Blog talk radio, CEO's Blog, Conversations Of A Sistah, Homosexuality, Tracy L. Bell, What she said

“Homosexuality…Is it the New Norm?” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”


Same sex marriage and equality became a big discussion during the recent Presidential election and President Barack Obama took his stance on this issue and proudly endorsed it. Since then, several entertainers, athletes, celebrities and television journalist have proudly stumbled out of their closets professing this lifestyle.

Homosexuality has now become a media sensation and is being shoved in our faces as if it is the new norm. Schools are teaching classes on same-sex, television sitcoms are addressing it and department store ads and commercials are displaying it. Sounds like the moral decline of a society as a whole, dismissing God’s plan and purpose of traditional family and relationships.

The U.S Department of Education announced a radical new policy change to its federal student aid form (FAFSA). The new policy, which takes effect in the 2014-2015 school year, will eliminate the terms “mother” and “father” from student aid forms. The new, non-gender specific terms will be “Parent 1″ and “Parent 2″.

The change is being instituted to make children who were raised in non-traditional same-sex homes more comfortable with the application process.

This is just another tool being used by the Gay Agenda movement (with the full blessing of President Obama) to brainwash children into believing that heterosexual sex is not the norm.

Meanwhile, gay sex remains unchallenged as the #1 means of transmitting the HIV virus.

According to statistics compiled by the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control (CDC); no other HIV risk factor even comes close to male-to-male sex. But the media won’t tell you that.

Join me tonight at 8:00 PM on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via “Conversations Live” as I discuss “Homosexuality… Is it the new Norm?”

We ask that you send all topic related questions to the show at

You can access the show at any of the Conversations links in this post or here!

I’ll meet you all on the air but until then, sound off here!

150 thoughts on ““Homosexuality…Is it the New Norm?” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. NBC quietly canceled its groundbreaking gay sitcom “The New Normal” after just one season on Friday. Murphy cast former stripper and reality TV star NeNe Leakes, 45, in both Glee and TNN because he was a fan of her angry black female antics on Bravo’s “Real Housewives of Atlanta”. The cancellation throws a monkey wrench into the liberal media’s ongoing plans to reprogram the way America’s children perceive homosexuality as a “healthy” and “normal” alternative to heterosexuality.


      1. Should have been cancelled after the first episode.

        *claps hands* cosign!


      2. I’ve never seen one single solitary episode of the New Normal. Never even bothered to see when it was coming on. It just didn’t look funny to me.


      3. Never heard of the show “the new normal” but I’m glad they cancelled that shit. we don’t want that lifestyle in our faces. bad enuff the shit is already happening gradually.


      4. I watched The New Normal on Demand when there was nothing else to watch. The show wasn’t bad, but it just didn’t keep my attention. Where else were they going to go with the story line though once she had the baby? Wasn’t that the whole premise of the story?


      5. Good Morning All!
        Hope all had a wonderful Week.
        s/n Never seen….New Normal,

        Have a great day


  2. I’m curious to hear what Tracy is going to say on this subject. So many people seem to be MUTE on it for fear of being called homophobic.


  3. Yeah President Obama lost points with me when he was pressured to endorse same sex marriage and that parent 1 and parent 2 is a damn mess!!! Point..Blank…Period!!!


      1. show will be interesting. what cha’ll think.
        ion know i ain’t gay but i’ll be tuned in anyway. 😆

        wazup fam


      2. Homosexuality is not a popular topic but because Tracy is BOLD enuff to approach it I gots to TUNE IN.

        Sup Family


      3. Hello Everyone.
        Did y’all notice there are 50+ facebook shares for the McCain marrying a black chick story but only 28 FB shares here on this story. Now why is that?


      1. blatantly homophobic.”

        Nah let’s hear the show. let’s not accuse.


      2. blatantly homophobic.”
        bishes and gays so quick to call somebody a homophobic when a discussion comes up regarding the lifestyle. just tune in b4 you decide.


