Racial Slurs, Racist, Racist remarks, Red Lobster

Waitress’s horror after racist customer left check with ‘none nigger’ written in tip section


A server working at a Red Lobster restaurant in an affluent suburb of Nashville, Tennessee claims she was subjected to a racist insults after customers allegedly left the words ‘none nigger‘ written in the tip section of the check.

Toni Christina Jenkins, who is 19, was in the middle of her shift at the seafood restaurant in Franklin, Tennessee and serving a couple of customers who racked up a $45 bill during their afternoon meal.

When the time came to pay the check, Miss Jenkins, who is training to be a nurse, says she found the racist insult written on the couple’s receipt.

Racist tip: A server working at this Red Lobster restaurant in Franklin, Tennessee was subject to racists abuse in the tip section of the receipt

This is what I got as a tip last night…so happy to live in the proud southern states..God Bless America, land of the free and home of the low-class racists of Tennessee,’ wrote Miss Jenkins on her Facebook page.

They were extremely rude, but I introduced myself to them and they didn’t respond. When I came to take their order they simply told me they wanted their food and to put everything in a to-go box. I offered them dessert but they told me abruptly that they just wanted the check.’

‘When I went back to the table they had gone and left the receipt and had written the comments.’

The couple was said to be a man and woman in their twenties.

However, some have also cast doubt on the authenticity of the writing on the receipt, implying that Miss Jenkins made the incident up. Nonetheless, Jenkins, who works two and half days each week at Red Lobster, has continued to stand by her story

Miss Jenkins is the one who was racially taunted and/or insulted, yet the Red Lobster in Franklin where she works has now suspended the teenager on full pay until they decide what to do next.


124 thoughts on “Waitress’s horror after racist customer left check with ‘none nigger’ written in tip section”

  1. Oh palease people are pathetic!!! She didn’t write the slur on the bill it was written by the same person that wrote note. GTFOH!


  2. Racism is alive and well I’m seeing. A black man in the White House has raised this consciousness among-st the ancestors of those same Jim Crow bigoted racist!


  3. I’m not saying racism doesn’t exist. I would be a fool to think otherwise. However, no one in their right mind would leave a racist note with their credit card information on the bill. Would they???


  4. Since the customer charged the meal I find it hard to believe he wrote that comment. If someone had paid cash then might believe it. Fake in my opinion. Some people will stoop to any level for attention.


    1. Some people will stoop to any level for attention.
      and this includes you biotch cause you always commenting out the south side of ya damn neck!


      1. Some people will stoop to any level for attention.
        and this includes you biotch cause you always commenting out the south side of ya damn neck!

        LOL 😆


      2. Some people will stoop to any level for attention.
        and this includes you biotch cause you always commenting out the south side of ya damn neck!

        @Ashanti, I make no apologies for standing by my commented opinion. Is there a handwriting expert who can verify who wrote this? 🙂


      3. Some people will stoop to any level for attention.
        and this includes you biotch cause you always commenting out the south side of ya damn neck!

        @Ashanti, I make no apologies for standing by my commented opinion. Is there a handwriting expert who can verify who wrote this?
        Angelhair I personally can’t see your rational for implying this girl is lying for attention?


      4. Angelhair I personally can’t see your rational for implying this girl is lying for attention?
        It’s real simple the restaurant is making sure this girl is not lying on the customer. she just started working there and for all they know she could have a motive. If not time will reveal the truth! This is my opinion


      5. Some people will stoop to any level for attention.
        Ain’t that much attention in the world (*_*) rolls eyes


  5. I’m guessing the restaurant suspended her until they investigate the matter. Making sure she didn’t ignite the note herself? I mean she just started working there and some people unfortunately have motives., so b4 they accuse the customer they want to investigate the authenticity of the note.


    1. I mean she just started working there and some people unfortunately have motives., so b4 they accuse the customer they want to investigate the authenticity of the note.
      EXACTLY!!!! my sentiments exclusively yet some people here wanna crucify me for my opinion of that!


  6. People are pathetic! We don’t know if this girl wrote the receipt herself or if this really happened. Either way, I see no reason why she should would lie but who knows. it is the restaurants job to do due diligence to avoid a lawsuit from either side.


  7. Miss Jenkins is the one who was racially taunted and/or insulted, yet the Red Lobster in Franklin where she works has now suspended the teenager on full pay until they decide what to do next.

    Yeah well my guess is the restaurant gotta make sure that lil heifer ain’t lying on them peoples, if not then the ball game starts fa real then cause she could sue them for suspending her with pay smh 😡


  8. Some of the comments here are ridiculous!
    I don’t know the girl but what reasons would she have to lie?
    If that’s the case, just like she wrote in “Nigger” or None she coulda wrote in her tip as the dollar amount. So No!!!!! I call BULLSHIT on the claim that she’s lying.


    1. I Cosign!!!!
      Would she be dumb enough to write it on a credit card receipt? Why not write it on a cash receipt with no name if she’s gonna write it.


  9. This is what somebody wrote on the girl’s Facebook page

    “As a black man, I simply don’t believe this is real. The word ‘none’ has totally different handwriting from the word ‘Ni**er.’ There’s lots of stories lately of people making false accusations of racism or discrimination for attention. I think you should just admit you did this yourself because you were mad he didn’t tip you… This poor man is innocent and I think you are racist against white people.”

    WTF? He dont know much about the white man but his Uncle Tom coon azz feel inclined to reply


  10. I don’t know why my CO-worker keeps talking to ME!! I want to yell SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! like spike lee yelling WAKE UP!!! 😆


  11. To white trash red lobster is fine dining. What more can you expect? She is beautiful and in school. She has the right attitude. She will make more money as a nurse than those jealous apes who tried to belittle her.


  12. Racism is vile and unfortunate. But she has no business posting that photo of the receipt on social media., which is why the restaurant may have suspended hr with pay.


  13. Mm ok she could be looking for internet attention, public attention, national attention.
    Posting the receipt showing the man’s name wasn’t cool.
    I pray she ain’t lying.


  14. I don’t know about this one…it’s hard to call.
    I hope the young lady ain’t lyin but why did she post it all over facebook? Sounds like she wanted it to get the attention it’s getting.


  15. She should face charges for releasing his name and pic of the receipt. And should be fired! That is a privacy violation. He could sue red lobster. I don’t condone what they wrote but to wrongs don’t make A right.


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