Conversations Of A Sistah, Domestic violence, Tracy L. Bell

Masking the pain of Domestic Violence… Tonight on Conversations Of A Sistah


In light of the recent events in the news with the video going viral of NFL player Ray Rice knocking the crap out of his then fiancé, Janay Rice, (who months later became his wife) in an Atlantic City hotel, this incident sparked new conversations concerning Domestic Violence.

Nationally, nearly 10% of all homicides are committed by an intimate partner (spouse, boyfriend and/or girlfriend), according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting data from 2012. Of all the homicides known to be committed by an intimate partner, 80% of the victims are women.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month and for most victims of domestic violence, there is no witness, no camera. For about half, there is no police report. So the extraordinary footage of the Ray Rice incident is shedding new light on a problem hidden behind so many closed doors, which is why Domestic Violence can be so easily masked behind pain.

Join me tonight at 8:00 PM on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via “Conversations Live” as I talk… masking the painful reality of Domestic Violence.

All “Conversations links” in this post make it possible to access tonight’s show online. 

See you on the air!

108 thoughts on “Masking the pain of Domestic Violence… Tonight on Conversations Of A Sistah”

    1. Domestic Violence is unfortunately a private matter.
      I don’t usually care what folks do in their personal lives… but when I can see with my own eyes you getting knocked the fuck out and you think it’s okay…. Fuck you, Fuck ya man ….you’re both pieces of shyt O_o


      1. Domestic Violence is unfortunately a private matter.
        Until the victim ends up dead. Don’t be ridiculous.


      2. Domestic Violence is unfortunately a private matter.
        You sound like one of them chicks who like to get their a$$ thrashed SMDH 😡


      3. Domestic Violence is unfortunately a private matter.
        No it ain’t…U probably getting your ass whooped erday right?


      4. Domestic Violence is unfortunately a private matter.
        Your comment alone is the reality that most women live in pain, hope you’re not one of them.?


      5. Domestic Violence is unfortunately a private matter.
        spoken like someone being or who has been abused.


      6. Domestic Violence is unfortunately a private matter.
        WRONG!! It should never be a private matter. GET HELP!


  1. Ion too much care about Rice and his wife, cuss there are chicks getting stomped in the projects and trust they ain’t staying for the money. I’m tuning in.


  2. Janay Rice didn’t/don’t see her situation as a Domestic Violence issue, she saw it as an attack in their relationship. Sad right?


  3. When SOME women are in abused relationships they don’t WANT “support”? Which is why SOME of them MASK IT!!! So fuck a trick who wants to stand by the abuser 😦


  4. Keke down the street, WON’T HEAR ME cause she wanna stay with her man, just like Janay is in the same boat and don’t wanna hear from the public.

    But I will say keep it behind closed doors. LOSERS! Tuning in Tra 🙂


    1. Yeah @Tamala,
      but for her to just chill and marry him months later like aint nothing happen and your lifeless body on that floor, is a disgrace!


  5. Let’s not 4get Rihanna, her and Chris Brown’s abuse/fight was made very public as well. O_o I betchu we’d be surprised as what goes on behind closed doors.


      1. Rihanna
        Yes and she was/is NOT the only one.
        That’s right you have Evelyn Lozanda and Chad Johnson.


      2. That’s right you have Evelyn Lozanda and Chad Johnson.
        This is so true though! However Chad was a fame whore and it seemed like he became more focused on being on Basketball wives with Evelyn and their new show they had together. I think he got addicted to the fame and it all went down hill from there.


      3. Meanwhile, Evelyn is laid up with her rich baseball player and their new baby like …happy as hell ! 😆


  6. Not for nothing but women don’t realize they could lose their lives behind being in a abusive relationship. Good show topic @Blog Queen and tuning in as usual. 🙂


      1. Janay lucky Ray didn’t kill her
        He didn’t kill her but he damn sure gave her the ass whoopin of her life.


  7. Sometimes the best people to tell the stories are the ones that has been there and done that.

    We all will answer for what we do… I believe in forgiveness. It is up to the woman to decide.


  8. I would not want to be in a violent relationship. I know my self-worth and what I deserve… and there are certain things I would never compromise.


  9. Did Ray and Janay’s family and friends know they had a volatile relationship? Did they all know he was ‘mike Tyson-in’ her ass behind closed doors? I know if she was my Sistah and I saw that tape I could never forgive his ass. O_O


  10. I pray Janay finds the strength to do what’s best for her, as all women and maybe, just maybe, this is a real wake-up call for Ray, and he’ll finally get the help he needs.


  11. These behaviours are not sudden actions… They are learnt behaviours that have manifested to the stages they are at now.

    These things come from childhood… probably in the womb for some.

    We all are not built the same or with the same materials. Be thankful for what you have and the lessons you have learnt. Its either harder or easiier for the next.


      1. what exactly is domestic violence?
        GTFOH…You seriously don’t know?
        Not technically O_o No!


      2. what exactly is domestic violence?
        WTF? Are U serious with this question????????? If so GURL be sure n be tuned in.


      1. Zenna I was just talking to U in the Ebola post.
        I was too and that nurse had no business traveling. The CDC should’ve grounded her.


  12. This is a very serious subject. I had a GF who was in a DV marriage. It was no walk on the beach I tell ya. looking 4ward to hearing Tra’s commentary on this.


    1. Yes @Xmen, at times men are also victims.
      However, Domestic Violence still impacts a much larger number of women O_o sorry


  13. People seem to forget that Physical abuse often causes emotional/mental/spiritual abuse… bones heal… the inside never goes back to what it was.


  14. Physical abuse INVOLVES emotional & mental abuse. How can you disengage the emotional & mental manipulation from the black eye? or the busted lip? or broken bones? One is not more severe than the other…. Both have detrimental effects. ANY form of abuse is DAMAGING.


  15. Tuning in……I pray no one in the Ceo Fam is a victim
    Just remember:::
    You are not powerless
    You are not hopeless
    You are not trapped
    You always have a choice


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