      3. blatantly homophobic.”

        C’mon now…homophobic? Show hasn’t even been aired yet. And based on the post it does not indicate homophobic rhetoric. Stop looking for a justification to HATE this post or the show.


      4. blatantly homophobic.”

        So I guess she broke it down just for you. Tracy is not HOMOPHOBIC!!!!


      5. blatantly homophobic.”

        Angelhair…………STFU!!!!!!!! Please and Thank you~


  4. The new policy, which takes effect in the 2014-2015 school year, will eliminate the terms “mother” and “father” from student aid forms. The new, non-gender specific terms will be “Parent 1? and “Parent 2?.
    This shit right here 😦 That’s how I know we in the last days…


  5. The new policy, which takes effect in the 2014-2015 school year, will eliminate the terms “mother” and “father” from student aid forms. The new, non-gender specific terms will be “Parent 1? and “Parent 2?.

    It’s rough out here


    1. I mean real talk though, there are folks being raised by two men or two women, it is what it is
      There are millions more folks being raised by single parents. Where are the policy changes on the forms to reflect the single parent households?


      1. There are millions more folks being raised by single parents. Where are the policy changes on the forms to reflect the single parent households?
        how can you equate the two? if they’re a single parent then their either a mother or father…girl stop


      2. There are millions more folks being raised by single parents. Where are the policy changes on the forms to reflect the single parent households?

        You know what no one ever cared that I had the mishap of not having my father around so I could have that nice american family


      3. There are millions more folks being raised by single parents. Where are the policy changes on the forms to reflect the single parent households?

        Hell, grandparents-aunts-uncles-siblings-neighbors-wolves…the list goes on and on the new form is a bad move IMO.


      4. Ashanti, I was thinking the exact same thing. What change would they need to make to the form in such case?


      5. how can you equate the two? if they’re a single parent then their either a mother or father…girl stop

        Angelhair, I guess you missed the part where it said the terms ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’ are removed from the school forms? You need to re-read the post instead of being so quick to jump on the defense.


      6. no I didn’t…the point is this would even work for that single parent argument you tried…makes eveything neutral now doesn’t it


      7. y’all do know gay couples adopt right?
        of course they do they luv fucking kids up. that’s who they tryin to appeal too. the shit is sick and twisted.


  6. This is the best way to teach school children that they just popped out of thin air and into parent 1 and parent 2′s loving arms. No need to teach them about the birds and the bees anymore. Since heterosexuality is no longer considered “normal.”


  7. Great topic. IMO homosexuality will never be normal. 2men and 2women cannot reproduce without scientific enhancements. which is why sex between the sexes are not normal.


  8. This parent 1 and 2 thing doesn’t bother me at all. I feel like a college aged person should know enough about life, science and morality that parent 1 and parent 2 on the FAFSA form will not freak em out. What college aged person dunno bout gays??… I personally feel like all parents should just teach their children to be loving and non-judgmental.


  9. if parent 1 and parent 2 are not married to each other, the biological sperm or egg donor is still the parent of that child. So I guess he or she becomes parent 3?


    1. Adam
      That does leave out the biological parent of the child, you know, the one who provided the sperm or the egg? Regardless of what that form says,


  10. Parent 1, Parent 2… smh the whole lifestyle just doesn’t make sense to me at all. Call me a homophobe if you will, whatever.


  11. I’m so sick of these gays trying to force-feed me all their gayisms. No offense. But, how come you can’t be gay, sit down and shut TF up all at the same time? I don’t have to like it just like they don’t have to like me.


  12. This whole gay agenda will come back to bite society in the ass when the Supreme court approves gay marriage and changes the legal definition of parents. Women will be taking women to court for child support and men will be suing men for alimony?


    1. This whole gay agenda will come back to bite society in the ass when the Supreme court approves gay marriage and changes the legal definition of parents. Women will be taking women to court for child support and men will be suing men for alimony?
      That’s already happening. Google and see how much Melissa Etheridge pays her ex in child support and alimony every month. That thang even got some of the song writing royalties for hits M.E had during their marriage.


