
“MegaChurch Pastor Found Dead With Drugs On Him”

Florida Megachurch Pastor Zachery Tims, Jr. was found dead in his upscale hotel room in New York City on Thursday, according to published reports.

Tims, 43, the pastor of an 8,000-member mega church in Orlando, Fla., was found dead on the floor of a suite in the Times Square W Hotel, according to WSJ.

A maintenance worker entered the room and found Tims lying on his back between the living room and bedroom of the $400-a-night suite. He was unresponsive.

According to WSJ, police found an envelope in one of his pockets containing a powdery white substance. The substance is being tested for cocaine.

Tims’ death is a sad end to his inspirational rise from a drug addicted teenage criminal on the streets of Maryland. Tims loved to recount the story of how he was “miraculously saved” and aspired to be a man of God, leading his flock to prosperity and riches.

According to his memoir published in 2006, Tims put down the guns and drugs in favor of Christianity. He earned degrees in accounting and theology and worked at a ministry in Baltimore. In 1996, he and his wife Riva moved to Orlando, where they founded the New Destiny Christian Center.

The couple divorced in 2009, after Zachery admitted to having an affair with a stripper.

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111 thoughts on ““MegaChurch Pastor Found Dead With Drugs On Him””

  1. I sure hope it wasn’t drugs he had on him … these church leaders have lots they have to deal with so sometimes they do fall short but him and his family and all church leaders are continiously in my prayers … We all need to pray for them … this is so sad!


  2. Lord bless him and his family and friend.. So many of us are delivered but are not walking in our deliverance…Give us strength lord


    1. Addictions are hard to break

      especially when the devil come for the very THING you preachin!


      1. especially when the devil come for the very THING you preachin!

        Karma Offsetter: I’m sure that his testimony had a positive impact on many lives, and I hope that the spiritual foundation laid was/is strong enough to offset any doubts many members of this church will likely have about their religious walk after this. Blessings to them all.

        *does 6 hail mary’s*


  3. Stories like this is why I STAY OUT OF CHURCH! I do believe in GOD, but I find other ways to honor his blessings. I hope this is a WAKE UP call to all mega church ministers and other ministers hiding their dirty ways….STOP BEING A HYPOCRITE! I’m just sick of these ministers selling “hope” and taking $$$ from folks who really can’t afford it to bankroll their high life!….smdh…


    1. Stories like this is why I STAY OUT OF CHURCH!

      Hey ma! My hubby says the same thing… I try to tell him that YES these pastors are human like the rest of us BUT also remember that the church is a place of fellowship. You go to church to praise The Lord with your fellow brothers and sisters and to hear his word. YES these sinful preachers need to be called out BUT we are also not to let them stop us from serving God. My hubby believes that there is no need to go to the church-house… I beg to differ! But when you hear of things like this it makes it harder to get him to understand my point. I DO NOT do the MEGA churches though… TOO MUCH for me!

      sidenote: Just a friendly comment not trying to preach or offend


      1. “YES these pastors are human like the rest of us BUT also remember that the church is a place of fellowship. You go to church to praise The Lord with your fellow brothers and sisters and to hear his word. YES these sinful preachers need to be called out BUT we are also not to let them stop us from serving God.


      2. @Mrs,
        I dont let them stop me from praising God and I do believe God uses certain people to get his message across…but its when the congregation acts like the Pastor is the second coming of Jesus that irks me….Its like the Pastor’s flesh is made of something different than what everybody elses flesh is made of…his dikk gets hard too…and not JUST for his wife…


      3. his dick gets hard too…and not JUST for his wife…


        holla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @ ya boi boi


  4. May God comfort his family and friends during this time 😦

    Thanking God for his new grace and mercies you just really never know. You also never know what one is going through either. As the real world saying goes “You think you know but you have no idea”


    1. This shit sounds mad suspect…sounds like he was set-up by the mob or some shit….
      I was thinking it seemed suspect as well. Either way though, sad, sad story.


  5. I’ve been reading about this ever since it came out that he died and this is the FIRST time I’m hearing about drugs. Anyways r.i.p Pastor Tims.


  6. The couple divorced in 2009, after Zachery admitted to having an affair with a stripper.

    Well that’s better than lil boys I guess…


  7. It’s a shame the guys dead, but I believe most of these mega-preachers are hypocrites, selling religion and salvation the same way Mickey D’s sells burgers. And people buy into it…as long as they don’t know what these dudes are really up to. Ignorance is AlWAYS A BLISS.


