
“Man Detained As 2nd American Female Missing In Aruba”

Six years after American teenager Natalie Holloway went missing in Aruba, a second American female has turned up missing under mysterious circumstances.

According to published reports, a 50-year-old man with a history of domestic violence against women is being held in the disappearance of Robyn Gardner.

Gardner, 35, of Frederick, Maryland, went missing on August 2 from the Renaissance Aruba Resort & Casino in Oranjestad, Aruba. Gary Giordano was detained on Friday, August 5, by Aruban police as he attempted to board a plane and leave the island.

Giordano has a history of domestic violence against his ex-wife and an ex-girlfriend. His ex-wife, and at least one other woman, obtained restraining orders against Giordano in the past, according to Gawker.com.

Reportedly, Gardner hooked up with Giordano after meeting him online last month. The pair traveled to Aruba on vacation and Giordano told authorities that Gardner disappeared while snorkeling.

18-year-old high school student Natalee Holloway went missing on the Aruban island during a class trip in 2005. Aruban native Joran van der Sloot is suspected in her death. He is currently in a Peruvian prison on charges of murdering another woman. Holloway’s body has never been found.

74 thoughts on ““Man Detained As 2nd American Female Missing In Aruba””

  1. I felt more safe in Aruba than any other island I have traveled to thus far. I stayed at this same hotel when I was there in 05. I plan on visiting the island again it was very clean/small. Beautiful island.


    1. I felt more safe in Aruba than any other island I have traveled to thus far. I stayed at this same hotel when I was there in 05. I plan on visiting the island again it was very clean/small. Beautiful island.
      Are you White, Blonde, Petite and have bad judgement? Cause they the only ones who go missing.


      1. Are you White, Blonde, Petite and have bad judgement? js.

        *_* (aint saying shit to that one)


  2. yeah, that does sound suspect as all get out…I wonder if this Giordano guy is related to the folks with the pizza chain up in Chicago…


    1. Why are you traveling with a man u just met online?

      she had a boyfriend too.


      1. Then why was she traveling with a man she just met online when she had a boyfriend??

        cause she’s a hoe hell idk.


      2. Wow he is a psycho, she had a boyfriend who knew about her going on a trip with a virtual stranger who is a platonic friend. Hmph, sounds very suspect. He wanted sex and she probably didn’t give it to him- him being a psychopath left her out in the water to drown and booked back to the states. I don’t think he actually killed her but he definately was responsible for her death.


      3. Then why was she traveling with a man she just met online when she had a boyfriend??

        cosign 😦


      4. Wow he is a psycho, she had a boyfriend who knew about her going on a trip with a virtual stranger who is a platonic friend
        I was just reading this on another site, she told the bf she was going w/family.


      5. Why are you traveling with a man u just met online when you have a boyfriend??


        Video models, girls who travel to do massages, skrippers do it all the time.


      6. o.k this is what happened:
        So she had a boyfriend, umm o.k she meet a man online, the G/F and B/F got into a fight. she left the country, again with the man she met online in ONE And I do mean ONE month..now she missing, ok My White People, especially my Blonde Sista when will ya’ll learn, not to run out of town with men you met online and also not to play with wild animals.


      7. @FeFe
        I’ve yet to figure out the Attraction of Homely YT Gurls regarding these Psycho Dudes Appetite… Maybe THOSE are the only ones they can run Their WHACK-AZZ Game on (NO ?!!?)


  3. I hate to sound unconcerned, but I cannot muster up any tears
    for her ass.


    I feel bad for her family, but women need to start being smart…stop believing what every Tom, Dick and Xavier tell you! Who goes on a trip out of the country with a complete stranger. Think bitches…smh!


    1. These types of things happen all the time. Its a fact that only CERTAIN stories are broadcasted across the media.
      ~ ~~~~~~~~
      Yep, if a black chick did this we wouldn’t even know about it, unless it was our own family.


      1. @Anna
        I definitely understand your Rationale but Regardless of Ethnicity… Being Eternally DENSE can get you Caught Up (With The Quickness)


  4. This may sound cold but, I don’t feel sorry for grown folks that do stupid sht that gets them hurt or killed. Every decision has a consequence.

    And American females go missing right here in the good old US of A all the time. What makes this one so special? Oh wait., she’s WHITE!


    1. Who goes on a trip out of the country with someone they met online just a month before? That shyt was DUMB!
      Just goes to show, you can’t learn, earn or buy common sense


  5. Damn hope they find this poor girl. I dont understand why people dont take precautions when traveling. Why go meet some strange man you met online? But I guess its no diff than meeting a stranger in a bar or grocery store so I digress.


  6. This is sad I live 20 minutes outside of Frederick and heard this on the news only I thought the guy she met on Match she knew for 1/5 years not sure why she didn’t do more research before leaving the country with someone she knew for thirty days she was going through other personal struggles which led her to take the all expense paid vacation to clear her head such a pretty girl gone so quick – I hope he is made an example of!


    1. Coco,
      Her decision was one that lacked judgement however on the news today they also mentioned she had just lost her job, broke up with her boyfriend and had other personal issues going on which in some folks mind a vacation is just what they need! Wish she thought things through further…


    1. @Tamala, I can’t get into online dating either it has no appeal to me but my friends keep trying to push me in that direction but I don’t play that shit. My gfriend married somebody she met online they have 2 kids now I am happy for her but its NOT for me.


