’s who of who attended don’t mean JACK to the cause.


      14. Hey people.
        Don’t miss this show. I won’t I have to be in the office till 7:00 pm anyway. so this works out well. 🙂


      15. Good Wednesday afternoon y’all.
        This Ashley gurl look like she may not know too much about this Selma ’50’ O_o I can bet she wasn’t even born yet.


      16. This Ashley gurl look like she may not know too much about this Selma ’50’ O_o I can bet she wasn’t even born yet.
        And @Keisha…. I’m willing to BET that she will do her homework b4 tonight’s show. Any good guest would.


      17. Hey Fam….Do y’all think this young white gurl gonna know something about tonight’s topic?


      18. Do y’all think this young white gurl gonna know something about tonight’s topic?


      19. Do y’all think this young white gurl gonna know something about tonight’s topic?
        Why NOT? I’m sure she wouldn’t be in her position if she couldn’t handle the conversation. Anyway Selma is about more than just the Voting Registration Act.


  2. Looking forward to the show. Can’t wait to hear about the dignitaries that were there. Ms. Ashley is a very pretty girl.


  3. Did Ofrah release the movie knowing this year would commemorate the 50th anniversary of such a historic movement? #justasking…and didn’t Selma students get a free screening of the movie?


    1. Surely it Tis which is why Congress wanna do away with the VOTING ACT. To take us back to th 60’s by denying ‘US’ people of color, our RIGHT to Vote!


      1. Lawd if race is alive and well here up north I know damn well it’s alive and well down south Selma esp.
        And let’s keep it real. Y’all know everybody in Selma wasn’t happy about a bunch a black folk converging on their town to commemorate this anniversary. Some of them was prolly somewhere burning crosses or pressing their sheets. Smh


  4. Tra I know you gotta cover Ur show n all but why you ain’t post Angie Stone being arrested for knocking her daughter Diamond’s 2 front teefus out! 😆


    1. but why you ain’t post Angie Stone being arrested for knocking her daughter Diamond’s 2 front teefus out!
      I know right @Ebony. Esp. since Angie’s daughter hit her 1st.


      1. LOL 😆 I wish I would even look like I wanna raise my hand to my mama she would’ve knocked my teef out 2.


      2. I wish I would even look like I wanna raise my hand to my mama
        HELLO!!!!! My Mama would have knocked all my teeth out & called the police her fuckin self & said “Y’all Betta Come Get Her B4 I Kill Her”…… Lmao 😆


      3. why you ain’t post Angie Stone being arrested for knocking her daughter Diamond’s 2 front teefus out!
        This is so sad..Any person who disrespects or hits thier mother..There days will be numbered on earth..I would of beat the shit out of her & thought about the consequences later!!!


      4. Teeth can be can’t replace a head..that’s what my mom would’ve done,knocked my head smoooooth off my got damn NECK


      5. Yes Angie Stone went WWE on that ass! Kids need to respect they mama’s! That’s What’s wrong wit kids now they ain’t getting the asswhoopins no more!


      6. why you ain’t post Angie Stone being arrested for knocking her daughter Diamond’s 2 front teefus out!
        Cuss this shit ain’t news.


      7. why you ain’t post Angie Stone being arrested for knocking her daughter Diamond’s 2 front teefus out!
        Although Angie should’ve beat the crap outta her daughter. That’s a gossip piece I guess Tra wanted to skip. 🙂


      8. why you ain’t post Angie Stone being arrested for knocking her daughter Diamond’s 2 front teefus out!
        Angie should NOT have been arrested either. That was her damn house she was DISTESPECTED in. I would tell Diamond’s ass too “You bet NOT be there when I get there!”


      9. why you ain’t post Angie Stone being arrested for knocking her daughter Diamond’s 2 front teefus out!
        Not relevant right now I’m sure.


      10. Ion blame Angie one bit. Can’t stay in my house and not control your chirren then disrespect me O_o Ion think so.


      11. I can tell you all with all certainty that if my daughter punched me I would do more damage then knocking out her teeth.

        Goes back to lurkin until after the show.


  5. “Edmund Pettus Bridge”, which is named (by the way) after a KKK Grand Wizard”.

    Yup and 70,000 black folk trampled across that bitch on Saturday hope he turned upside down in his damn grave. And if he in HELL I hope it burnt all his hair off.


  6. Awesome write-up…..Because the people who marched from Selma, Ala., to Montgomery 50 years ago weren’t marching for their health. Nor were they marching for some elusive goal of racial unity. They were marching for one reason and one reason only: to demonstrate the need for a Voting Rights Act.

    They succeeded. At great cost.


  7. The entire March is nothing more than political in it’s nature. No one who is an American citizen of any color or religion is denied the right to vote in the USA. If you have proper ID and are properly registered, you will vote.

    Will be listening in as usual.


  8. Too much happening in the world. Cop killed the 1/2 black 1/2 white kid in Madison, WI, all these black men being killed on a regular and now Selma 50 years later while Congress is trying to undo the Voting Rights Act O_o SmDH just too much 😥 Lawd why??


  9. When I think about John Lewis I just wanna 😥 that man know what an ass whopping is. I guess that’s why he made his way into Congress God Bless him. He’s been hurt U can tell because that man will/can cry in a heart beat.


  10. Selma ’50’ is an important event. People lost their lives that day which is why it’s called bloody Sunday. Please look it up people and read on it. Lives were sacrificed for a right that many of us take for granted.


  11. I feel like we living in the 60’s again. It’s like History is def. repeating itself. In an upscale systematic way though. 😦 Smh


  12. It’s good to recognize Bloody Sunday and the Selma march for the Voting Right but look at how Congress is trying to reverse the events of all of that now. Had I walked that bridge and got my ass whopped I’d probably be somewhere crying too 😥


  13. Tuning in.
    I look forward to the songs Tra close out with anyways. That’s the real highlight of my night. 😛 No sir (#don’tjudgeme) I’m not that shallow. I do enjoy a good conversation 😛


  14. Gonna love this conversation. These times are crucial because they seem to be addressing what is happening in our society right now.


  15. Kudos Tracy to you. I applaud your efforts with your show. You have an open mind and a contagious personality to attract people of all genders and race. Class act you are.


      1. Ashley Mason knew her shit!

        MM Hm and see y’all under-estimated that white gurl


  16. “It is crucial to know women’s achievements, challenges, stereotypes and triumphs in order to know who women are and what women can accomplish today”.

    Good show


  17. Funny how some thought that just because this is a young European Sistah she wouldn’t know much about the Voting Rights Act and what took place in the very town that she serves. Ashley Mason probably knew more about Selma than some of you. SMH wow at the judgment.


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