Donald Sterling, Racial Slurs, Racist, Racist remarks

Is Clippers owner, Donald Sterling really racist?


The Los Angeles Clippers have addressed the racist remarks attributed to owner Donald Sterling.

TMZ released on Friday night a taped conversation allegedly between Sterling and his girlfriend V. Stiviano, 38 (pictured above), in which Sterling asks Stiviano not to publicize her friendship with African Americans.

“It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people,” a man identified as Sterling says on the tape in reaction to Stiviano posting a photo on Instagram with Lakers legend Magic Johnson. “You can sleep with (black people). You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it … and not to bring them to my games.”

The Clippers team said in a statement that the woman on the tape is “the defendant in a lawsuit brought by the Sterling family alleging that she embezzled more than $1.8 million, who told Mr. Sterling that she would ‘get even.’”

“Mr. Sterling is emphatic that what is reflected on that recording is not consistent with, nor does it reflect his views, beliefs or feelings,” the statement says.

“It is the antithesis of who he is, what he believes and how he has lived his life. He feels terrible that such sentiments are being attributed to him and apologizes to anyone who might have been hurt by them. He is also upset and apologizes for sentiments attributed to him about Earvin Johnson. He has long considered Magic a friend and has only the utmost respect and admiration for him — both in terms of who he is and what he has achieved. We are investigating this matter.”

This matter has garnered reaction from Magic Johnson, Charles Barkley, Snoop Dog and a whole host of others. Johnson tweeted that he will never attend a Clippers game again as long as Donald Sterling is the owner.

“I feel sorry for my friends Coach Doc Rivers and Chris Paul that they have to work for a man that feels that way about African Americans,” he wrote. “LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling’s comments about African Americans are a black eye for the NBA.”

Former NBA player Charles Barkley called for Sterling to be suspended and fined immediately.

Sterling was reportedly supposed to receive a lifetime achievement award at the Los Angeles NAACP’s 100th anniversary event on May 15.

110 thoughts on “Is Clippers owner, Donald Sterling really racist?”

  1. I will admit I have only heard a portion of the recording, but nothing the male voice says is patently racist IMO. he’s an old guy who doesn’t want to lose the affections of a young attractive woman. He sounds like a typical guy who wants the guys his girlfriend hangs with not to be competition for his interests in her.


      1. Miss Ang, Man, Bobby, Billy, Civil, Bird, Coco, Ashanti, Val, Gia, 2thick, Mrs, Nicole, Corp, BBallen, Zenna, Cameo, Tamala, Tammy, Anthony, Lexy, Omar, Brown and everyone else! (I’m outta breath) Good afternoon! :waving:


  2. Due to Sterling’s racist remarks that were caught on tape, the Clippers’s team may want Sterling to sell the Clippers.


  3. “the defendant in a lawsuit brought by the Sterling family alleging that she embezzled more than $1.8 million, who told Mr. Sterling that she would ‘get even”

    She got even aight…she ruined his old 81 y.o. ass 😆


  4. His wife isn’t that smart obviously, she’s trying to sue the girlfriend for 1.8 million instead of just divorcing her cheating husband and get half of the billion he’s worth. Sterling has a thing for dumb women clearly.


    1. Sterling has been sued twice by the federal government for refusing to rent apartment units to blacks and Hispanics
      Ain’t his ugly ass mistress Hispanic? so WTF?


      1. Ashanti,
        she’s a piece of trash as well because ain’t NO AMOUNT OF $$ would have me sacrificing my dignity and pride to deal with that kind of man.


      2. Ashanti,
        she’s a piece of trash as well because ain’t NO AMOUNT OF $$ would have me sacrificing my dignity and pride to deal with that kind of man.


      3. she’s a piece of trash as well because ain’t NO AMOUNT OF $$ would have me sacrificing my dignity and pride to deal with that kind of man.
        CoSign and you said it TWICE 🙂


      4. Sterling has been sued twice by the federal government for refusing to rent apartment units to blacks and Hispanics
        Ain’t his ugly ass mistress Hispanic? so WTF?
        Yeah but he don’t see color when she sucking his old ass 81 y.o. dick!


      5. Sterling has been sued twice by the federal government for refusing to rent apartment units to blacks and Hispanics
        word on the street is that he said minorities smell bad and attract vermin…


      6. Sterling has been sued twice by the federal government for refusing to rent apartment units to blacks and Hispanics
        word on the street is that he said minorities smell bad and attract vermin…
        I believe it.


