
NBA Star, Kobe Bryant’s Wife, Files For Divorce

When Vanessa Bryant found out Kobe cheated in 2003, the 8 carat, 4 million dollar diamond ring had her forgiving him; but here we are eight years later and Vanessa has filed for divorce, prompted by Kobe’s infidelity.

“The Bryant’s have resolved all issues incident to their divorce privately with the assistance of counsel and a Judgment dissolving their marital status will be entered in 2012,” a representative said in a statement.

Kobe and Vanessa met while he was shooting a video for his hip-hop album, which was never released. Vanessa was a 17-year-old backup dancer who was still in high school. When Kobe and Vanessa married in 2001, his parents and sister who disapproved of the relationship were not in attendance (so I know they’re glad).

The couple’s been married 10 years with no prenuptial agreement in place and because California is a community property state, Vanessa is likely entitled to half of Kobe’s earnings during their 10-year marriage. The LA Lakers star is expected to make $25,244,493 this year, according to ESPN.

Vanessa is seeking spousal support and custody of the couple’s two daughters, 8-year-old Natalia and 5-year-old Giana.

108 thoughts on “NBA Star, Kobe Bryant’s Wife, Files For Divorce”

      1. @Bigbelly, i see you still have issues. 🙂 we all love and miss ms. bell, she’s our blogging diva and danny has as much a right as me, you and any other blogger here who feels the same.


  1. That stuck up bitch loved Kobe, but he just had to be gettin that extra pu$$y on the side it took her long enough tho. Guess love is blind. Follow the cash ladies.


  2. she defended him when he was accused of ‘consensua­l’ rape and now she finds out he got a ho. once a cheat always a cheat.


    1. It’s fucked up his family didn’t attend his wedding, that shit was doomed to fail anyway.
      They did not attend the wedding because they didn’t approve or her or like her. Kobe was dating another girl for five years prior to his engagement to Vanessa, and they loved her but Vanessa was Kobe’s choice and they should have respected that. Kobe’s mom should have at least attended to support her son. The son she gave birth to. It must have been very hurtful for this young girl to know that her future in laws and his sisters did not like her from the jump!


      1. It’s fucked up his family didn’t attend his wedding, that shit was doomed to fail anyway.
        They did not attend the wedding because they didn’t approve or her or like her. Kobe was dating another girl for five years prior to his engagement to Vanessa, and they loved her but Vanessa was Kobe’s choice and they should have respected that. Kobe’s mom should have at least attended to support her son. The son she gave birth to. It must have been very hurtful for this young girl to know that her future in laws and his sisters did not like her from the jump!
        Because his parents wanted him to put his money back into some black folks pockets, these NBA players don’t realize that when a white woman is laying next to them all they want is their money and that puts their money into the white’s man’s pocket and into the white man’s community. Now Kobe will be taking care of this ugky chick as long as he lives.


      2. Because his parents wanted him to put his money back into some black folks pockets, these NBA players don’t realize that when a white woman is laying next to them all they want is their money and that puts their money into the white’s man’s pocket and into the white man’s community. Now Kobe will be taking care of this ugky chick as long as he lives.
        I agree with BigBelly,
        i think Kobe’s family viewed Vanessa as a gold digging skank and opportunis­t and didn’t want to support that foolishnes­s. In the end, Kobe’s fortune will be cut by half and look, they are still his family.


      3. @Angelhair, this man took care of her family who along with her lived a lifestyle she could have never lived before she married him. The money seems to have persuaded her to stay, at least for a while.

        @Wanda, I wouldn’t be surprised to see her on basketball wives next season.


      4. cosigning bigbelly, cause we will all get to see another non black woman take half or more of a rich black man’s money all the while black men will STILL claim that black women, who work outside the home over 90% of the time WHILE married to black men, are chief gold diggers.


      5. @Angelhair,
        His mama told him she wasn’t any good. Vanessa was a gold digger just like the rest of the broads that follow him around, she just got lucky and got the ring. Vanessa knew that fooling around was part of the package.