    1. Supposedly “Drugs in an Envelope” SOUNDS Very SUSPECT To ME

      they said it was being tested for cocaine…what were the results?

      i’m also wondering what the cause of death will be.

      this don’t smell right 😦


    1. We all have demons. Some know theirs, face them and fight them; it is not always a winning battle. I do hope that his family, friends and church family embrace his memories and they all are in my prayers.


  8. THIS is why I dont get down with people always talking about “The Pastor says this, or the Pastor says that” SO Fukking what…The PASTOR is human just like the rest of us….

    I dont put NO faith in man…ONLY God!!


  9. And this is why its important to focus on your personal relationship with Cloud Daddy or whatever you believe in vs. investing your faith and money in a man who is just as capable of stumbling as you are.


    1. That’s sad where is Rezziee?
      Signing up to take the online version of “Religion and Hip Hop”


      1. That’s sad where is Rezziee?
        she got into heaven on a buddy pass.


  10. Folks may hate on me for this but when I heard about this and saw his picture I already smelled something foul and for the life of me I think he was swinging both ways! And not because of Eddie either but because of what I see when I look in his eyes… And although he cleaned his act up who really knows how long he stayed clean 😦


  11. Let me START by saying RIP…

    Then Imma follow UP with “He earned degrees in accounting and theology”….

    Gotta be able to count and properly account the money from the flock huh?


  12. what is with them wearing tight azz shirts he look so sweet to me – IDKY I don’t have much remorse for him I think mainly becuz I hate a wolf in sheeps clothing


    1. what is with them wearing tight azz shirts

      He reminded me of one of Eddie Long’s accusors with that tight ass shirt on

      ya’ll asked for Redeemed and see what ya’ll get.


  13. No one is perfect, not even pastors. We can’t expect them to always do everything right all the time. They’re only human.

    Pastors are here to teach. They are not here to be perfect and they don’t know everything. It’s important for you to have control of your own spirituality and have your own personal relationship with God.


  14. Oh my…I heard about his death from a friend but she didn’t give me the details probably because she & her husband are/were memebers of his church.


  15. There’s tons of stuff going on in the church. I pray Pastor Tims wasn’t involved in drugs but it wouldn’t surprise me.


  16. The pastor of my church is fione as hell, now I know I aint the only woman in the congregation that thinks so….I’m sure single women be throwing the ass at him left and right…and I will almost bet my rent money that he done tapped a few….this however does not take away from the fact that he is a good preacher…it just makes him human…


    1. Ever heard of the saying ‘One bad apple destroys the bunch’ …. it’s sad how 1 preacher may or may not have done drugs and now all preachers are bad … or that’s why people don’t go to church … trust me, we all need guidance, regardless of our religion, and the fact is the majority of us can’t find it on our own.

      Don’t let stories in the media turn you against preachers, or deacons, or mega churches … just because this pastor had issues doesn’t mean the majority of deacons, pastors, reverends, etc, are.

      Search within yourself with an open heart and seek the RIGHT guidance and you will find your way.


      1. Don’t let stories in the media turn you against preachers, or deacons, or mega churches … just because this pastor had issues doesn’t mean the majority of deacons, pastors, reverends, etc, are.


        Not Biblical AT ALL sorry Love…


      2. Not Biblical AT ALL sorry Love…

        #1, didn’t mean for IT (my comment) to be biblical
        #2, I’m not your love Boo Boo!!!


  17. to quote the late great Pimp C

    😦 Everybody sitting in the pulpit ain’t saved. Most preachers are false prophets fucking hoes and getting paid


  18. Praise the Lord!!

    He is flushing out ALL these false prophets one-by-one!

    creflo, you up next…

    and if that eddie long dont repent, he will be next

    best believe it.

    Preach the TRUTH, not lies.

    Everything in the OLD & NEW testament still stands whether it’s harsh or not.


    1. creflo, you up next…

      and if that eddie long dont repent, he will be next

      Eddie Long has already been flushed down the toilet!!!!


      1. Praise the Lord!!

        He is flushing out ALL these false prophets one-by-one!

        creflo, you up next…

        and if that eddie long dont repent, he will be next

        best believe it.

        Preach the TRUTH, not lies.

        Everything in the OLD & NEW testament still stands whether it’s harsh or not.

        AMEN AMEN AMEN, AMEN AMEN….folks gon learn huh? now I agree with all that.


      2. Eddie Long has already been flushed down the toilet!!!!

        I think Rezziee meant that Eddie won’t be among the living much longer, and I wouldn’t doubt it because I am sure his ego has been deflated since the fact that he was dabbling with a tranny surfaced and his money is funny because his church membership is dwindling which means he can’t afford his steroids/bodybuilding supplements any more.


  19. Sad and I feel for his family, I’m sure he was the Black Jesus of the family. He fought the good fight. On the other note, cocaine is bad in itself but it’s damn near suicidal after 40.


