Being Mary Jane, BET Network, Dysfunctional Relationships, Gabrielle Union, Television Sitcoms

Being Mary Jane Starring Gabrielle Union…Let’s talk about it


The TV movie “Being Mary Jane,” starring Gabrielle Union and Omari Hardwick, aired the other night on BET. Union, 40, plays a successful TV news anchor who believes her job, her salary and her material possessions are her biggest achievements in life. But she fails at maintaining a stable relationship with a man. Mary Jane believes a man is the missing piece of her puzzle and that she just needs a man to make her life complete.

Union plays a strong black woman who supports her entire family, including her sick mother, her pregnant teenage niece, her unemployed brother and his Caucasian baby mama, who all live together in the same house. This show covered every African-American stereo type possible.

Overall, I loved the show and thought Gabrielle Union played her role in true to life form. I just thought stealing a man’s sperm was pretty desperate and a bit disgusting.

“Being Mary Jane” will air as a series on the BET Network in January 2014.

What did you think about the show?

80 thoughts on “Being Mary Jane Starring Gabrielle Union…Let’s talk about it”

  1. i was waiting for this post and knew when you mentioned it on your show we would get a post about it i enjoyed it. i thought when she masturbated and cleaned her coochie out was a bit much but overall i thought it was ok.


  2. Is BET crazy?? I only caught 20 min but taped it 😡 WTH was EBT thinking???? Your target audience is sleep during this time we have to work Might watch the rest tonight


  3. I will give it a chance. it’s scripted. they are few and far between. i don’t find the character likable. I find her harsh, hypocrtical, desperate and confused but pretty. I also tired of seeing her butt cheeks they appeared to have every stereo typed crammed into her family


    1. they appeared to have every stereo typed crammed into her family
      I laughed out loud when the gay couple kissed. I feel for women in 20 years. The pickins’ will be very slim.


      1. they appeared to have every stereo typed crammed into her family
        I laughed out loud when the gay couple kissed. I feel for women in 20 years. The pickins’ will be very slim
        Ashanti, Pickens been slim at least for the last 3years


  4. I thought the show was okay. More than likely, I will continue to watch. Because the reality of it is…Being Mary Jane, is somewhat aligned to most of our lives.


    1. I thought the show was okay. More than likely, I will continue to watch. Because the reality of it is…Being Mary Jane, is somewhat aligned to most of our lives.
      Totally agree


  5. “I just thought stealing a man’s sperm was pretty desperate and a bit disgusting.”

    I forgot about the stolen sperm 😡 Ugh!


    1. If Mary Jane wanted to get knocked up…couldnt she have just asked ole boy to take the rubba off? I dont get that?
      Cause I am sure he woulda been down.


  6. sounds like Gabby played the same character she usually plays. Uppity, somewhat successful, black valley girl twatwaffle. (Kinda like how she comes across in real life) She just lucked up on a decent script. She’s a lamewad.


  7. Well I’ll support it by watching its better than watching all that reality bullshyt we all tend to love


    1. Well I’ll support it by watching its better than watching all that reality bullshyt we all tend to love
      Can’t disagree with that


  8. I loved the wife too.
    Shut her azz all the way down.
    Bish what was your goal? You got any nasty women’s diseases I need to know about? ;lol;


      1. That was my favorite part. Mary couldn’t stand to see the wife happy. She just had to see her suffer so she could feel good about herself. Mary’s face fell when the wife said, “I’m keeping him.” That’s right! As Rihanna would say, “Fuck yo’ feelings!” Your children come first. They need a father no matter how flawed he is.


      2. If my hubby ever get a jump-off, I plan to leave him and start my new life as a celibate lesbian.


      3. Wife: Bytch my friend husband just left her and I’m getting kitty litter for her damn animal that I want to kill. You thank i’m finna let you come in here and tell me you fukkin my husband like imma say oooh Mary Jane have him?! NAW bytch go kill yourself.

        Btw: Since you so bold, you pusscee clean? Cuz I need to know that since you dropping dimes n shyt on me and mines HOE.


      4. Excuse me? Married people, I have a question: If your husband/Wife cheated would you read the other person like this lady did, or say Fuck it, you can have them?


