
“Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Baby Mama Named”

Schwarzenegger, who last week announced his separation from Maria Shriver after 25 years of marriage had a love child with his housekeeper, 50-year-old Mildred Patricia Baene. Online sources say that Schwarzenegger’s child with this woman is a son.

When Schwarzenegger announced that he had fathered a child with a household staff member, his bombshell news prompted a media frenzy to track this whore, I mean woman down.

The ultimate betrayal is that, Baene and Schwarzenegger conceived this illegitimate love child more than a decade ago and right under his wife (Maria Shriver’s) nose. Online sources also revealed that the boy bares an unnerving resemblance of Schwarzenegger.

Both Shriver and the maid, were reportedly pregnant around the same time with their sons. Shriver was led to believe that Baena’s son was the spawn of her then-husband, who later filed for divorce from Baena.

Online sources revealed, in the late 90’s Patty (her nickname) began to “pursue Arnold.” She told friends they would have unprotected sex during the day at the house. Patty never slept overnight at the house and no one ever caught them in the act.

Schwarzenegger didn’t learn he was the daddy until the boy was a toddler. Baena who made $1,200 a week, was treated well by Arnold once he found out the child was his, sources say Arnold was always “generous.”

Patty who has recently retired, now lives in a 4 bedroom house with a pool, several hours outside of L.A. with the boy and her 3 other kids.

125 thoughts on ““Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Baby Mama Named””

  1. “Her jobs included cleaning, laundry, cooking and other chores”? Welp, it’s obvious what the “other” chores were


  2. i wonder if they were still having sex when she was pregnant. he didn’t think it was his then…lol

    he’s lucky that he is alive. it’s bad enough he was cheating AND had a kid. he didn’t have to do it in the house. he ain’t right.


  3. ‘Patty — who made $1,200 a week — was treated well by Arnold once he found out. Sources say Arnold was always “generous.”

    Arnold’s ‘generosity’ is what got him into this mess.

    If only he’d been that generous with his LOYALTY to Maria.


    1. ‘Patty — who made $1,200 a week — was treated well by Arnold once he found out. Sources say Arnold was always “generous.”

      If that were my husband, I would have moved out the home shared w/our maid/help also. The help stayed an extra 10 yrs. to get her 20 yrs. in w/ a parting package. Trife. Did Arnold also pay for her boob job? I have thought long ago that Maria did not age well, I think she knew, but let scum bag run for GOV, and now that he is not in Office is just now telling the tea. A wife knows most of the time. why is LisaRaye now sayng that she was not in love w/her husband?


  4. Arnold was a scum bag long ago. He bankrupted a State, Maria enjoyed being First Lady. Watch more woman come out the wood work, and say they also had a love child w/him. Maria defendeed him w/all the woman he groped in the past. Maria was on her BFFs, show long ago several times defending his azz. Don’t feel sorry for her, she is a Kennedy. The public will feel sorry for her, knowing good and well she knows the rules of being a politicans wife. Now if President Obama did this, this would be news. Maria has her own fortune worth 160 million. Boo Hoo. When she moved out, she consulted a Fiancial Advisor. Sounds like she wants a divorce to me.


  5. And we are surprised because?

    He’s been slinging that peen around for decades. Auhnald had a reputation for being a lady’s man. I’m sure Maria knew that long ago.


  6. Well, we proved that it was a Latina. So everyone who knows this little boy mama is going to figure out it is him. You can’t pick your family. They say them two been married so long, the prenup may be null and void. I hope so, take him for all he got. They were bold enough to have sex in the house, I don’t believe no one caught them, I believe if they were caught, someone was paid handsomely for their silence.

    I just don’t believe these two were messing around and no one knew. Maria may or may not have known. Maria may not have allowed the help’s kid come to her house. He put this chick in a house with her other kids?! I wonder why her and the husband divorced. If she was a housekeeper, I am assuming they weren’t the jonses. Even after he found out, he probably would have stayed and lived on another man’s riches.


  7. I was half sleep didn’t want to get up and out of bed but this woke me right up once I saw the story on twitter lol

    I need her hubby to spill the beans!!!! #nosey

    Maria was at Oprahs show last night


    1. @ Felicia…..EXACTLY! It cracks me the FUCK UP when I see men who’ve cheated mistresses. They hardly ever can hold a candle to the wife! That’s why those BYTCHES give all they got to give in the sack!


