Boston Marathon, Law and order, Law Enforcement, Terroist acts

Boston On Shutdown as White Hat Bomber Still On the Loose


Within hours after The FBI distributed photos and videos of 2 male suspects being sought in Monday’s Boston Marathon bombings, 1 bomber was dead and the other still on the loose.

The man known as suspect #1, wearing a black Bridgestone golf cap in the FBI photos, was dead of gunshot wounds and shrapnel injuries during a harrowing police chase in Boston late last night. Suspect #2 is still on the loose after stealing a police SUV, according to Boston news affiliates who report the suspect threw grenades, IED’s and shot at police who returned fire.

“We believe this man to be a terrorist,” said Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis. “We believe this to be a man who’s come here to kill people.”

 The shootout began when suspect #2, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, and suspect #1 robbed a 7-Eleven convenience store in Cambridge, MA, near the MIT University. Tsarnaev, who is from the Russian region near Chechnya, was later spotted on the MIT campus where he shot and killed an MIT officer who was responding to a report of a disturbance.


From there, authorities say, the two men carjacked a man in a Mercedes-Benz, keeping him in the car for half an hour before releasing him uninjured at a gas station in Cambridge.

A police chase ensued which ended in quiet residential Watertown, where police exchanged gunfire with the suspects who lobbed bombs at them. Suspect #1 was shot dead during the gun battle.

Suspect #2 managed to steal a police SUV and flee the scene. He is still at large and considered armed and extremely dangerous.

Authorities shut down mass transit early Friday and asked businesses not to open. Bus commuters waiting at bus stops were asked to return home while the massive manhunt for suspect #2 continues.

“I heard the explosion, so I stepped back from that area, then I went back out and heard a second one,” she said. “It was very loud. It shook the house a little,” said Watertown resident Christine Yajko, who was awakened around 1:30 a.m. by gunfire and explosions.

“The incident in Watertown did involve what we believe to be explosive devices possibly, potentially, being used against the police officers,” state police spokesman David Procopio told the Associated Press.

110 thoughts on “Boston On Shutdown as White Hat Bomber Still On the Loose”

      1. Good Morning :hi: yasha, random, brown…This is so unreal. The entire city is on lockdown told to remain indoors. I :pray: no more innocent bystanders or law enforcement members are injured or killed.


      2. Good Morning yall….The crazy thang is these white boys blended in with everyone… FOLK who went to high school with em said they seemed like low key nice lil boys…The daddy with his Russian azz cant fathom his lil boys doin this. He is in disbelief… This is crazy, I wonder if they been had that killin in em or if something/ someone got in their heads.


      1. who gives a fuck if his nose is big or fake this ninja is on the run! they wreaked havoc a city’s on lockdown and they need to catch his ass.


      2. I agree with Al, fuck his nose I hope they get his ass!
        He killed innocent people even a young eight yr. old.


  1. Just logged in to get the latest update cause these idots on the news don’t know where to get a reliable source from to report what is really going on…


  2. the suspects were throwing grenades at police in a county 10 miles outside of Boston…folks said they heard bombs going off and saw the smoke, suspect 1 in the black hat was pronounced dead at the hospital, suspect 2 is still at large…


  3. UPDATE: Authorities have identified the Boston Marathon bombing suspect still on the looseas Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19. His brother,20, was the suspect killed overnight in Watertown, Mass


  4. This is so surreal to me. I am in Boston ALL the time without any fear at all. Now not so much, just like NYC 😥 I will stay praying for peace :pray:


  5. I knew they were white boys. I told them fools on my job we bet on it had an office pool going and I guessed right and won the money.


  6. Got dammit dude just had to be muslim..just saw his “social media” profile

    Maaaaaan Muslims bout to catch hell here after this shyt :no:


      1. Georgians , Turkman , and Chycznians are all Muslim which are former soviet republics and still come under Russian rule. So yes he is Muslim….


  7. The Chief of Police has ordered a shelter in place for the ENTIRE city of Boston. 600K folks. PLEASE BE SAFE those who are lurkers and Ceo’ers.


  8. They set a bomb at a marathon on Monday and one dead and one on the run by Friday. Obama wasn’t playing when he said we’ll get yo asses and bring you in justice will be served.


  9. They’ve lived in America for so many years. It’s weird that they are not more Americanized. It’s a shame that they went so far left.


    1. The father said if the U.S. kills his son all hell will break loose…..

      But they already killed one son so what he gone do?


      1. The father said if the U.S. kills his son all hell will break loose…..
        Sir, your son will not be taken alive. Sad but true


      2. The father said if the U.S. kills his son all hell will break loose…..
        Sir, your son will not be taken alive. Sad but true



      3. Sir, your son will not be taken alive. Sad but true
        Nah they want him alive cuss they want answers.


  10. It’s a damn shame that the Boston police have to beg the media to back up: “You are in the line of fire!” The police have to deal with media crowd control while trying to apprehend the suspect. What’s wrong with the media? Are ratings worth your life?


    1. I’s sundown in Boston and they ain’t caught dude yet. They believe he still in Boston I don’t!
      They telling people they can go out. hell I wouldn’t. not with a bomber on the loose that crazy ninja could be anywhere strapped with explosives.


  11. one dead one caught.
    it’s fucked up how they killed that young cop thou.
    Now they gon interrogate his ass to no end.


  12. ISAIAH 45:7

    ” I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”


  13. ISAIAH 31:2

    ” Yet he also is wise, and will bring evil, and will not call back his words: but will arise against the house of the evildoers, and against the help of them that work iniquity.”


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