  5. If he can say that shyt on the tape, I already know what he was saying to her off the record. :no: Disgusting what money will do to some chicks. Golddigger ain’t even the word for her, she’s a prostitute.


  6. Them losing and turning the jersey inside out was mute point IMO. Not playing the game would have made a bigger statement but this is doing and saying nothing crap is bull. It shows that they will lay down and take anything from anyone.

    The NBA, NFL, and MLB are all racist but the whole trade thing is a modern day slave trade pay attention people. the only difference there are no shackles or chains. You get paraded for the masters in suit and tie instead of shackle and chains.

    Money rules everything and these simple ninjas are going to keep going for it b/c they don’t want to lose these so call millions the masters pay them.


  7. As for his girlfriend the mysterious V. Stiviano, we happened to know a few things. V stands for Vanessa, her full name is Maria Vanessa Perez, 38, she also goes by other aliases including Monica Gallegos, Maria Valdez and Vanessa Perez, she met Sterling in February, 2010 at the Super Bowl, they began an affair that same year. two women have referred to Vanessa Perez aka V. Stiviano as their sister Karen Beltran and Grammy Award singer Kay Cola…. Not much is really known about the asian beauty but it is speculated that the reason many people don’t know about her past is because she use to be a man. TO BE CONTINUED….


  8. Racism ain’t never interrupted money flow in this country. Might touch it a little bit. But they find away around it don’t they? The end of slavery didn’t bankrupt the south like they thought. They found away around it. Paula Deen had a tad bit of an interruption but she is slowly getting her endorsements back. The Clippers are valued at 575 MILLION dollars. What this dude said aint gonna interrupt not a ting. Spark a lot of debate and outrage but that’s about it. Whole thing is SAD.


  9. And these negroes wore their t-shirts inside out but their pants still show the team logo and name 😥 dumb asses. That didn’t make no statement. They should’ve boycotted the fuckin game!!


    1. Cam…………Now if they are contractually obligated to play, they could’ve put on all black. That shyt would’ve been tough.


      1. They should’ve boycotted the fuckin game!!
        so if your boss said something racist you werent going to go to work today? yeah ok


      2. really?
        so if your boss said something racist you werent going to go to work today? yeah ok
        No but if my boss said some ignorant shyt that gets leaked to the press, he’ll lose his good ole gov’t job before Monday hits his ass


      3. They should’ve boycotted the fuckin game!!
        They can’t do that shit and they mad about it too… but they want to win a ring so they gotta stick it out. They start talkin bout forfeiting games or doin all this extra shit, no chance at a ring.

        You only get a handful of chances at that shit and this is it.


      4. They should’ve boycotted the fuckin game!!
        They can’t do that shit and they mad about it too… but they want to win a ring so they gotta stick it out. They start talkin bout forfeiting games or doin all this extra shit, no chance at a ring.

        You only get a handful of chances at that shit and this is it.
        True but they better stand for something


  10. one monkey dont stop no show. rent is due in two days. :tea: that dude will still be racist with or without the team.


  11. President Obama was even out of order for commenting. there are other issues that need to be covered. Is he going to go to every state, corporation and tell them how to run their business?


    1. President Obama was even out of order for commenting. there are other issues that need to be covered. Is he going to go to every state, corporation and tell them how to run their business?
      Here’s where i’m jumping in…The President absolutely should have spoken on it. Besides being a huge NBA fan, and being asked about it, the NBA (and all professional sports) are ALLOWED A FEDERAL MONOPOLY PROTECTION. Sterling has benefited from the Government’s PROTECTION, while at the same time discriminated. He bought the Clippers in the 80′s for $12 million dollars. Today, they are valued at $700 million dollars. Some of that is from the federal gov’t protection.
      In the recordings, by definition, he discriminated. So yes, the President had every right to speak on it and I’m glad he did. All this “he got bigger shit to talk about” stuff don’t mean he can’t add his two cents on this. Now carry on!!


      1. President Obama was even out of order for commenting.
        Obama can speak on whatever the fuck he wants he’s the president for crying out loud!


      2. President Obama was even out of order for commenting.
        GTFOHWTBS FLOTUS is FLOTUS and can stop the world if he wanted too.


