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John Travolta is Being Sued for Sexual Misconduct

John Travolta’s reps are vehemently denying accusations that Travolta fondled the genitals of 2 male masseurs at an upscale hotel in Atlanta. But the lawyer representing the two masseurs says one of the men, identified in court papers as John Doe #2, immediately documented Travolta’s sexual misconduct in multiple e-mails following the alleged incident, but hotel management took no action, RadarOnline.com is exclusively reporting.

And now a witness have come forward with a blow-by-blow account of what happened at the luxury resort spa in Atlanta.

According to the witness, who was employed at the spa at the time of the incident, Plaintiff #2, who’s name really is “John”, went up to Travolta’s room to give him a massage. In an exclusive videotaped interview, the witness says Travolta called downstairs and “specifically requested” a male masseur.

The witness said “John” — who is married with children — came back downstairs after 15 minutes, saying: “I can’t do this!” Allegedly, Travolta, who had a full erection during the massage, fondled John’s buttocks and masturbated in front of the married masseur.

According to court documents, “Travolta went down to the spa that Plaintiff No. 2 worked at, which is part of the resort Travolta was staying at, as opposed to having Doe Plaintiff No. 2 go to his room. Travolta DEMANDED that Doe Plaintiff No. 2 come back and do it again and he refused,” the documents state.

The plaintiff’s attorney asserts: “The employee that dealt with Travolta when he came down to the spa looking for my client will also be a material witness in the case.”

Travolta is being sued by both men for $2 million in damages.

58 thoughts on “John Travolta is Being Sued for Sexual Misconduct”

    1. Sooo he was able to lay on his stomach with a full erection

      Well, if men can sit on their nut sacks I guess they can lay down on their stomachs with a full erection


    2. Sooo he was able to lay on his stomach with a full erection

      it’s um a bit uncomfortable.


    1. po kelly preston so I guess she da long-suffering wife huh

      i would just smell his dyck to seee where he been and if his dick smelled like shit then she know.


  1. As we previously reported, a second masseur has filed a sexual battery and assault lawsuit against the Grease star, alleging that while working at a five star hotel in Atlanta, he went to Travolta’s room to perform an in-room massage. As the massage came to an end, the lawsuit claims: “Travolta suddenly turned on his stomach with his legs wide open with a full erection. He then tried to force Doe Plaintiff No. 2′s hand on Travolta’s scrotum. Then, Travolta started to grab, rub and caress Doe Plaintiff no. 2′s upper thighs and buttocks….Travolta still had an erection and wanted his abdominals done, but Travolta’s erection was in the way, and he refused to have his penis covered by a sheet of a pillow case cover…Travolta started masturbating about 15 minutes left in the session, and Doe Plaintiff No.2, said he had to go.”


  2. YOU HAVE ONLY 2 choices:

    1. you can follow the crowd ( society, trends, popularity )
    2. or you can follow the Lord

    I say this in the wake of the heathen’s speech concerning so-called gay marriage. Your unbelief won’t change the punishment reserved for every evil doer/evil teacher under the sun.

    When God sees that you are not willing to change your evil ways, He will go ahead and keep you in that evil frame of mind, then punish you on judgement day!


    ROMANS 1:26-27

    26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

    27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.


    1. These Bible verses pertain to YOU ISRAELITES who wanna ” monkey-see-monkey-do ” the things that the heathens ( like john travolta & his people ) do.


    2. These Bible verses pertain to YOU ISRAELITES who wanna ” monkey-see-monkey-do ” the things that the heathens ( like john travolta & his people ) do.

      Hmm….I don’t recall ever requesting a massage from a Woman and then trying to talk her into giving me some ‘special attention’….


    3. @Ionna,

      That’s because you don’t know the Bible. For your education God separated us ( the Israelites ) from other people and even Christ revealed that in the New testament.

      MATTHEW 15:24

      ”…But he answered and said, I am not sent BUT unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel ”

      Everything from the Old testament STILL APPLIES to the Israelites even today!


    4. I know a lot may not like the commentary from Rezzie in here but it be the truth. If you research some things that are given, it is the truth.



    5. Dear REZZIE

      Please understand that while many may have knowledge of the Bible most miss out on the true Basic fundametal of that book… and while I may not know EVERY verse or Chapter I do understand that what you are doing is just as destructive as the KKK… you sir/maam are a rasicst and you spread hate and hide behind that GOOD BOOK that you hold so dear… But hey if thats your shtick do your thing. Just please dont tell me about my relationship with GOD… You may THINK youre closer to him than I but somthing tells me you are farther than you can ever realize. But I’ll let you get back to your hate speach… and you Have a nice day.



    6. Ionna,
      Did you ask the resident bible thumper before you posted this? She knows personally who Satan’s spawn is… with her *evil* ass


  3. I didn’t want this image of John but I wonder if he’s the A-list celeb who got sued because he gave a man a disease when he claimed to be disease free so no protection was used.

    Suit never named the celeb and they quietly settled 0_0


    1. didn’t want this image of John but I wonder if he’s the A-list celeb who got sued because he gave a man a disease when he claimed to be disease free so no protection was used.

      Suit never named the celeb and they quietly settled
      I always thought it was him.


  4. I think folks knew what was up when he kissed dude on the lips years ago…I think he and his wife are both bisexual….ehhh, his business…but if he violated these men then he’s got what’s coming…


  5. The Beverly Hills one is gonna get thrown out because there are receipts and pics that he was at Mr. Chow’s in NY at the exact same time and day that the masseuse is saying.


  6. Every time I get a massage at the spa all I care about is releasing tension and relaxing…the ONLY time I’ve gotten turned on by a massage was when I was in the bed with my man….these folks are pervs!


  7. Aw man, I don’t think this is about sex. People like this get off on the power.

    It’s the mentality of, I got money, I’m famous, well known AND connected through Scientology, so if I tell you to flog my Dolphin, you better werk!


  8. Dayum I didn’t know Travolta was freaky like that? Guess you can’t pay for a good massues unless he can suck you off!!


  9. Travolta is one of the most powerful men in hollywood., guess he thought no one would talk?? Ion know…then again this could be a lie from some dudes looking for a pay day and a come up. Times are hard and niggas lyin, cheatin and stealing to get ahead. SMH


  10. Lawd I pray this story ain’t true.
    If it is Travolta is dumb thinking he’d get away with this. In these troubling times where money is tight folk itchin for a reason to get some $$$


  11. according to the NY Post, the case will be heard by a private judge and settlement will be reached or squared away by Travolta and the massage man behind closed doors. sounds guilty to me.


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