  20. Listen to the WORDS of the Almighty:

    They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.

    Jeremiah 6:14

    For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

    1 Thessalonians 5:3


  21. And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.

    Ezekiel 14:9


  22. SMH, I see we call anything a man of GOD, he said woe to them that call evil good and good evil……When will folks ever learned… it’s so not that hard folks pray for discernment really…MAN OF GOD, Really???????


  23. These false prophets tell you that the Bible and the Lord Christ Jesus is ONLY about LOVE:


    Christ says He comes in the volume of the book: Hebrews 10:7



    Please read and meditate on these:

    Romans 6:1
    Ecclesiastes 12:13
    John 14:15
    John 14:21
    John 15:10


    1. These false prophets tell you that the Bible and the Lord Christ Jesus is ONLY about LOVE:


      Dont it just irritate you when folks say GOD is just about love, and as soon as you show them their sin they say what GOd are you talking about my GOD is about LOVE, yet the Bible talks about how he destroyed many Including Children, Like bastards kids born out of wedlock, when folks think that all babies go to heaven sorry folks GODS hate fornicuatr, liars, adultrys.. I’m just saying I didnt write not one book …


    1. @TAMALA

      Don’t lean on your emotions TAMALA. The Lord does what ever He wills:

      ” As the nations which the LORD destroyeth before your face, so shall ye perish; because ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the LORD your God.”

      Deuteronomy 8:20








  25. Oh yeeeeah I forgot about ol false prophet TD Jakes…

    The Lord is gonna keep you alive, because He wants you to live to a very old age before He punishes you.


    1. Oh yeeeeah I forgot about ol false prophet TD Jakes…

      The Lord is gonna keep you alive, because He wants you to live to a very old age before He punishes you.
      I actually like TD Jakes. He seems more genuine than most. But I am human could be wrong.


  26. WOW @ ALL THE COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!

    I haven’t been to church in a while. The last church I attended the Pastor was asking for money and then I see one of his faithful members with a broken window. My thing is do something for your members and the community, not just your blood families.

    Before this is all over a lot more spiritual advisors, pastors, evangelists etc gone come tumbling down.


  27. *unzips lips* As for me and my house we will serve the Lord that being said I need a husband who attends church w/me I want our kids to see us attending church together as a family. I also agree its abt a personal relationship w/GOD and knowing him for yourself but I believe in corporate worship. I have quoted my Pastor before but I also disgaree w/her at times as well. Folks quote rappers/mamas/daddies/celebs/gmas etc but act like its a crime to quote a Pastor. We are all sinners and will continue to fall short and sin but I am glad to be a sinner saved by grace and I know I pick up my cross daily and press towards the mark *zips lips again*


  28. An envelope with a white substance in it…VERY suspect…This totally reminds me of the Dave Chapelle stand up where he was talking about cops sprinkling crack on black men in order for them to look super suspect after they shot them dead and un-armed…The question is, was it in his syatem?


    1. The question is, was it in his syatem?

      did you mean SYSTEM? Only time will reveal those facts.


  29. People should read all 66 of the books in the bible themselves and not allow anyone to interpret the bible for them. Many people take what their pastors say as the gospel.


  30. My prayers go out to his family left behind to face such a tragedy. God bless them.

    I believe, in order to accurately interpret the Bible, we should take into consideration the time it was written, to whom it was written, and the original language it which it was written.

    That is all.


  31. First off…R.I.P.

    Corp and rezzie, are holy rollin basket cases. If you know so much and want people to know the truth…this is not the forum…start your own blog and preach all you want. You rezzie are seriouslty blowing my high with your humans be damned for your forming your own opinion rhetoric and corp you get on my damn nerves for co-signing everydamn thing rezziee says.

    now I gotta roll up..again.:blunt:


      1. Don’t assume that NO ONE is walking righteous. Even the Old testament had righteous men walking in those days: Elijah comes to mind.

        Do you know that this man was carried off to Heaven by a chariot of fire?????

        That’s RIGHTEOUSNESS for your a** !!!!!!


