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“Homosexuality…Is it the New Norm?” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”


Same sex marriage and equality became a big discussion during the recent Presidential election and President Barack Obama took his stance on this issue and proudly endorsed it. Since then, several entertainers, athletes, celebrities and television journalist have proudly stumbled out of their closets professing this lifestyle.

Homosexuality has now become a media sensation and is being shoved in our faces as if it is the new norm. Schools are teaching classes on same-sex, television sitcoms are addressing it and department store ads and commercials are displaying it. Sounds like the moral decline of a society as a whole, dismissing God’s plan and purpose of traditional family and relationships.

The U.S Department of Education announced a radical new policy change to its federal student aid form (FAFSA). The new policy, which takes effect in the 2014-2015 school year, will eliminate the terms “mother” and “father” from student aid forms. The new, non-gender specific terms will be “Parent 1″ and “Parent 2″.

The change is being instituted to make children who were raised in non-traditional same-sex homes more comfortable with the application process.

This is just another tool being used by the Gay Agenda movement (with the full blessing of President Obama) to brainwash children into believing that heterosexual sex is not the norm.

Meanwhile, gay sex remains unchallenged as the #1 means of transmitting the HIV virus.

According to statistics compiled by the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control (CDC); no other HIV risk factor even comes close to male-to-male sex. But the media won’t tell you that.

Join me tonight at 8:00 PM on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via “Conversations Live” as I discuss “Homosexuality… Is it the new Norm?”

We ask that you send all topic related questions to the show at

You can access the show at any of the Conversations links in this post or here!

I’ll meet you all on the air but until then, sound off here!