      1. @ Daisy:
        I don’t understand the whole online dating thing either. There are too many people walking around with personality disorders. How can you see into a woman’s heart and soul through a computer monitor?


      2. @brown I have no idea but folks do meet and get married online just doesn’t appeal to me but to each their own. You can meet a crazy knee grow at the gas station/grocery store/work/gym/church so I guess ppl feel they can take their chances w/online dating too some say they are to busy to socialize n meet new ppl all I know is I aint on it!


      3. @Tamala, I can’t get into online dating either it has no appeal to me but my friends keep trying to push me in that direction but I don’t play that shit. My gfriend married somebody she met online they have 2 kids now I am happy for her but its NOT for me.

        That’s my story too…one of my friends met her current guy on eHarmony. They seem to have a great relationship but whatever…they can’t convince me. Yeah, face-to-face meet-ups can end up bad but hell, meeting online is like throwing yourself straight in the body bag…Nope can’t do it.


  7. The problem is these woman come to the islands looking for an island hookup and sometimes they be messing with the wrong people and end up getting fucked up.


  8. when will women learn that their lives are more important than a free vacation with a man? I’d save and pay for myself before I let some strange ass man take me to ARUBA and they still ain’t found Holloway yet. GTFOH


  9. Hopefully, she is safe and just ran away from dude.

    I wonder whether or not he went looking for her, or reported her missing at all?

    Common sense ain’t that common. When you know better you do better. A 35 yr old woman should not be making the same actions as someone in their 20′s…

    Regardless, I hope this ends with finding her alive.


  10. Aruba is a beautiful place. Me and some friends were talking about different places we have been and we like Aruba the most


  11. People are going to be using Aruba as a way to murder folks and get away with it now. Damn shame. Whenever you’re in a relationship with a nigga and he says “hey honey lets go to Aruba” and you know ya’ll aint been right the last few months Run bish, Run


      1. Gia, the police there screwed up the Holloway case from the get-go though (the whole vandersloot’s dad situation). I think that’s what scares me when visiting various islands—is the thought of not having real police, even though they do, but I still feel like I am not as safe as here at home.


      2. Olivijah,
        Yea I know the police screwed up the investigation, but that’s because joran’s father was a judge…natalees case is really no different from the corrupt things that happen here. My point is I don’t think it’s fair for the media to act as though Aruba is this horrible place.


      1. Gia, I say, if you wanted to get rid of a bitch without getting caught, this is the country (ARUBA) to do it in. Two high profile cases and they come up empty both times? WTF??????


      2. Anyone who watches enough television knows that when the body decomposes the weight becomes unattached­…hence lacy peterson.


  12. Meeting a stranger online is no different than meeting a stranger in person, except the fact he can’t send a fake pic in person, either way you don’t know nothing about that person. I don’t know the new guy at church no more than I know some radom person who requested me as a friend on FB. You just have to be smart across the board. If you’re going to take trips like this, go with your girls, don’t go alone.


      1. and…………..because there are similariti­es to the Holloway case.

        see i don’t think do., this is beth holloway’s way of keeping her daughter’s name b4 the people. the ONLY similariti­es here is that both woman were dumb enough to go with men they didn’t know and they wound up dead!!!!!!!!


  13. Online dating isn’t the problem. Being so naive that you don’t think a person will do you harm is the issue.
    I met my husband online. I didn’t even go to his apt until we had dated a month offline. Leaving the country was completely out of the question until I knew him better.
    Common sense ain’t common!


    1. Woman must accept accountability for themselves. You do not take off to an island, and have the same room with a man you met on match.com. This dumb heifer watched too many reality shows with a pick up line for romance. This guy already had a violent history with women, therefore had his own SICK agenda…Her stupidity cost her her life.


      1. Exactly @Mahogany,
        In my humble opinion, this is another reason to be VERY careful who you go off to meet. She met this man online, (evidently not knowing his history of domestic abuse in the past), and went with him to Aruba?!! How smart is that? Please ladies, use your brains…H­ate this had to happen again, but it also happens in the U.S., so what are we to do but use our brains?


  14. I travel out of the country all the time–solo, with girlfriends and with a 14 yr old(been doing it since whe was 10). Some people go overseas and forget common sense. As a travel agent, I tell people all the time to use the same caution while traveling that you would use in the states. Hate to say it but a background check should be required if you are meeting someone online. This chick probably saw a free trip and jumped on it not knowing it was a death trip.


    1. This chick probably saw a free trip and jumped on it not knowing it was a death trip.
      Exactly!!! She saw a free trip and jumped at it….Folks will LEARN that there is nothing in life for free! Dating is really different now…I do background checks on men that I may be interested in having a relationship with..and glad I do because I have found out some interesting information. I call this SAFE DATING….I don’t invite anyone to my home until I have checked them out throughly….I had a very BAD experience with online dating….folks can pretend to be anybody via the computer. I don’t do online dating….smh


    1. Like Paul Moody said, “One of em always missing”

      it’s MOONEY dude PAUL MOONEY!!!!!!!!

      I FUCKIN LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!


    1. Morning,

      Tracy’s blog is one of the top searches in google fam.
      she surely is……bad ass bitch!!!!!!! 🙂 LOL


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