  3. oooh nessa gone be aight. dumb ass kobe just opened up his wallet and poured out his pockets. she forgave his ass once ain’t overlooking that shit again., not when aids and std’s are real.


  4. Who really cares. When you marry a Professional Player they are as FAITHFUL as their OPTIONS. She was known as a Biotch anyway as far as NBA wives. But when we as women are Bitter at the Man; why do we take it out on ere’body else but HIM???


    1. Yasha,
      I’ve SEEN the Joint-statement so the Rumors of NOT HAVING a PRENUP are Very False IMO

      Regardless of THAT Though The JOINT-Statement tells me that Vanessa Ain’t getting HALF (Although MONEY WILL NEVER be an ISSUE for her for the REST of Her LIFE…) and ‘IT’ probably has a GAG-Order attached so She will keep their PRIVATE BUSINESS from The Media/Public via TV Interviews and Tell-ALL Books


  5. I hope she gets everything. The toilet, cat,dog whatever. I can’t stand this trifling negro. When he came to Colorado and got up in some mess she should’ve left!

    I’m quite sure his parents/friends/sisters etc are just sitting back and shaking their heads. This is about to get ugly! People play dirty when money is involved.

    Even though she is entitled to half there will be a lot of variables involved.


  6. shes smart, she waited for the 10 year mark. she deserves every penny for putting up with his cheating, side baby having ass. she about to get that juanita jordan special. 🙂


  7. where the fuck is Kobe going with shades on in the pic above? Looks like he’s inside at a bb game in an inside arena, ain’t NO SUN in there. Nigga please!!


    1. @ACE,
      That woman put up with a lot of bullshit and is probably an emotional wreck. She deserves every last penny SHE GETS! And Kobe deserves to be taunted with the fact that he will be paying for the Rolexs of every single young, tight boyfriend she has for the rest of her life! HA!

      I haven’t been this happy for a woman since Michael Strahan’s wife sucked dry! Tiki’s wife is about to do the same thing.

      I love how these used to be broke black men make a fortune and then give it right back to other WHITE men via his daughters!



  8. The couple’s been married 10 years with no prenuptial agreement in place and because California is a community property state, Vanessa is likely entitled to half of Kobe’s earnings during their 10-year marriage. The LA Lakers star is expected to make $25,244,493 this year, according to ESPN.

    Of course there’s no pre-nup. Kobe was having sex with her when she was underaged. So he was forced to marry with no pre-nup or be sent to jail.


  9. I knew this day would come! I hope she takes Kobe for all his money. Maybe this will teach these athletes to STOP SAVING HOES!


  10. She played Kobe just right. Fuck him, have kids, be married for a long while, divorce him, and get half of his fortune. Why, because Kobe’s dumb ass didn’t get a prenup. The African American athletes are always going for racially ambigous women. These ho’s do not like negroes. When a black man has one of these type of tricks usually they have to be rich. But the negroe thinks he’s struck gold because these type of bitches give them play. She’s only doing it for the money. Her pussy is the investment and millions is what she gets back. This nigga is worth over several hundred million and that ho gets half. Bitches like this I wish would eat shit and die because they are a waste of their father’s sperm.

    Wassup y’all.


  11. Bitches like this make these dumb niggas feel like they should feel fortunate to have them as their lady. How many of these type of ho’s go with the average black man? Don’t worry people, I’ll wait.


    1. The reality is none of us know what happened. Who are we to say she stayed in the marriage just for money, maybe after 10 years she just got tired of it.


    2. Completely Agree Harlem!
      I think everyone skipped over the part where it says they married in 2001 and she was just 18! She was young and in love and newly married – she wanted to believe he learned his lesson – that’s what little girls do, believe in love!


    1. Who cares? Cut her HALF your SHIT and keep it movin. She aint hot anyway!!!! HE need a SISTA anyway!!!!
      a sista would hauled off on his ass long time ago.


  12. This story is all over the net. never like arrogant ass kobe nor did i care for his stuck up wife vanessa. the maid sued they asses for a reason.


  13. Vanessa should have left the first time. People like this never change. She was a fool to stay and shouldn’t be surprised he continued to cheat. Infidelity is rampant today. Nothing surprises me anymore.


