Celebrity Deaths, Politics, President Obama

If Looks were to kill…Michelle Obama looks less than thrilled as President Obama snaps chummy selfie with Denmark’s Prime Minister

The Danish leader looked all at ease with Obama during the remembrance ceremony for Nelson Mandela but Michelle Obama (right) did not seem to approve of the display.

The president was caught laughing, flirting and snapping a selfie during Nelson Mandela’s memorial service as he sat with Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt and British PM David Cameron.

The threesome smiled as the Scandinavian beauty held her smart phone out to capture the moment but Michelle Obama sat at a distance, with a look on her face as if she disapproved of the digital display.

Helle Thorning-Schmidt, left, jokes with Obama during the service Tuesday, as first lady Michelle Obama paid attention to the proceedings. 

Looks like president Obama will get his ass kicked back on ‘air force one’ as they head home to Washington.


This chick was so in awe of the president, it was if she could have eaten him alive right in front of Michelle.

The Danish politician, who is married to British executive Stephen Kinnock, appeared particularly chummy with President Obama but Michelle Obama, 49, seemed annoyed at the mingling, looking solemn as she stared intently in the opposite direction and paid attention to the proceedings. 

The president’s behavior was a bit inappropriate, this was a memorial and someone in his position should know better.

78 thoughts on “If Looks were to kill…Michelle Obama looks less than thrilled as President Obama snaps chummy selfie with Denmark’s Prime Minister”

      1. Are we sure Michelle was not pleased, or was she just unconcerned?
        Chile Shellie look like she gon FUCK somebody up!


  1. On the real I kinda feel like this would be like me taking a “selfie” 😮 at a funeral. Kinda odd. I get maybe he thought they would never see each other again in that moment but maybe he should’ve done that in the tunnel b4 the service maybe.


  2. Oh HELL NAW!!!!!!!! President Obama is shamelessly flirting with the Denmark Prime Minister’s wife. Chelle gon slap the teef out his damn mouf on the way back


      1. who takes pics at a funeral??

        Can we just let people live…He is dead anyway…He will never know.


  3. I dont see my President snapping a dayum thing. That is Heidi doing the snapping.

    Michelle aint playing though. 😡

    The end.


    1. I dont see my President snapping a dayum thing. That is Heidi doing the snapping

      Exactly.. he’s just leaning in. lol they begged him for a pic.. he just wanted to do the right thing 😆 lol.


      1. I dont see my President snapping a dayum thing. That is Heidi doing the snapping

        SHE took the Selfie with HER phone not the Prez. Either way Shellie still pissy about it.


  4. Heidi best sit her azz down and Barry better too. Chelle is not ah-mrused. 😡

    She gon FUCK somebody up……The sequel.


  5. Obama is in the doghouse. He’s gonna be sleeping on the presidential couch, while Michelle is on the couch with Chan going over foreign documents.


  6. For real.. I think Obama and Shelly got to tussling before the service 😆 She has that look on her face like when you fight with your mate before you go to church then won’t look at nobody when asked to say something to ya neighbor.


  7. I dont know what its about but she does look very pissed in these pics.It could be anything. She may just be sad. But that first pic is looking very “I’m about to slap the hell out of you bitch”.


  8. If you’ve ever cut up in church as a kid you recognize that “look” on Michelle’s face. Oh, to be a fly on the wall in their hotel room today


    1. Oh, to be a fly on the wall in their hotel room today 😆
      Nah I don’t think you want to be around for that. I bet it sounded all muffled n shit and furniture was moving around :scared: Obama was saying stuff like “Michelle you play too much put the lamp down”


      1. Nah I don’t think you want to be around for that. I bet it sounded all muffled n shit and furniture was moving around :scared: Obama was saying stuff like “Michelle you play too much put the lamp down”
        Michelle was like “I saw you wink at the hoe! B you must think I’m stupid?! You gon play me out on national TV and bite your lip like LL? You bite your lip for me to let me know you ready.!” Uma fuck you up B


      2. President Obama gone walk out to the next event with a black eye talkin bout he was playing one on one with somebody and he got fouled in the eye 😆


      3. President Obama gone walk out to the next event with a black eye
        ======= 😆
        YO I’m willing to bet y’all based on them facial expressions she fucked dat nigga up president or no president. when the lights go out that nigga just another man to shellie


  9. the first black american president was in attendence to pay his respects to the first black south african president.



  10. Barack is for sure scared of Michelle. In the one pic, he has that “I’m scared but I gotta act like I’m not” leaning forward look about him. Michelle is gon hit him with that right hook later 😆 :yes:


    1. Barack is for sure scared of Michelle.
      Yeah scared of that mouth. An ejuhkated woman like MeShell can probably read a bish to tears


      1. Man listen she will fight yo azz. @BillyBoy she is mad bout some shit him and Miss Blonde Denmark was doing.


  11. Michelle looks like she’s saying, “You have embarrassed me for the last time, B. Me and the girls are moving OUT!” 😆


    1. Michelle looks like she’s saying, “You have embarrassed me for the last time, B. Me and the girls are moving OUT!” 😆
      I wouldn’t take it that far now…I think she’s upset yes by the looks of these pics but leaving him? Nah I don’t think it’s that drastic.


      1. Michelle looks like she’s saying, “You have embarrassed me for the last time, B. Me and the girls are moving OUT!” 😆

        We just gone keep it at them fighting and then making up.


  12. some people don’t know how to act in situations like this. and this man’s wife the prime minister is a clear example. and yes it annoyed the hell outta Michelle.


  13. Black man in that 2nd pic…he heard President being “overly” friendly with that yt woman…he KNEW what was about to happen. He is looking like “Oh shyt…no this nukka DIDNT…here at this funeral. 😡 Bout to get us AWL cussed the hail out.”


    1. Why does Obama always wait until he leaves the country to cut up in front of Michelle?

      Easy, he has the logic is “Oh, she ain’t gon do nothing in front of all of these dignitaries.”


    1. White chick looking at Michelle like “Oh, I ain’t know y’all was murried”
      I bet you Chell was like oh really BISH you ain’t know the most famous man on earth wasn’t married with two kids?? I oughta knock you upside yo head don’t tryda play me bitch


      1. White chick looking at Michelle like “Oh, I ain’t know y’all was murried”
        Oh she is clearly not playing with that blonde


      2. White chick looking at Michelle like “Oh, I ain’t know y’all was murried”
        They better check Michelle for blonde locks under her nail beds 😆


  14. Michelle looking like she just snatched Barack up by the arm and said through clinched teeth, “getcho azz over here on the otha side of meh since you can’t fukkin act right 😡


  15. Yeah um…I think it’s safe to say Michelle opened up a can of whoop ass on Obama once they hit Air force one or their hotel whichever one came 1st. 😆 either way based on those looks on her face he got fucked up.


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