  32. According to the bible, A bishop (elder, pastor) must be blameless, (the husband of one wife) he cannot have fault if he calls himself a bishop, the bible is very clear on that, the book of “Timothy” that is all i was saying so when we say, i use to say it to, that we all fall down, but according to the bible GOD is able to keep you from falling, so when a man takes on the title on a bishop he has now become blameless, and in no way he should have any blame, when he and his wife diveorced, he was not to preach the gospel because he is not qualified, anymore, he cheated on his wife he is unclean, and GOD said he gonna double the sword on these False Teachers making a mockery of GOD Words


    1. According to the bible, A bishop (elder, pastor) must be blameless, (the husband of one wife) he cannot have fault if he calls himself a bishop, the bible is very clear on that, the book of “Timothy” that is all i was saying so when we say, i use to say it to, that we all fall down, but according to the bible GOD is able to keep you from falling, so when a man takes on the title on a bishop he has now become blameless, and in no way he should have any blame, when he and his wife diveorced, he was not to preach the gospel because he is not qualified, anymore, he cheated on his wife he is unclean, and GOD said he gonna double the sword on these False Teachers making a mockery of GOD Words
      I had to post it again, because God’s people are knuckleheads that don’t want to hear what the WORD is saying!!!!!

      For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

      2 Timothy 4:3


    2. According to the bible, A bishop (elder, pastor) must be blameless, (the husband of one wife) he cannot have fault

      yeah…ok……GTFOH wit that fairytale.


  33. Trust and believe that God has those who are following His commandments.

    Trust that there are righteous people walking in Christ ways right now!


  34. The problem with alot of people is that they go to church to worship the Pastor and not God. We are suppose to attend church to fellowship with other believers and worship God NOT man. I can’t stand to hear people say, oh, “I don’t got to church cause of the pastor or this or that.” You shouldn’t be going to church for anybody but God & Yourself! Pastors are human beings just like us and have their battles against sin, just as we do. I want to see, on judgement day, if folks gonna tell God “well I didn’t do this and that cause the pastor was a hypocrite and blah blah blah.” Last time I checked, we all have to answer for our OWN sins and deeds so we need not be worrying about the next man unless we are trying to offer a word of encouragement to get them on the right track!



    1. Pastors are human beings just like us and have their battles against sin, just as we do.

      But they are in a high position, one that THEY should be taking seriously. and Pastors will be held accountable for how they LEAD even if they LEAD some astray.

      Real talk~


      1. @Starr..

        I agree with you totally with some exceptions. People are being mislead because they don’t educated themselves and place the responsibility in others hands.
        Most people own a bible and if you read 10 chapters a night you can finish the Bible in a year.


      2. ^^^^^

        It’s not about reading the whole Bible ( even though that is a good thing ), it’s about the understanding of it…

        There is NO VERSE, no not one, that supports us being comfortable NOT MENTIONING HELL FIRE. ( All you Joel Osteen fans take note )

        As Love, birth, heaven, and, death are real so is hell also.


    1. Oh and to the topic at hand…R.I.P to him & I hope he was able to make things right with his maker.



  35. God holds a special place in hell for those that preach false doctrine…I just hope and pray the Pastor had the opportunity to make things right with the Lord before his time expired.


      1. @Civil,
        Authorities say the badly burned body of a fledgling New York City rapper who performed under the name Kampane has been found in a sport utility vehicle parked on a New Jersey street.

        But they say they don’t believe Rhian H. Stoute was killed where his body was found early Tuesday in Paramus.

        Bergen County prosecutor John Molinelli says the death of the 33-year-old Brooklyn resident will be investigated as a homicide. He says the body was burned in several areas. He hasn’t disclosed further details. He says a cause of death hasn’t been determined.

        Police found the body in the SUV’s rear cargo area. Molinelli won’t say what led authorities to the vehicle.


      2. Morning Fam, I’m waiting for more info to come out on this story. Maybe Trace will tell us more and keep us updated on it later.


      3. afternoon fam….i’m so glad i missed the whole church debate. dude died doing what he did best in the dark and behind closed doors.


      4. i’m so glad i missed the whole church debate.

        me and you both Q!!!!!!!!!

        wassup erbody. 🙂


      5. yop and for all those WHO CAN’T STAND THE HEAT!!!!!!!! Stay out the damn CEO Kitchen.


        Q~~ *cough* and Oliv


  36. This story is too sad to even get into the right and wrong/morals of it all… the bottom line is there are 4 children without a father who will have to deal with the speculations/rumors/gossip about the way their father died, a woman who now has to raise her kids on her own, including one who is disabled, church members who not only lost their pastor but now have to be ridiculed by the anti church folk, family who lost someone they loved, and a relatively young man who lost his life. Why can’t some people just say RIP and move on?



    1. True @Ionna,
      May he “RIP” and I’m “pray”ing for the family, especially the children, that’s a hard loss to take no matter how or why it happened


  37. sounds like niggas gettin caught up in they sins. ya’ll better get yo house in order. LMAO!!!!

    Bishop butt-fucking…pulpit pimps running amock when they ain’t preachin. God is tiried.


    1. Ace,

      where you been? ain’t been checking in for a while….so it would be so wrong to tell you to STHU!!!!!!!!!!



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