
Eddie Long’s New Birth Christian Academy Closes

Bishop Eddie Long’s New Birth Christian Academy is closing its doors after 18 years in operation. I guess this all apart of “God’s operation and the Eddie Long empire shut down”.

The private school’s 200 students learned about the school closing in a letter sent home to their parents and signed by Carlton Donald, the board’s vice-chair.

The school’s tuition ranged from $5,253 for New Birth members to $6,198 for non-members, according to the Atlanta Journal.

The school’s closing is just another step toward the dismantling of Eddie Long’s church empire in Atlanta. The church has laid off staff after losing hundreds of members since Long settled a sexual coercion case filed against him by four former New Birth members who were heterosexual and gay.

Additionally, Bernice King, daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, stepped down as a church elder in May. And 10 former parishioners filed a $1 million lawsuit against Long and the church alleging they lost their life savings in an investment scam.

Long, who temporally stepped down as the church’s senior pastor this month, reportedly used the school as a hunting ground for young males to satisfy his sexual appetite. In court documents, Long was accused of coercing the young men with Bible passages and plying at least two of the boys with cash, trips, gifts and cars to loosen their sexual inhibitions.

Earlier this month, the embattled preacher’s long-suffering wife, Vanessa, announced she was filing for divorce.

112 thoughts on “Eddie Long’s New Birth Christian Academy Closes”

    1. Coco:

      He isn’t in jail because he was slick enough to choose victims that would be too old for him to be prosecuted under Georgia law.

      God don’t like ugly


      1. He isn’t in jail because he was slick enough to choose victims that would be too old for him to be prosecuted under Georgia law.

        God don’t like ugly
        THen he should’nt have been born cuz he is UGLY as hail


    1. His House of cards come tumbling down…

      oh i believe this is nothing!! the best is yet to come for this pedophile fool


  1. well if the allegations are true, then its for the best, but before we get our pitch forks and torches, has there been any PROOF??? im not saying he didn’t do it, but has there been any besides testimony, i haven’t really followed the story so i don’t know


    1. well if the allegations are true, then its for the best, but before we get our pitch forks and torches, has there been any PROOF??? im not saying he didn’t do it, but has there been any besides testimony, i haven’t really followed the story so i don’t know
      yeah there’s proof, dna proves all accusars have eddie long’s dookie on they dicks.


      1. yeah there’s proof, dna proves all accusars have eddie long’s dookie on they dicks.



  2. Paying more than six grand to have your son molested by an old pervert in a Jheri curl rug when you coulda got Uncle Roscoe to do it for a free meal and a bed in the attic. 😦


    1. Paying more than six grand to have your son molested by an old pervert in a Jheri curl rug when you coulda got Uncle Roscoe to do it for a free meal and a bed in the attic.
      LMAO 😦 Dayum!


  3. “reportedly used the school as a hunting ground for young males to satisfy his sexual appetite.”
    It’s so unfortunant that the actions of a man, can cause the demise of so many things that were great……This academy served wonderfully in our community….It served plenty of young black men and guided so many of them to college, that would not have otherwise gone. I feel some kind of way that all things good are so closely associated with the wrong doing. I wish that more people, that are closely invoveld with the NB community, and those who know people of the NB community do their part to remind people of the GOOD. But so many will not speak up for fear they’ll be considered empathizers of an alleged pediphile.


  4. Well, well, well Eddie! The good book clearly states that you cannot serve two Masters 😦 Had you been reading it, instead of a manual on how to seduce young men, you would have known this 😦
    So until you stop giving into Satan and his crazy ways; don’t expect for things to get better.


    1. So until you stop giving into Satan and his crazy ways; don’t expect for things to get better.
      Playing Devil’s advocate what does Satan have to do with this MAN’s greed and mistakes


      1. Coco,
        Anytime man gives into greed and immorality they fall victim to Satan, the father of lies and doomed enemy of God the Father and Jesus the Christ.
        Greed and lust are sins, and harming children is mos def horrible. He was seduced by the evil feeling of them both and instead of “resisting the devil and fleeing him” as the Bible says in James 4:7 and forgetting in Romans 12:1-2 where it states to not be confromed to the world he gave into it.


      2. Sorry Lisa but thats a bunch a bullshit – If I make a mistake, break the law or commit a crime Satan is not doing my time I am


      3. I agree Al,
        Satan isn’t doing my time – GOD gave us all FREE WILL and the TEN Commandments… you break those and do as you please and it’s Satan’s fault??? NAHHHHH tell a judge that shit you’ll be on a psych ward


      4. doomed enemy of God the Father and Jesus the Christ.
        Satan the Devil Lucifer was GOD’s most Beautiful Angel if GOD is a GOD of LOVE no one including Satan is doomed


      5. Well now…If puzzy is the Devil, what is dyck?

        Nah Yvonne I was just saying… Puzzy aint the Devil but thats pretty much what was said. Could have just kept it short.

        As a person thats completely in love with the slit that wont quit… IT cant be all Bad.