  14. I’m sure Vanessa put up with a lot of Kobe’s BullShit; who knows how many times he was sorry or said it would never happen again. You’ve never seen or heard anything about her in the news out ho-ing around. These athelets think they can be out there screwing around and the wife will always be there with open arms…Good for you Vanessa, get out while you’re still young!


  15. Kobe you are about to be worth 1/2 of what you are today! But if you buy her a 10 million dollar ring instead of 4, she just might give you another chance!


  16. I saw the Deon Sanders and his wife’s divorce coming but Kobe and Vanessa? That’s a surpise. I thought she would have stayed just for the money and the title of being his wife.

    Oh well, at least she got out while she still has those ‘good looks’ he paid for.

    Hope the kids are taking it well…


    1. Hope the kids are taking it well…
      Divorce is unfortunate for the kids involved. It appears ATM Kobe and Vanessa are handling this very maturely being they have worked out financial agreements already, she could have taken half and kept it moving. I may joke and laugh about her leaving with half, but it’s sad he couldn’t stop cheating. Just like Keisha from down the street don’t leave her cheating man who work for the city, why would Vanessa leave hers?


      1. Just like Keisha from down the street don’t leave her cheating man who work for the city, why would Vanessa leave hers?

        Um cuz, keisha nigga broke and keisha is too, where as with vanessa her man is p.a.i.d and so is she! so she can afford to leave kobe’s ass….amen!


      2. “Just like Keisha from down the street don’t leave her cheating man who work for the city, why would Vanessa leave hers?”
        Every woman has a breaking point. The fact that he wouldn’t stop and was currently cheating with multiple women may be why she decided to finally leave him.


      3. Divorce is unfortunate for the kids involved
        No one wants to see a marriage end, but Kobe’s divorce was a long time coming. I feel sorry for kids of divorce, from what I have seen, most (not all!!) have a difficult time with it, no matter how old they are.


  17. Then again, I bet she stayed that long to guarentee that ridiculous amount of alimony she’s going to get now after 10 years. Smart girl, I guess.


  18. Nothing lasts forever, and these women are going to get paid. They put up with the lifestyles of these self-entitled creeps, birthed their babies, and put up with the humiliation. These dudes knew it wouldn’t last also. Their lifestyles and low-morals


  19. It’s Kobe’s lost cause she’s taking half.

    Vanessa “checkmate”‘d the HELL outta Kobe. When a woman’s fed upppppp…..

    ….She waits 8 more years and takes all your shit!!

    I have no sympathy for lying, dirty, scumbags like Kobe. He should have to pay up and it ain’t just about the anger, humiliation and lack of morality but the fact that sleeping with random folks (unprotected sometimes, I’m sure), puts your spouse in danger without their consent. And just for THAT….anybody who’s been cheated on, DESERVES to be paid!

    Invade my body and I invade your bank account. Fuck em’.


    1. @Ace,
      Everybody keeps saying that but I am *praying* they can work out whatever it is or isn’t going on. I hope they remember that they said “divorce isn’t an option for them”

      There are way to many STDs for all this constant cheating I don’t care if the cheater claims to be wrapping it up or not that is just nasty IMO


      1. @DAISY- There are too many diseases that you can catch with using a condom. Kobe was slick with it being he didn’t have any groupies snitching. To know your husband is cheating is one thing, but to catch him doing it… No respect.


      2. @Lisa, I agree you can get an STD w/ or w/o a condom my point was its ALL nasty but if I had to choose I wld prefer my cheating man to wrap it up vs being all out in the streets xtra grimy with it.


  20. No sympathy for any of these fools, especially vanessa. She saw dollar signs from the high school steps – didn’t care whether he cheated or not, long as he bought her a baubble home…FOH! self respect should have no price tag yet she sold hers for 4mil.


  21. Not defending Vanessa, but if you are a 17yr old girl working at Mickie D’s, and one of the best players in the league try to holla, you gone pass him by?