  13. The new, non-gender specific terms will be “Parent 1? and “Parent 2?.

    Daymn shame, they’ve already started at my son’s school and I didn’t think anything about WHY they changed it. Thanks for the info Sandra!


  14. parent 1 parent 2… it doesn’t take rights away from anyone…I personally don’t bother the gays. Let em do whatever they want as long as they aren’t forcing anything on society (children) or taking rights away from others.


  15. What is the purpose of the gay agenda? Are they trying to put a stop to an ever increasing population?
    I’ll be damned if the government forces that gay lifestyle bullshit on my future children. My kids will know the truth. And no one in government even really cares about gay rights. People are so delusional. The gays are nothing but pawns for a higher purpose, just like everyone else.


    1. Lilly,
      My kids know the truth, which is that some people love people that are the same gender as them. I won’t have them growing up feeling like they can condemn other people to hell for who they love or like or whatever. And I certainly don’t want them to feel like, should they realize they care about someone of the same gender, that they can’t come to me and be honest because I will condemn THEM to hell. Kids are running away and committing suicide and whatnot because they feel like something is wrong with them or that their parents will ostracize them. Whether or not I personally think being gay is right or wrong; I won’t have my kids alienating others or being afraid that I will alienate them.


      1. I feel how you feel. Be it wrong or right, I ain’t tryna judge anyone so harshly that they feel like taking their lives. I think it’s wrong for society to alienate folk like that.


      2. What is the purpose of the gay agenda?
        To convince as many people as possible that it’s legit.


      3. What is the purpose of the gay agenda?

        To get the str8 niggaz on board that’s the purpose.


  16. It’s always an agenda with the government. always… People need to wake up and realize the government does not have your best interest at heart. Never have and never will.


  17. Trace you and me need to sit down, drink some green tea, eat crumpets and talk about the gay agenda. Cuz I swear me n u r —> HERE <— when it comes to this issue.

    Even tho being gay feels normal, it's not and I'm glad I understand it before them realms of fire come falling down on my head. I am a sinner, that's prolly gonna sin again, Lawd forgive me but we gotta pray for these niggaz. The enemies goal is to take the father out the house, have a single mother take care of the child while society raises them with "the new normal"…but I digress.

    Anywho, have ur ppl call my ppl? K, bye


    1. meaning: will she focus on the parent 1 and parent 2 bullshit or will she just talk about how the shit ain’t normal period??? I gotta wait n see b4 i say more.


      1. Hey Omar, I have that same concept too… i try to wait for the show b4 i comment. always excited about her topics though.


  18. Aw shit now…I know it’s noisy in here and quite on this subject out there. Folk hate it when you bring up such sensitive subjects 😆 but the Conversation will begin in another hour and 45 minutes and i’ll be tuning in.


  19. I know where to put my *JOHNSON* and it damn sure ain’t up another man’s ass. And I’m tired of this same conversation. But Uma tune in anyway.


      1. I know where to put my *JOHNSON* and it damn sure ain’t up another man’s ass.



      2. I’m tired of this same conversation
        Tracy’s discussed Homosexuality before but never with the question of: “Is it Normal?” Anyways I don’t give got-damn if she discusses it a million times I’m tuning in.


  20. The Truth, the Word and the Light will always remain the same; today, tomorrow, next month, next year and forever more.

    LMMFAO 😆 she gone PREACH before it’s over!!!


  21. “A women was designed to carry a man’s seed, man is the giver, woman (with the wound) is the receiver”

    Excellent!!!! You broke it down Queen Boo!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  22. “The penis and the vagina are certainly constructed for male-female intercourse”.

    meaning: man shouldn’t be puttin his dyck in nothing else but a woman!


