Celebrity Deaths, Politics, President Obama

If Looks were to kill…Michelle Obama looks less than thrilled as President Obama snaps chummy selfie with Denmark’s Prime Minister

The Danish leader looked all at ease with Obama during the remembrance ceremony for Nelson Mandela but Michelle Obama (right) did not seem to approve of the display.

The president was caught laughing, flirting and snapping a selfie during Nelson Mandela’s memorial service as he sat with Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt and British PM David Cameron.

The threesome smiled as the Scandinavian beauty held her smart phone out to capture the moment but Michelle Obama sat at a distance, with a look on her face as if she disapproved of the digital display.

Helle Thorning-Schmidt, left, jokes with Obama during the service Tuesday, as first lady Michelle Obama paid attention to the proceedings. 

Looks like president Obama will get his ass kicked back on ‘air force one’ as they head home to Washington.


This chick was so in awe of the president, it was if she could have eaten him alive right in front of Michelle.

The Danish politician, who is married to British executive Stephen Kinnock, appeared particularly chummy with President Obama but Michelle Obama, 49, seemed annoyed at the mingling, looking solemn as she stared intently in the opposite direction and paid attention to the proceedings. 

The president’s behavior was a bit inappropriate, this was a memorial and someone in his position should know better.