      3. President Obama was even out of order for commenting. there are other issues that need to be covered. Is he going to go to every state, corporation and tell them how to run their business?
        So we just going to fly over what dude said and concentrate on the President answering a question. He also commented on Travon and Zimmerman, was he wrong to do that?. Like it or not he was asked a question and he answered, If he woulda hit them with a ‘no comment’ he’d be all kinds of uncle toms up in here this morning.


      4. President Obama was even out of order for commenting.
        How many other presidents have commented on pop culture as much as President Obama?


      5. How many other presidents have commented on pop culture as much as President Obama?
        They wouldn’t have asked anybody else. Obama is the youngest, blackest, most down to earth president we’ve had so far. the other presidents wouldn’t have been expected to be able to relate. its good that Obama keeps his ears to the street.


      6. President Obama was even out of order for commenting.
        The President is a KNOWN basketball fan. Participates in March Madness with his brackets being broadcast…and has even picked a winner (UNC 2009). Why would he stay silent on something in the NBA? Didn’t the Heat go round his house to celebrate their championship? Haven’t other pro teams gone in the past? Obviously basketball is near and dear to his heart and he happens to be biracial.


      7. I was about to ask ‘ANGELHAIR’ if she was his other mistress or something.
        When you are factually wrong, as you are, just learn from it.

        Obama was MORE than justified in speaking on this. The end!!.

        Nothing more for you to say and to continue to “not agree” or “not understand” makes you look more foolish. 😥 smh.


      8. I see nothing wrong with the prez speaking on this, he was asked about it and it probably made him feel some kind of way given his ethnicity…so the one sentence he gave did not hurt anything…


      9. President Obama was even out of order for commenting.
        President Obama was more than within his right for speaking out about this. Why not?


      10. President Obama was even out of order for commenting.
        Knee-grows kill me saying what Obama can and cannot, or should or should not speak on, STFU how bout that! 😆


      11. President Obama was even out of order for commenting.
        GTFOH the president is never out of order.


  12. What did people want, or expect the players to do? They are trying to win a championship. You only have so many years to do this and out of that time, an even smaller time with a team actually good enough to do it. If you are LUCKY, you have about a 4 or 5 year window to do it.

    Why should they give that up? The only reason they have made it to the pro’s is because that has been their dream since childhood.

    Plus, I think all of the players, (not just the Clippers) are waiting to see exactly what the NBA does with Sterling before “acting an azz” about this.


  13. I say let the boss’ boss handle that ass (or karma, or in this case, death because dude gotta be like 95 years old looking like George Burns) in that pic. in the meantime, the playaz need to keep getting theirs.


  14. This man look a thousand years old and this young girl is only milking him for what she can get. cause YES LAWD she is ugly and look half man. 😥


  15. This shit is crazy but not shocking race relations have been on the rise every since Obama became President of the US. Sheer hatred and jealousy of the black man. any black man for that matter.


  16. Snoop Dog aka Snoop Lion gave the best response to this racist ass motherfucker*. Lil Wayne gave the second best response. #Salute to both of them.


  17. He doesn’t even care, he’s a Billionaire and to be “talked” to by the President and Jesse Jackson, means NOTHING to that old BILLIONAIRE WHITE Racist. 😡


  18. He’s been in trouble before for his racist behavior so I’m not surprised. I just wonder why the girlfriend gave the tape to TMZ


      1. I just wonder why the girlfriend gave the tape to TMZ
        Payback for the wife’s lawsuit against her.
        That’s Gangsta 😆


  19. I wonder what his excuse will be. Does he know that his girlfriend is mixed or is it okay bc she’s also Mexican and she’s exotic? His cronies will come out and defend him bc he didn’t come right out and say nigger.


  20. I feel really bad for the Clippers… they are really stuck between a rock and a hard place. They want to burn that place down but they want to win too .. poor guys


  21. They said they will wait until the League completes the investigation. Chris Paul, the Clippers all star point guard, is the head of the player’s association!
    😡 <<Sterling ol bytch azz

    **Sterling still hasn't denied that it wasn't him and his family has basically confirmed it was him**


  22. well so far his sponsors are dropping him like hot cakes. this is hitting him where it hurts in the pocket. never trust a side chick fellas, they side chicks for a reason. this girl ruined this man and at 81 years old too he’s accomplished much.


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