  23. What comes up certainly does come out with Blog Queen. she was really blunt on her show tonight. Whoooooooo!!! I was up in here sweatin :shocked:


  24. Very good show. I commend my Ms. Bell for speaking the truth. No it’s not popular but the TRUTH never is.


  25. “homosexuality represents a tendency to want to use body parts for some purpose other than that for which they were created”

    I thought i was going to fucking die when she said that!!! 😆 I was like i know lezzies and homo’s mad as hell @ this shit right here.


    1. Yup she broke her topic down with a boldness. it only took her 15 minutes but she got right to the point!!!




  27. Dicking down another man is just disgusting and licking up another woman is even worse. the thought of it alone is repulsive. And know I’m not a hater.

    Good show Ms. Bell.


  28. loved the show but tracy had me choking talking and repeating that whole vagina and penis breakdown. we all should know what to do with our body parts. 😆 well for those using it other than their intended purposes is something else.


  29. Enjoyed the show. I’m going to listen in again while i’m in bed.

    But…..What was the song at the end of the show?? Anybody know?

    Sounded like faith evans


    1. Now I done felt a lot of pain
      I done seen a lot of things
      From struggling and broken heart to fancy cars
      (Oh yeah)

      And even though my money change
      I tried my best to stay the same
      But you know with mo money, mo problems came

      If I had to do it all again
      I wouldn’t take away the rain
      ‘Cuz I know it made me who I am
      If I had to do it all again
      I’ve learn so much from my mistakes
      That’s how I know he is watching me

      In A T L, I caught a case
      And the media tried to say, I had a habit
      I couldn’t manage and I am throwing my life away
      But everything ain’t what it seems just because it’s on TV
      ‘Cuz they speculate and exaggerate for a better story

      If I had to do it all again
      I wouldn’t take away the rain
      ‘Cuz I know it made me who I am
      If I had to do it all again
      I’ve learn so much from my mistakes
      That’s how I know he is watching me

      Nobody knows what life may bring
      It might make you happy it might make you sad
      Sometimes yeah but I know
      There’s a reason for everything
      (But I know)
      That’s why I keep believing
      Whatever is meant to be it’s going to be

      If I had to do it all again
      I wouldn’t take away the rain
      ‘Cuz I know it made me who I am
      If I had to do it all again
      I’ve learn so much from my mistakes
      That’s how I know he is watching me

      If I had to do it all again
      I wouldn’t take away the rain
      ‘Cuz I know it made me who I am
      If I had to do it all again
      I’ve learn so much from my mistakes
      That’s how I know he is watching me

      I couldn’t manage
      And I am throwing my life away
      But everything ain’t what it seems
      Just because it’s on TV
      ‘Cuz they speculate and exaggerate
      [ From: ]
      For a better story

      If I had to do it all again
      I wouldn’t take away the rain
      ‘Cuz I know it made me who I am
      If I had to do it all again
      I’ve learn so much from my mistakes
      That’s how I know he is watching me

      Nobody knows what life may bring
      It might make you happy it might make you sad
      Sometimes yeah but I know
      There’s a reason for everything
      (But I know)
      That’s why I keep believing
      Whatever is meant to be it’s going to be



  30. OK No Trace did not break down the intended use of the penis and vagina like lezzies and homo’s don’t know what to do with them.

    Show was Rated R.


      1. Tracy really answered the controversy and that is homosexuality isn’t the norm.

        Q, get a grip!!!


      2. QTip,
        By mentioning the Penis and Vagina that ain’t shit..had she said Pussy and Dyck now that would a been graphic. Stop being a drama KING!!!!


      3. OK No Trace did not break down the intended use of the penis and vagina like lezzies and homo’s don’t know what to do with them.

        If a kneegrow is sticking his johnson in another nigga then he don’t know how he should be using it. and if sistahs lettin other sistahs lick the kitty then they don’t know how to use their shit either. the show was good….Trace should be a counselor.


  31. Trace made her point without quoting one scripture and I was so GLAD of that. Cause I know she can debate the hell out of this subject to the nines.


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