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Jackson “4” on tour and will perform tonight without Michael…

The remaining members (minus one), from one of music’s iconic families will take the stage at the famous Apollo Theater tonight for the first time since the death of their beloved brother and lead singer, Michael. Michael passed away three years ago (June 25, 2009) after overdosing on a lethal injection of propofol.

But tonight, Marlon, Jermaine, Jackie and Tito, will carry the famous “Jackson 5” torch at the Apollo Theatre, as their show comes as part of a full national roadshow, dubbed the “Unity Tour.” This is the brothers’ first sustained tour since the ancient days of the “Victory Tour,” back in 1984. By the way, I was at that show.

Randy (not part of the original Jackson 5 but a later Jackson 5 member, who is not pictured above), chose not to participate in the tour.

“We respect his decision — leave it at that,” the Jackson brothers said: “Next time around, hopefully he’ll be there.”

Others who have criticized the very idea of The Jackson’s performing their songs without Michael, seem to be appalled by the idea of the “Jackson 4” touring. As for those fans who feel the Jackson “4” shouldn’t be touring without the complete group, the brothers had this to say:

“Those who feel that way don’t have to show up,”. “We listened to our fans and they wanted us to do this.”

What do you all think? should the Jackson 4, be touring without Michael and Randy? I want to hear your opionions…In the meantime the show at the Apollo theatre is sold out!

17 thoughts on “Jackson “4” on tour and will perform tonight without Michael…”

  1. If I was use to my brothers bein @my side when we on stage idk it would be so hard for me. 😦 but peace n blessings to them cause i’ll be front and center 2nite @y’all.


  2. May MJ R.I.P. and I hope God give Jermaine, Marlon, Tito and jackie the courage to continue to carry on.

    J5 4eva.


  3. “What do you all think? should the Jackson 4, be touring without Michael and Randy?”

    I’m sure it hurts which is why Randy chose not to participate. some people don’t want to be reminded of what USE to be. 😦


  4. “You and I must make a pack we must bring salvation back where there is love I’ll be there”

    Jackson 5 forever tam.


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