
“Eddie Long Paid His Accusers To Keep Silent, But They’re Talking”

The good Bishop Eddie Long thought he paid his accusers 1.5 million in settlement money for their silence but they have been doing interviews and revealing details of the case in the media.

Attorneys representing Eddie Long’s church have informed three of the five young men who accused the Bishop of sexual coercion that they intend to recover nearly $1 million from their financial settlement according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

The letter, last week by the Atlanta law firm Drew Eckl & Farnham, alleges that Jamal Parris, Spencer LeGrande and Centino Kemp violated terms of a confidentiality agreement outlined in the settlement with Long and New Birth Missionary Baptist Church. The firm is seeking at least $900,000 already paid to the three accusers, according to people involved in the settlement but not authorized to speak publicly.

The letter could simply be a threat, said Atlanta litigator Hayden Pace.

“No one’s going to turn over the money just simply because you’ve asked for it,” Pace said. “You’re going to have to earn it back by establishing your right to it in the courts.”

The five (5) accusers are now considering book deals and movie rights.

I’m sure Eddie Long is pissing in his cleric clothes, knowing that his truth will indeed be revealed. The accusers wanted an admission of guilt from Long and never received it, so they will attempt to do whatever necessary to get satisfaction from this horrible experience.

73 thoughts on ““Eddie Long Paid His Accusers To Keep Silent, But They’re Talking””

      1. Morning Fam.,
        While I appreciate the morning post,. I say leave eddie long to God ..cause he’s gonna rot in hell for his dusgusting deeds done in secret and for fucking up alot of young men and confusing their God given potentials.


  1. Our age is truly the age of lies. One says this. Another refutes the saying. And the war of words proceeds. Which one of us can know for sure what is what unless we were part of the situation.

    I don’t stand up for either this “man of God”, nor those who accuse. I don’t know the case well enough. And I have the feeling I couldn’t make a sure judgment if I did hear their words of testimony. For one will say, “I did nothing wrong”. And so will the other.

    I’m just glad I never chased after the responsibility of being a judge in this age of lies.

    By His Grace.


  2. I don’t know who his advisors are…but they are not doing thier job. Then again, Eddie is so arrogant , he is probably not listening to his advisors. He should have came forth and admitted what he did and all this would be squashed. They wouldn’t have a leg to stand on and people would move on. His arrogance is making this situation worse. I believe that if he would have confessed, apologized to the young men and to his congregation, went to rehab (or whatever they call it) he could be back by now and this would be over. Believe it or not, preachers do this all the time!! Enough already, admit it, Eddie. This is just going to get worse and worse.


    1. He should have came forth and admitted what he did and all this would be squashed.

      *cosign** but he wanna keep the “booty boys club” open so he can continue to rape these young boys and take advantage of them mentally. It’s a shame but he’s going down it’s just a matter of time.


      1. Believe it or not, preachers do this all the time!!

        Really? well they need NOT be in a pulpit anywhere. cause those same preachers gon BUST HELL WIDE OPEN. That’s a sickness and if yo ass SICK you ain’t got no bittness preaching to nobody!!! Sit THE FUCK DOWN!!!!!


      2. Believe it or not, preachers do this all the time!!

        I disagree man is not perfect but what Eddie Long has done is some SICK shit!!!


      3. Believe it or not, preachers do this all the time!!

        😦 UGH!!! Lord I hope not!!!


      4. Believe it or not, preachers do this all the time!!
        I certainly disagree, why throw them all under the bus with the exception of one? Not fair.


      5. Believe it or not, preachers do this all the time!!
        I cosign the disagreeables…What Eddie Long has done is not only SICK but it’s a poor reflection on churches, ministers, real christians and bishops everywhere. He give religion (any religion) a bad name everywhere and that’s sad.


      6. The devils goal in these last days is to take as many people as possible to hell with him. he has a kingdom to build. and when you take your eyes off god and put them on man, this is what happens.

        yes a lot of preachers, ministers, bishops and so-called religious leaders will have their own special HELL, we just have to be determined to KNOW GOd and His Word for ourselves.

        It’s praying time people.


    2. Disagree all you want but this is rapid in the COGIC church and look at the Catholic church…there is a baptist preacher in Houston that has done the same thing but is still in the pulpit. IT IS HAPPENING…EDDIE IS NOT THE FIRST!!


