Bobbi Kristina, Celebrity Kids, Drug addiction, Whitney Houston

What is going on with Whitney Houston’s daughter?

Bobby Kirs

The recently married Bobbi Kristina looks to be spiraling down the same ill-fated road her mother Whitney traveled. And with a boat load of money, a rebellious attitude and no solid foundation to stand on, who’s going to save her? Where are these people in her life that should care enough about her to intervene? To ensure history does not repeat itself.

I really didn’t want to talk about this however, it’s obvious Whitney Houston’s only child by R&B singer Bobby Brown is strung out on drugs. I believe Bobbi Christina and her mom got high together which is why she was taught to keep her mother’s secret, later known to the world. This is why Bobbi Kristina doesn’t have a strong relationship with her only living grandmother, Cissy Houston.

The adversary is real people and without spiritual knowledge and intervention, he will take out an entire family. At this point this child is beyond prayer, her appearance alone is a call for action!

53 thoughts on “What is going on with Whitney Houston’s daughter?”

      1. Ooh a new post before tonights show….Thanks Tra
        Hey ladies……….was in the wrong spot.


  1. The girl claims she has her mothers vocals. I say Really? Cause she damn sure was cursed with her daddy’s looks….That chile is every bit Bobby Brown 😆


    1. The girl claims she has her mothers vocals.
      There’s no way she has her mother’s vocals. Maybe after the drugs killed Whitney’s voice but not the original Whitney’s voice….No way…..It’s sad that she has no positive relationship with her father, Bobby Brown. She looks just like him. I pray she gets better, obviously something is very wrong.


  2. She is still grieving people……She lost her mother….her mother… may do things that may seem out of character until you can heal or begin to heal!!!!
    I pray for her!
    RIP Whitney!


  3. Oh shit look at her….I can see mourning her mom but damn she wanna be where she is? that’s what it looks like. She ain’t looing good.


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