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When The Biological Clock Ticks And you get Tricked! Tonite on “Conversations Of A Sistah”


We as humans allow time to dictate our biological processes. We have to have children and be married before the age of 25 or 30. We want to be happily married and fully established by the age of 50. All of these mental pressures determine our decisions instead of us allowing God to naturally perfect theses developments.

When life’s major decisions are carried out according to man and society, mistakes are made and then regrets ensue. Temporary insanity affects our decision-making because the world defines it one way, when God’s plan is completely different.

Being desperate and determined to make things happen according to your plan and not God’s, equals you being tricked into making all the wrong decisions in the long run.

Join me Wednesday April 10, 2013 at 8:00 PM on “Conversations Of A Sistah” on “Conversations Live” as I discuss being tricked as the result of these biological pressures.

As always you can email me your questions and comments regarding my topic at

You can access the show at any of the “Conversations links” in this post or quickly access the show right here!

And I’ll meet you on the air!  🙂

116 thoughts on “When The Biological Clock Ticks And you get Tricked! Tonite on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

      1. Came outta lurkin to holla @ ya’ll and my girl Trace 😆

        What’s good CEO peoples!!!!!!

        @BigBelly, Wassup Nigga I see some things never change. 😆


      2. Be sure and come back for the after party.
        I’m here so where are U? party already started.


    1. Wow can’t wait Ms. Bell but it would be sooo nice to get to post other than your show post. I mean really?
      I know @Intense, I do miss her posting on a regular too.


      1. Good morning Ladies,
        I’m sorry but I’m really busy working on a project and haven’t been able to post on a regular or as often.

        I guarantee you I will pick up soon 🙂

        I appreciate your support though.


      2. Hey Tracy!!!
        You owe me no explanation but I appreciate you telling us.
        I was wondering wassup. 🙂


      3. Good morning Ladies,
        I’m sorry but I’m really busy working on a project and haven’t been able to post on a regular or as often.

        I guarantee you I will pick up soon 🙂

        I appreciate your support though.

        We appreciate you too. What’s the project can you share?


      4. What’s the project can you share?
        As an attorney I can tell you she’s under a confidentiality agreement. So to answer your question NO she can’t share.


  1. Ok Tra this is a hot topic gurl. Well I know the title topic is anyway.
    Yep cause one of my homegirls wanted to be married by 25 and now she divorced at 26.


  2. Palease I know niggaz who hooked up cause the sex was great.

    House fuckin falling down but th fuckin good. SMDH ertime I see them.


  3. When life’s major decisions are carried out according to man and society, mistakes are made and then regrets ensue.

    You ain’t never lied!!!! Can’t wait to hear your show.


  4. This topic is gonna be hot like FIRE. I hope this discussion will help the thirsty birdies who live by the status quo. And help them slow down & make the rational decision of waiting for that special someone instead of living a miserable life with MR. WRONG!!!!


      1. This topic is gonna be hot like FIRE. I hope this discussion will help the thirsty birdies who live by the status quo. And help them slow down & make the rational decision of waiting for that special someone instead of living a miserable life with MR. WRONG!!!!
        You better preach!!!!!
        And when you coming on the show? I guess I should be asking Tracy huh?


  5. Being desperate and determined to make things happen according to your plan and not God’s, equals you being tricked into making all the wrong decisions in the long run.

    Tracy I know you’re gonna tare the shit outta this one!!!!
    Tuning in and can’t wait!!!


  6. Temporary insanity affects our decision-making because the world defines it one way, when God’s plan is completely different.

    That temp. insanity is the SEX!!!! 😆 once you COME it’s ova!


  7. People marry the wrong people everyday. So Tracy you better ROCK this topic.
    I’m going to email you my question for the show.


  8. A lot of women are thirsty for a man. This is why they are marrying the WRONG men. Good Topic and I know it will be a great show.


  9. It’s that dophimine that have these women trippin.
    Once dude turn em out they wanna ring. don’t know shit about him but want the ring. Just so they can say they have somebody.
    Sad but true!

    Can’t wait for tonite’s show 🙂


      1. ok so make sure all of yours tune in.–>>>>>Yes because there are no chicken heads up in here @Sane.


  10. The problem with this subject is people get caught up in all the superficial reasons to hook up. Looking forward to this show! 🙂


  11. We as humans allow time to dictate our biological processes. We have to have children and be married before the age of 25 or 30.

    I did wanna be married by 30 but they say, you wanna see God laugh tell Him your plans.


  12. When The Biological Clock Ticks And you get Tricked!

    I like the title now I’ll be waiting to HEAR how you spin the topic.


  13. Oh God that was show was for me cause I’m engaged.
    I needed that 😥 she had me in tears.

    Gotta get that scripture anyone remember what it was????


  14. if anybody mad it’s cause they taking care of a man for the sake of having one 😆 she had me rolling !!!!

    awesome show!


  15. so trace was wined and dined by a dude she ain’t like. did y’all hear how she was trying not to laugh? I hope that nigga wasn’t listening. cause that shit was colder than a ice cube in a lonely ass freezer


    1. so trace was wined and dined by a dude she ain’t like. did y’all hear how she was trying not to laugh? I hope that nigga wasn’t listening. cause that shit was colder than a ice cube in a lonely ass freezer

      I know.


  16. Loved the show that Kenny G story had me rolling. Dude touched your thigh thou fa real? and you got a fat thigh too. 😆


    1. Loved the show that Kenny G story had me rolling. Dude touched your thigh thou fa real? and you got a fat thigh too. 😆
      Please whoever that nigga was he didn’t stand a chance.


      1. Please whoever that nigga was he didn’t stand a chance.
        Trace said she can’t pretend to be happy when she’s NOT.


      2. when I heard her say she wasn’t into dude and he was “wining and dining” her I was like dayum and dude still couldn’t seal the deal? that shit was hilarious!! I could tell Trace is a trip. she just need to meet the right kind a dude to blow her mind that’s all.


  17. Oh God that poor un-suspecting dude took Trace to a Kenny_G concert and she wasn’t into his ass. 😆 I was LMMFAO when she talked about that. Trace need to give that dude his money back 😆 Dayum!!!


  18. Ladies you should not be carrying your household if you’re married, why have a man? Oh God the show was good! Tracy you seem to be happy with these types of subjects. awesome!


  19. Tracy a lot of women need to hear you. You be talkin TRUTH!
    So true men should be working not letting their woman work while they lay up.
    Some women love carrying a man. but it’s not in order.


  20. Tracy keep speaking the truth and ‘NO’ don’t apologize for your beliefs because a little bit of principles will keep you on the right track.

    I truly enjoyed the show and loved how told us that women should not be carrying their household if they have a man.

    I loved it.!


  21. caught your show last night trace. your pretty grounded in this relationship stuff. sounds like you know what you want too. 🙂 your topics are good. I look forward to them weekly.


  22. Ladies y'all got it twisted, the man is supposed to buy you, not you buying the man

    although I was rolling ole girl was telling the truth a lot of women have their priorities fucked up concerning men.


  23. show was deep trace. but if a brotha can buy a sista whatz wrong with a sista doing the same??? and if she wanna work n carry the house I ain’t mad at her.


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