  8. She is just as foul as Arnold….it was not like she just met the MF’er! She worked for his family! She could’ve had more class than that! lovezoe said she wondered why she got divorced??? Hell, the way she’s spreading them, whose to say she was even married in the first place? All her kids could be bastards!


    1. She is just as foul as Arnold….it was not like she just met the MF’er! She worked for his family! She could’ve had more class than that! lovezoe said she wondered why she got divorced??? Hell, the way she’s spreading them, whose to say she was even married in the first place? All her kids could be bastards!

      🙂 LMAO @ All her kids could be bastards!


  9. “Generous”..Translation he paid for the obvious breast augmentation, botox and collagen injections…chile…And if “maids” in Cali are making almost 5k a month..its clearly time for me to get my Fabuloso and Pine-sol and head out west..


  10. I KNOW I’M GOING TO GET BASHED FOR THIS (I CAN GIVES 2 FUCKS) BUT THATS WHAT MARIA GET! She defended that bastard AFTER those women came forward and accused him of groping them. ‘talking about she knows her husband and who would you listen to….someone who’s married to him or someone who doesn’t know him?!” GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!
    Obviously she didn’t know him well herself and she was married to him for 25 years! If he can father a child with a house staff member and keep her on as staff for 10 more years AFTER the child was born, not say a word & even let this hoe retire with severence, I’m pretty sure he groped those women and even have more mistresses out there! That’s what women get for believing EVERYTHING that comes out of there man’s mouth! That’s how women end up wanting to fight the woman & not the man that cheated on them!


    1. I KNOW I’M GOING TO GET BASHED FOR THIS (I CAN GIVES 2 FUCKS) BUT THATS WHAT MARIA GET! She defended that bastard AFTER those women came forward and accused him of groping them. ‘talking about she knows her husband and who would you listen to….someone who’s married to him or someone who doesn’t know him?!” GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!
      Obviously she didn’t know him well herself and she was married to him for 25 years! If he can father a child with a house staff member and keep her on as staff for 10 more years AFTER the child was born, not say a word & even let this hoe retire with severence, I’m pretty sure he groped those women and even have more mistresses out there! That’s what women get for believing EVERYTHING that comes out of there man’s mouth! That’s how women end up wanting to fight the woman & not the man that cheated on them!

      Not her fault, but she did uphold him in that groping bs..she know she married a dog..i just don’t think she thought he would go this far..now there’s talk of women leaving his office at 1:00 am in the mornings..oh yeah jump-off’s bout to jump-out the closet now..mmhmm *sips tea*


  11. Sad thing is things like this happen all the time. I would not want to be in Maria’s shoes right now. You can hear the anger in the statement she released.

    So, I see you can post blogs who aren’t on the blog roll now.. oh.


  12. Now. See. Wait. Clearly Arnold has the super *sperm* because that child looks just like him. He has bears a striking resemblance with a major red flag being that dust burnt blondish reddish hair. Also this heifer had that baby when she was 40. She knew he was the father from jump street and I am sure her husband did too. This was intentional.


  13. Her making $1200 a week should have been the first clue something was amiss. You find someone that would take half of that and be happy. She was making 60k a year for scrubbing toilets?! I really need to think my career choices if that’s the case.


  14. I really hope she was a looker back then, cause now she looks gross. I know the kids’ face is blurred, but you can look at his mouth, and see that’s Arnie’s lil tumor, er, I mean child. I wonder why he never got clipped, and how in the heck did he not father some other kids with all his poking around all the different chicks??


  15. What is funny about this story is that arnold told maria about this and she didn’t blink she wanted the perks of being first lady of Cali but after he left office now you want a divorce.

    C’mon son she was the help and seem like he was getting in more than once. Money and fame will make u forget your morals in a flash. All i hear in my head right now is the song Make it rain


    1. Hey Civil!
      I understand where you’re coming from. If you forgive a man for cheating the first time, don’t be surprised when he cheats again and then you leave when everything goes public. We’ll never know all of the details surrounding why Maria stayed as everything we’re conversing about now is pure speculation. What I can tell you, if I get cheated on the FIRST time, my ass is out!!!