      1. there is a baptist preacher in Houston that has done the same thing but is still in the pulpit. IT IS HAPPENING…EDDIE IS NOT THE FIRST!!

        @G you still shouldn’t say “preachers do this all the time!!” it’s like you’re bunching 2gether the majority of relgious leaders. Grant it you have some dirty ass ministers but ALL OF em shouldn’t be characterized as such.





  3. They have been on Channel 2….but that’s because they are in pain! I feel for them. They said Mr. Long never admitted to any wrong doing. They wanted an admission of guilt. Didn’t we all?


  4. This is bullshit!!!
    How is Eddie going to get the money back? Some nerve. I heard the young men spent the first installment up already and considered asking for more. Go *SUCK* on that Eddie. You coward.


  5. with the right kinda book deal i’d sell his gay ass OUT too. They should tell it all i’d buy the book about the downlow bishop!!!!!


  6. i wonder how he is going to spin this to the congregation. Why doesn’t he give it a rest. He’s a predator who uses god and religion to justify his behavior. He’s needs to come out of the closet and stop being a coward and people need to wake up. If they do have to return the money, I hope they make a million times more by exposing how much of a fraud and predator he is! eddie long you are a dirty scum bag!


  7. Fuck this black devil pulpit pimp. he ain’t getting shit back, can the young men who looked up to him as a father figure, he groomed since childhood, waited till they barely became of legal age then used that putrid book of fairy tales to mind fuck them, while he proceeded to molest their bodies and violate their spirits in all manner of heinous ways, get their innocence back? this d*rty ratchet ass black rodent and his continued arrogance is afuckenmazing. eddie long needs to be killed!! I wish nothing but tragedy, calamity, and illness on him. he is a true predator child rapist and should be found floating in the Chattahoochee with a bullet in his head. where the fuck is a sniper when you need one?


    1. @Man,
      This has nothing to do with him being gay, when a straight man rapes little girl’s we don’t tell him to own up to his heterosexuality. he’s a child rapist period. eddie long legacy of grooming little boys and sexually molesting them has nothing to do with his allegedly sexuality. he’s a child raping predator using religion to mind fuck the living dead still partaking of the fuckery that is religion period.


  8. DAMN THAT, I want the book! The young men would make more money with the book. I bet with the media attention the book would lead to a movie deal which in the end would be worth more than Mr. Long can ever pay out! I say *FUCK IT* and take door #2.


  9. This is one sick monfucker….first he rape them, fuck their mind with their beliefs now he still talkin shit about the situation? wow…. smgdh

    The bottom line is, he’s afraid of what will come out that’s all. But like my grandmama always say what’s done in the dark will sure come to light.


  10. what fuckin nerve is all I have to say….he raped them once now he wanna rape them again. SmH…Let them talk it’s prbly to keep them sane anyway.


  11. He comes off as a homosexual that pretends to be heterosexual, because he knows that homosexuality does not go over well with the “Christian Crowd”. It doesn’t matter what he calls himself or what anyone else calls him. All involved are in need of professional counseling of a non-religious kind (because religion has obviously been used as a tool to start this mess) and struggling with either having been a victim and trying to establish a sense of normalcy or having to live a repressed lifestyle, for one reason or another.


      1. All involved are in need of professional counseling of a non-religious kind

        yes when they get p.a.i.d. they will be able to afford every counseling available to them.


  12. It’s good that boys are already contemplating writing a tell all book that can have them set for life. Good for them.


  13. That’s all he (Eddie Long) wanted to achieve in the payoffs was silencing their voices. Silence is a necessary part of a predators method of operation. They follow “the see no evil, hear no evil” rule and handbook. The congregation, administration, and his wife took an oath of silence. The entertainment industry and the Vatican wrote the how to book. sick!


  14. Damn!!! Raping lil boys, homosexuality and downlow lifestyle now he want a refund??? He can’t refund or return the INNOCENSE of those young boys. Hell gon be waitin on dis nigga right here!


  15. Greedy azzez! 2 million payed out over several years….could have set themselves up for life. Keep your damn mouth closed and turn that 2 million into several more million.


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