      5. Excuse me? Married people, I have a question: If your husband/Wife cheated would you read the other person like this lady did, or say Fuck it, you can have them?
        Now I would’ve read her ass then go home to beat my husband’s ass with a leather belt and baby oil. Don’t get it twisted


      6. Now I would’ve read her ass then go home to beat my husband’s ass with a leather belt and baby oil. Don’t get it twisted
        But after the beating would you leave the husband?


      7. I wouldn’t leave my cheating husband if there were children involved. The relationship would just be forever changed


      8. But after the beating would you leave the husband?
        yes but the last thing I would do is give the mistress any hint of it so she can walk away like she did something great. Nope.


      9. But after the beating would you leave the husband?
        Under NO circumstances will I tolerate my husband cheating on me… he can carry his azz on and fwd me my alimony and child support checks while I keep it trucking FOH


      10. I don’t think the wife read Mary Jane. The wife came off simple to me and Mary Jane didn’t know he was married so she didn’t know she was a jump off if you will. I didn’t think she should have approached her in the store though.


      11. @ Ashanti, me & mine don’t have kids, so it’s easy for me to say “peace out!”


      12. Shiid Cookie ain’t leave Magic ass and he brought home the MONSTER!
        Did he really? or are you just believing what they tell you?


      13. Being a recent divorcee…..fuck marriage. Nothing more than a glorified legal tactic to say “you fuck with me, you’re stuck with me”

        Before this event, I was pro marriage, and wouldn’t mind trying again when the right one comes about, but no rushing.


      14. Ashanti,trust would be hard to gain back and you really don’t have anything without. Having to use condoms while married b/c you’re afraid your husband may be cheating is sooooooo……like what’s the point?


  9. I caught the last hour or so…was wired and needed something to go to sleep to
    It wasn’t bad but it wasn’t amazing either.

    She played a combination of “Deliver Us from Eva” with a splash of…shyt she just did that movie but the extended version.

    She had me 😆 When she pulled the vibrator out though and sucked the babies out the condom…

    Her leading men are nice looking


    1. She had me When she pulled the vibrator out though and sucked the babies out the condom…



      1. Yeah Pamela,
        before she was about to go on her booty call date with mr foine red boy she pulled that vibrator out and busted two nuts so she could go in the date with a clear head..
        Whatever. She ended up fukking him like a day later
        And then she took the rubber and turkey baster and went to work on that joint. And then put it in a box of baking soda and her freezer.


      2. Yeah before she was about to go on her booty call date with mr foine red boy she pulled that vibrator out and busted two nuts so she could go in the date with a clear head..
        Whatever. She ended up fukking him like a day later
        And then she took the rubber and turkey baster and went to work on that joint. And then put it in a box of baking soda and her freezer.
        Awwww get the fuck out of here 😡 damn what type of shyt is that


  10. I really enjoyed the movie…but they just HAAAD to put the gays on there. I mean the show would not have been ANY different had they left OUT the man kissing another man part. This is just gettin outta hand.


      1. Mary Jane stole the line “If he my man gimme a sign Gawd” from the movie Jumping the Broom.
        she sure did


  11. I watched the beginning of this… after the sex scene i promptly texted a female associate(who apparently hasnt had enoughin her life) that she was allowed to go change her draws…i promptly then took my ass to bed…
    Am i the only one that realizes this was a ORIGINAL MOVIE..and not a damn series… and this movie is gonna be replayed every other hour after the bet award replays..?
    anyway was a waste of 15min of my life…and almost made me late to work yesterday morning…


  12. This was actually a realy good show. I was expecting less…I actually had a lil compassion for her character despite my distaste for her.


  13. I aint like Mary Jane. I can see myself cussing her the entire fuck out. I only know a handful of black female journalists I like in real life. Why? Cause most of them act entitled just like Mary Jane’s azz. Just cause you write the news does not make you hot shit.
    That is why I was cheering for the wife who was like you dumb hoe. Your point was… She did that and aint eem have a REASON.


      1. Hey everybody
        Not at work. Out running errands. Caught a little bit of the trial as for the post, Gabby was ok…ain’t crazy about her so.


      2. I am so emotional today. 😡 I’ve just felt like I’m about to burst into tears all day. WTF


      3. So today is still technically a holiday?
        No, but when a holiday lands on a Tuesday or Thursday, nobody is tryin to come to work that Monday or Friday.


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