      1. @ Yvonne whats up baby? I dont undestand why he did what he did Im not blaming his wife either, its all on him but Im saying you been there knowing he cheated before but now another baby comes along and you gone give up all those years.<—justtalking I would set the whole Cali on fire if mines came back with a baby from another dude


      2. either way, this shit is a hard pill to swallow
        @ACE: Infidelity is a hard pill to swallow (no pun intended). No one is perfect and people do make mistakes however in this case, these two were sneaking around and having sex throughout the house. You couldn’t take this chick to a hotel? Do her in your office? Secondly, he didn’t respect his wife enough or himself for that matter to protect himself by using a contraception. To me, that action alone is unforgiveable and I would be on the first damn thing smoking out of Brentwood.


      3. @Ace

        She obviously stayed with his dirty dick having azz for the last 25 years and we all know he had cheating scandals come out during his run for the governor…but another child coming into the picture after 14 years is a bit much for even the strongest women…she probably wasn’t happy with him for a long time anyway.…but this shyt right here though…


      4. @ Yvonne and Coco, so Im guessin you dont think it selfish to leave after one mistake I mean what about all the good time. Do they out weigh the bad days? Not according to the song.


  16. Her jobs included cleaning, laundry, cooking and other chores.


    I’m sorry but ‘ole girls face and body are…shall we say…tragic. LOL

    And they can hide that boys face all they want. All I need to see is those teeth to know that’s Arnold’s baby. Arnold come get your kid! You ARE the father!



  17. People use to say hire a bish with only two teeth, fat and old to make sure their man was interested. We see that shyt didn’t work in this case.

    Note to lazy bishes: Clean your own damn house!


      1. Wow, really though, Arnold?????? With that????? Both of their azzes are trifling as hell. SMH

        Good Morning


      2. Good morning!
        This story is gonna go on forever…. meanwhile the world is ending in 3 days


      3. well the maid just became and instant celeb. Ingredients to getting fame open legs and insert


      4. Morning Everyone!

        Arnold wasn’t that generous. . .he didn’t buy her a new wardrobe to fit over those grandes tetas she’s carrying ’round! SMH.

        I smell a book or a reality show coming……..:yawn:


      1. Why the “side piece” never looks as good as the wife?
        cause the side pieces be getting down in the bedroom


  18. Certified
    the side piece prolly sucked his soul through his penis!
    They dont have to look as good as the wife they just have to do what the wife wont do!


  19. Guess Arnold ain’t too big on what his women look like. He got a 10 year old by this chick and she looks like she should have grandkids older than that. I’ll keep my comments to myself about Maria, since she is the ‘victim’ and all.


  20. This is so foul and I have no sympathy for him or the maid but those kids, including the little boy don`t deserve this. Maria probably knew he was cheating cause we as women and especially as wives ALWAYS know deep down but it doesn`t make it hurt any less when the full truth comes out.


  21. One outlet is reporting that the boy may be as old as 14, meaning her and Maria would have been pregnant at the same time. That husband must have gotten a severance package too not to snitch. Men can be worse than women when it comes to snitching.


  22. I dont know how I feel about the situation. I do think that if you’re not happy with someone you just try to fix the problem of just let them go. I think the relationship was doomed from the start but once your in it, in the public eye, and had to justify even getting married, you don’t want to just let it go. At that point, you have to make a point.

    most people aren’t looking to cheat, but some good puzzy and head can make a man change real quick. Temptation is a bytch.


  23. I think the greatest thing about this scandal is the fact that he did tell her (regardless of when he did) and that SHE LEFT. I certainly hope the maid/other woman is no longer PROUD of the role she played in committing the act of adultery because it’s certainly obvious that she indeed was proud of it & may possibly still be at this point. Maria and her children is certainly worth MORE than what they received from Arnold. We can all speculate as to timing & what Maria may or may not have known at this point. The bottom line is that ‘cheating’ is a cowardly act often preyed upon by low, insecure & immoral people. No matter what one thinks they temporarily gain from this act, it reaps LASTING repurcussions upon everyone involved. This illegitimate child is innocent in all of this because he didn’t ask to be created by two people whose worth is at the bottom of trash barrel. What a way for the two of them to create a lasting yet tarnished name for themselves. Hope they ALL including Maria learn a valuable lesson in all of this especially Maria. NEVER sacrifice your WORTH for the sake of another human being.