      6. God is also Holy HOly Holy. Sin is punishable by death and hell. Satan rebelled in Heaven according to Revelation 12 and in the end the Book meets his demise.


      1. does this mean the church is next?

        🙂 shaking my head YES!

        I’m surprised its not closed already…



    *thumps junkie needle & inserts*

    Thaaaaaaat’s it! *leans back & takes it all in*


  6. This Post is brought to you by the Letter H,
    Larry’s hair pieces and Gorilla Bonding Glue…

    Thats all I got… duded fucked up… folks still ride with him some dont. Oh well


  7. the problem i have wit eddie longstrokethekids is his portryal of innocence when he could-a fought it if it werent true. he paid so it must be true.


    1. That church looks packed as all get out errytime I see the doors to the sanctuary open on the tv….

      They know how to pan the cameras to make the church look packed, trust me when I tell you Boo Boo.


  8. Earlier this month, the embattled preacher’s long-suffering wife, Vanessa, announced she was filing for divorce.

    Not me, I would be fuckng the finest gardener we can afford and counting my chips…divorce is not needed


    1. Not me, I would be fckng the finest gardener we can afford and counting my chips…divorce is not needed

      Holla Kee,
      Estaban would be Highly pleased 🙂 LOL


  9. I heard Eddie Long is still a trip and expect red carpet treatment in and around Atlanta. People say he still parades around like nothing ever happend. He has no shame at all. Well hopefully all the tithes he stacked have been invested by someone other than the guy he allowed to come into his church and rip off his members.


    1. I heard Eddie Long is still a trip and expect red carpet treatment in and around Atlanta. People say he still parades around like nothing ever happend. He has no shame at all.
      Pride always comes b4 a fall.


  10. I hate to say it but his ROOSTERS HAVE COME HOME TO ROOST! I wouldn’t wanna be his ass right now. They don’t want their kids molested that’s why it’s struggling financially.


  11. I smell a Sandusky similarity here.. 2ND Mile Foundation was used as a vehicle to scout out young boys. Wonder if Eddie did the same with this school?


    1. @Uncle-ed,
      HE had access to HUNDREDS if not thousands of children, in a school??? Parents need to start questioning their kids NOW.


      1. Parents need to start questioning their kids NOW.
        I know I would…I would be questioning my lil soldier to the 3rd degree.


  12. I don’t understand how the scandal had to happen for people in his “flock” to wake up. How do people follow these prosperity pastors?? It’s crazy to me. I went to church with a friend and her pastor was like begging for money. They had collection 8 times, not kidding, 8 times!!! Don’t feel bad for him at all, sooner or later God reveales the truth about everything.


  13. Don’t worry, Rev. Longstroke has decided to open a Home Schooling program in its place.

    The good reverend will provide personal tutorials for young males preferably 17 or whatever is the age of consent in the state of Georgia.

    Also a satellite chapter will be located on Penn state campus where a Pee Wee footbal camp will start up and administered by Coach Sardunsky


  14. That’s why men like eddie long and jerry sandusky prey on young boys from broken homes and single parent mothers because these nasty ass pedophiles see them as easy victims/targets. i would kill a motherfucker for raping my son, i would be going to jail too just because they took my child’s manhood.


    1. i would kill a motherfucker for raping my son, i would be going to jail too just because they took my child’s manhood.
      that’s what i’m saying.


    2. That’s why men like eddie long and jerry sandusky prey on young boys from broken homes and single parent mothers because these nasty ass pedophiles see them as easy victims/targets. i would kill a motherfucker for raping my son, i would be going to jail too just because they took my child’s manhood.
      cosign! you ruin a child once he’s been raped, look at tyler perry, donnie mcclurklin, and every other dude that’s been raped by a pedophile. this is the reason most of these men turn/and or are gay!


      1. cosign! you ruin a child once he’s been raped, look at tyler perry, donnie mcclurklin, and every other dude that’s been raped by a pedophile. this is the reason most of these men turn/and or are gay!
        didn’t know donnie mcclurlin was raped?

        *singing., we fall down but we get up, we fall down but we get up


      2. didn’t know donnie mcclurlin was raped?
        he’s not married either, and i do believe he’s trey-gay


      3. yeah a lot of these pastors, bishops, gospel singers and spirtual leaders are closed closet dick lovers.

        LOL 🙂 what’s done in the dark will come to light


  15. Earlier this month, the embattled preacher’s long-suffering wife, Vanessa, announced she was filing for divorce.

    Long suffering my ass, she knew he was fucking the young men of his academy. when he came out on the pulpit after the scandal broke holding his wife’s hand i knew that shit was just a front. ain’t no future in frontin people.

    happy new year fam.


    1. he can bounce back, all he gotta do is get in one of ‘captain save a ho’s movies’ and he’ll be good to go again.
      WHO is Captain “save a HO”???



      1. he can bounce back, all he gotta do is get in one of ‘captain save a ho’s movies’ and he’ll be good to go again.
        WHO is Captain “save a HO”???



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