Breaking News, Law and order, Racially motivated, Racist

Michael Dunn gets LIFE in Prison!


Michael Dunn (pictured above) was sentenced to life in prison (without parole), after being convicted of first-degree murder for fatally shooting Jordan Davis outside a Jacksonville convenience store.

Dunn tried to stand behind the “Stand your ground” law but the life sentence imposed by Circuit Judge Russell Healey was mandatory for the 47-year-old cold-blooded killer, since prosecutors decided not to seek the death penalty.

“Mr. Dunn, your life is effectively over,” Healey said. “What is sad … is that this case exemplifies that our society seems to have lost its way.”

Evidence showed that Dunn, of Satellite Beach, fired the shots during a heated argument over the volume of music coming from the SUV carrying Davis and three other teenagers. Dunn was convicted of three counts of second-degree murder in his first trial because he continued to fire into the Dodge Durango as the driver tried to flee. Healey on Friday sentenced him to a minimum of 60 years in prison for those charges, to be served consecutively with the life sentence.

Supporters of Jordan Davis and his family filled rows of the courtroom, and many broke into tears, sometimes sobs, as his parents and other family members told Healey how devastating his death had been.

Davis’ mother, Lucia McBath said she always taught her son to love and to forgive.

“Therefore, I too must be willing to forgive and so I choose to forgive you Mr. Dunn for taking my son’s life,” McBath said in court.

Jordan Davis’ father, Ronald Davis, spoke tearfully of holding his son when he was born, then kissing his body one last time at the hospital the night of his death.

“I gave him his first kiss when he came into this world and I could never have imagined giving him his last kiss,” Davis said. “Our family has lost the biggest and the brightest smile of all of us.”

85 thoughts on “Michael Dunn gets LIFE in Prison!”

  1. This man was arrested based on probable cause, tried in a court of law, and found guilty by a jury of his peers. A sentence was imposed by a judge in the State of Florida. While nothing can bring back young Jordan Davis, justice was served, and the legal process worked. I applaud Lucia McBath for having the courage to forgive the accused, that has to be hard!


  2. Wow! Apology? Really, is that what they call what he did?
    HELL I’m surprised by the verdict, I just knew another racist killer would skate.


  3. Wow 😦 it’s tragic a life had to end over something so trivial. And now his life is over. Make it so bad he killed Jordan and went on with his life like it never happened.


  4. Trace you 4got to include how Dunn apologized to the family saying “He made a mistake” when I heard that, I was like….Seriously? O_o


    1. Adriane,
      Mr. Dunn said he made a mistake.??? No, he did not make a mistake. A mistake is turning right when you should have turned left. A mistake is getting onion rings when you ordered fries. Mr Dunn did not make a “mistake”, he made a decision. Now he will DIE behind bars.


      1. Ladies
        “Dunn never called 911 after firing into the SUV, and afterward he went back to his hotel, made a drink, ordered pizza, walked his dog and went to sleep.”

        This to me is the most telling part. If he truly felt like his life was in danger, he would of panicked, called 911, begging for someone to come and help. Instead he fires his gun 10 TIMES into a vehicle and then gets back in his car and drives away? I would have voted to convict his ass as well.


      2. “I am mortified that I took a life whether it was a justified or not.”

        This is NOT an apology but this is what Dunn said @ his sentencing today.

        Dunn, couldn’t deal with the fact that a black kid didn’t give him the ‘respect’ he thought he was somehow due as a white guy and killed said kid for it and endangered multiple other lives. So now Dunn is going where he belongs…behind bars for the rest of his pathetic life. Bet the other inmates won’t show him much respect either.


      3. Good .. about time these white men git their payback ! Thats what he gets,, now they need to do some with these racist cops who shoot blk youths!


  5. His punishment is perfect. He took a life over loud music. What if someone hit your car and you became angry, do you have the right to shoot and kill them? So, if someone is yelling and you don’t like it, you get to shoot them? No! You get convicted of murder and go to jail!! Good for his azz.


  6. AH HA!!!


  7. So sad for both individuals, one dead for no reason and the other dead but yet will live in hell for life. How sad 😥


  8. He was/is a racist point.blank.period!!!!
    He shot into that car 10 times even though he was the first one to fire and he never had anyone fire back. I’m glad he got life!


  9. I have no sympathy/pity for this man nor do I blame it on Gun Control, I blame it on STUPIDITY!!
    Now he’s paying with his Life!


  10. He thought he would get away with it like George Zimmerman did smh ! Thank God justice was served for Jordan’s family 🙌


  11. Wish they had that kinda Judge throughout Florida! I sure did think he was going to get off easier than he did. Nice to be proven wrong.


  12. Now he can sit in jail for the rest if his life and think about how stupid he truly is and how he could’ve minded his business over loud music rip Jordan


  13. It good to know that justice was FINALLY served. While the DAVIS family can never get back thier son, I hope they find comfort in knowing that a jury put the man who took Jordan’s life away behind bars for the rest of his miserable life.


  14. Well, I called this one correctly! AND, if this were a perfect and just judicial system, they’d go back and retry Zimmerman and ALL the rest, that got off!


    1. Uncle Ed
      Zimmerman is like OJ…He will be his own demise. I’m just counting down the days when he ends up in jail over something dumb.


      1. It is impossible for the police to get charged with murder even though it evident that the killing was unjustified


  15. He received exactly what he deserved. If what he said was true (and it wasn’t), it doesn’t take 10 shots to defend yourself. I am so happy his family got justice.


  16. Thank God, because when this happened, I was very teary eyed watching his parents talk about their son and to see justice served, I am pleased.


      1. Yasha,
        I doubt that there will be an arrest for Darren Wilson at this point. The police in Ferguson are doing everything to bait blacks and trigger a riot 😦


      2. I doubt that there will be an arrest for Darren Wilson at this point.
        Yep and black folk gon BURN FURGESON DOWN!!!


  17. Finally justice has prevailed! this sentencing may not bring this young man back, but at least that animal will spend the rest of his miserable life behind bars!!


  18. Justice was served yes. But there are no winners here, 😥 an innocent young man is dead. Unfortunately it’s happening more and more in this country everyday. We have got to do better not just as blacks or whites but as a human race 😥


  19. “since prosecutors decided not to seek the death penalty.”

    Death is too easy for him. He deserves to rot in jail for the rest of his life.!!


  20. He deserves exactly what he got and what he will get once he starts serving his sentence. Let’s be happy he got life. At least we know he will be in there wishing he was dead.


  21. His life is now a constant reminder that Black Lives Matter. I hope he has many years ahead of him so he can serve as an example to others they might not get away with murder for fun.


  22. I saw his so called apology and I got so enraged I apologize more sincerely than that when I bump into a stranger on the street… he had no remorse during the trial and I see that he is still lacking a soul. O_o Wow!


  23. Jordan Davis’ mom told this to Michael Dunn after he was sentenced 😥 her words were heart breaking.

    “I choose to forgive you, Mr. Dunn, for taking my son’s life. I choose to release the seeds of bitterness and anger and honor my son’s love. I choose to walk in the freedom of knowing God’s justice has been served. I pray that God has mercy on your soul.” – Lucia McBath


      1. “I choose to forgive you, Mr. Dunn, for taking my son’s life. I choose to release the seeds of bitterness and anger and honor my son’s love. I choose to walk in the freedom of knowing God’s justice has been served. I pray that God has mercy on your soul.” – Lucia McBath


  24. There was Justice, now I pray Jordan’s family can have some peace! 😦
    May God have mercy on that mans soul for taking an innocent life.


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