    1. Not defending Vanessa, but if you are a 17yr old girl working at Mickie D’s, and one of the best players in the league try to holla, you gone pass him by?
      THANK YOU!!! I was just going to lurk today, but I’m tired of people acting like they wouldn’t take the money especially if they felt a dude like him and they really liked dude, the money is just an additional plus. Money is not just about what car you can drive and how much material things you can purchase but she knew that her future children would be taken care of.


    2. Not defending Vanessa, but if you are a 17yr old girl working at Mickie D’s, and one of the best players in the league try to holla, you gone pass him by?
      EVERY 17 yr old girl wouldn’t have gone for it. Vanessa wasn’t just some bright-eyed, innocent 17yr old, she was a video girl and he met her on the set of a music video. She knew what she was after….I’m not saying his actions are right but I am saying that each person has to be responsible for their own actions. There are some men you HOPE won’t cheat on you and there are some men you KNOW will….we all know which category Kobe falls in


    1. I hope this doesn’t effect Kobe’s game!!

      if the extra pussy wasn’t effecting it, his divorce won’t!!! slick motherfucker!!!


  22. Vanessa loved him…he’ll reap what he has sewn and he doesn’t realize that his daughters will suffer for the sins upon him with other women. That’s right his daughters will pay for his infedelity.


  23. MERRY¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ★¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨CHRISTMAS ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨**¨¨¨¨¨¨¨​ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨*o*¨¨¨¨¨¨​ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ JESUS¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨*♥*o*¨¨¨¨¨​ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨IS THE ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨**o**♥*o¨¨¨¨​ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ REASON¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨**♥**o**o*¨¨¨¨​ ¨¨¨¨¨THAT ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨**o**♥***♥*o¨¨​ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨WE¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨*****♥*o**o***¨¨​ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨HAVE¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨**♥**o*****o**♥*​ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨******o*****♥**o*​ *¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ CHRIST¨¨¨¨¨¨****o**♥**♥**o***♥​ **¨¨¨¨¨¨¨MAS


  24. They say she caught him in the act with numerous women, but this time it broke the camel’s back. What happened THIS time. Did she just get fed up? Was it someone she knew? Is there a baby on the way?


  25. I remember rumors that Vanessa also had her a shorty on the side.

    I don’t understand why so many are caught up with the no pre nup thing. That situation isn’t going to change my check at the end of the day and Vanessa is walking away with half of what she already had. It’s not like she was some random groupie living in the PJ’s and she about to get a come up. Her come up came 10 1/2 years ago. He now has to keep her and their kids accustom to the lifestyle he created for them.


  26. Pages out of unpublished Juanita Jordan tutorials, she changed the game! Players wife….get your copy.

    The longer one stays…the larger the payout.


  27. ” A wicked woman is given as a portion to a wicked man: but a godly woman is given to him that feareth the Lord.”

    WE already know that these two men don’t fear God because if they did, they wouldn’t be committing adultery.





  28. oooh Tra! I been waiting on u to post about this!
    how bout I KNOW the lil messican chick that got Nessa panties in a bunch…lmao, she know the CHICAS are his weakness! she used to work at my ma old job b4 Kobe started Keeping her, she got a son too and she used to brag about how he told her that she nor her son would ever have to worry about any of their needs/wants ever again…..


  29. Well written Tra. It can not be said any better then how you put it abut these greedy woman. I feel sorry for none of them.


  30. yeah this dumb mule was fucking around again smh, damn kob and vanessa deserves all the money shes going to get with no prenup. Why the fuck do these pro athletes get married if they cant keep that shit stuffed.


  31. this broke hoe new kobe was with other women. she played this fool just right. this chick didn’t have nothing when she met kobe. she excepted everything he dished out.


  32. Come on Vanessa isn’t stupid she knew he was creepin the whole time. I’m not mad at her for getting her money. Kobe is the dumbass


  33. Well one things for sure, she’s going to be well taken care of but she is not getting half. If she was getting half they would not have an agreed upon financials. I also think Kobe “Shaunied” the game with the money as well. LOL, 🙂 cause if I had the cards she had, I would’ve played it 2.


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