Celebrity Deaths, Comedian Robin Williams, Conversations Of A Sistah, Suicide, Tracy L. Bell

“DEPRESSION” is the discussion…Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”


Depression may be described as feeling sad and blue, unhappy, miserable, down and withdrawn. Most of us have felt this way at one time or another in our lives but for short periods.

On Monday actor/comedian Robin Williams was found dead by his personal assistant in the bedroom of his California home. The coroner’s report indicated the comedian’s cause of death was “suicide due to asphyxia.” The actor suffered from severe depression.

Robin Williams was an incredible actor and a comedic genius, who apparently masked his pain and struggles in his stand-up routines. But who really knew he was depressed?

There are several forms of depressive disorders, join me tonight at 8:00 PM on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via “Conversations Live” as I discuss depression and the foundation needed to combat such a state.

All “Conversation links” in this post make it possible to access tonight’s show.

See you on the air!

70 thoughts on ““DEPRESSION” is the discussion…Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

      1. Thank you for the topic Ms. Bell. Bout dam time LOL
        Just STFU and tune in is what I say 😛


      2. Thank you for the topic Ms. Bell. Bout dam time LOL
        Just STFU and tune in is what I say
        LOL 😆 I just heard the show today. I was in Miami 😛


  1. Great topic Tracy esp. since this is THE TALK since he committed suicide. Depression is a real mental illness y’all. 😦


  2. You gotta be in a whole lotta pain to kill yo damn self. Dude had mad money I don’t see what coulda been the issue tho.


      1. Hmmm, depression as tonight’s topic VS. someone killing themselves 😥
        I look at the latter as taking your life because you’re too scared to face reality. Whereas I look at someone who is depressed as someone who isn’t thinking clearly. Y’all get where I’m coming from? O_o

        THEN, I think that folks who kill themselves go to hell (because we belong to GOD).

        BUT NOT if it’s depression O_o what y’all think?


      2. Hmmm, depression as tonight’s topic VS. someone killing themselves 😥
        I look at the latter as taking your life because you’re too scared to face reality. Whereas I look at someone who is depressed as someone who isn’t thinking clearly. Y’all get where I’m coming from? O_o

        THEN, I think that folks who kill themselves go to hell (because we belong to GOD).

        BUT NOT if it’s depression O_o what y’all think?
        I see you gotta a lot of shit on ya mind with this topic huh? I say you need to ask the host, Ms. Bell this question, your question boo!


      3. Y’all heard Tracy say she purposely posted the shows topic late to keep the conversation closely linked to the shows start time.

        What y’all think about that?


      4. Y’all heard Tracy say she purposely posted the shows topic late to keep the conversation closely linked to the shows start time.

        What y’all think about that?
        Mm @Wanda…….I gotta A REAL family to tend too besides my CEO FAM here 😛 my family in REAL LIFE is the real shit off this blog. So if she keep this late posting up, I’ll be hollering at y’all in the AM. I like talking to y’all doing the day for entertainment purposes only. 😆


      5. Trace can experiment with this late posting on her show nights if she wanna 😡 bad enuff her damn show start at 8. I bees tired 😆


  3. It’s sad he committed suicide, I’m willing to bet most people who commit or attempt suicide are going through depression.


  4. Martin Lawrence said it a long time that comedians are some of the most depressed individuals cause the world expects them to bring others joy and be happy day in and day out and no one notices when their smile no longed reaches the eyes and no one is there to help them cause others cant understand why they cant make themselves happy. 😦


    1. Robin Williams got money he had no reason to be depressed.
      Money can’t give you peace or buy you happiness @Adriane


      1. Robin Williams got money he had no reason to be depressed.
        Money can’t give you peace or buy you happiness @Adriane
        No but for me it would come pretty damn close 😆


      1. “When it start with you RESPECT IS DUE”
        I like Tra’s slogan, we DO have a problem with not respecting ourselves.


      1. Did any of you hear the show on Wednesday?
        Did U??????
        why are you asking me a question with a question fool?


      2. Coco, I heard it late but was shocked there were not many comments here about it. Show night comments usually poppin. O_o


      3. Coco, I heard it late but was shocked there were not many comments here about it. Show night comments usually poppin. O_o
        Tracy posted the show topic late 😦 that could be why. Been lurkin since 😆


      4. Hey Fam *waving*
        Yes heard the show and Tracy did announce her book signing so the book is apparently done. 🙂


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