  24. I bet Maria threw her a lavish babyshower and everything too! I’m mad the media got her house lit up like a SWAT team out of a movie.


  25. I believe Maria knew he was cheating but not so sure she knew about this kid. Supposedly the maid didn’t tell him until he was a few years old. And you are sure right she was a good one. I would’ve been singing and paid lol


  26. WEll considering that he knocked her up 10 years ago, maybe she looked better at that time.

    10years can be REAL hard on some ppl


      1. chick looks busted

        Maybe she was pretty a decade ago…but that pic on the left that is inset is a HAIL NAW’LL. She again looks like Rocky Dennis on “Mask”…


      2. chick looks busted

        what could he have possibly seen in “the help” she looks busted, and dusty…


  27. i believe:

    – maria knew once arnold knew
    – all three parties agreed to keep secret until after his term was over
    – arnold convinced hubby to stay w/maid and claim son in exchange for payout after his term was over
    – arnold promised maid, hubby, and maria huge payout for their silence
    – kid played regularly with his siblings not knowing they were his siblings just so he could bond
    – all the kids are just finding out the truth

    now that his term is up, everybody is about to GET PAID!


    1. _ maria knew once arnold knew
      Even if Maria knew about his cheating, something tells me she didn’t know about this side piece seed


      1. maria knew once arnold knew
        Maria KNEW! There’s no way she didn’t know. All women know when their men are cheating. It’s called intuition. She just stood by her man like all good, submissive women are supposed to.


      2. She just stood by her man like all good, submissive women are supposed to.



      3. maria knew once arnold knew and all three parties agreed to keep secret until after his term was over
        Maria, did what every Kennedy woman has done through out HISTORY….for the sake of the politics…she dutifully stayed put…. until he was out of office.

        I do not believe for one moment Maria JUST LEARNED about her whoring azz immigrant maid…..


      4. If Maria TRULY didn’t know, heck know don’t get over it. There is no timeframe on kicking someone to the curb. She deserves to be happy whether she put up with it or not.


  28. Look at the maid with her “No Hands” pose…

    Please let her be legal… you know somebody digging for her paperwork right about now…


    1. Look at the maid with her “No Hands” pose…

      Please let her be legal… you know somebody digging for her paperwork right about now…

      I just wonder why when men cheat its always with uglies…

      1. Bill Clinton & Monica Lewinski

      2. Eddie Long & Dem Boyz


  29. Arnold thought he was playing it safe with this one. If she ain’t have his kid, who would have believed that the Governator was bussing down this train wreck?


    1. Arnold prolly bought her that house
      Those Hispanic women are good. She had a house like that and she was cleaning someone else’s house until this January, even though she gave birth to a millionaire’s kid? No way that would have been me.


  30. there is nothing wrong with standing by your man and believing in him when no one else will. Thats what a woman is supposed to do and vice versa. I feel for her and her children.

    Arnold is a lame! and this maid chick look a hawt ass mess SMH @ arnold and his FUCKery


  31. Another man/politician cheating on his wife……no news here

    Ummmmm it seems being a maid or nanny has benefits!!! Something women should consider…..


  32. So they are now saying she is supportive of him and never threatened to go public. This girl is a true HO. Superhead and Rat Stacks take note, this is how true hoes get paid and stay paid.


    1. I dont get the big deal! It was 10 years ago get over it!
      How can you get over it if you so called just found out in January. That kid looks just like Arnold, Did they hide him for 14 yrs? Did Maria not visit the kid after he was born?


  33. He cheated with her????…this story is a mess. I feel sorry for the kids. I wonder how they’re handling this


  34. MEN AINT SHYT….you boinking the maid LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH i mean she probably spit in the wife food and shit….. that is FOUL!!!!


  35. You can tell that she was getting broke off. How can a maid affort such a nice house. Women just do not respect other women and this is ridamndiculous. Side piece deserves a pick in her throat.


  36. See, you mean to tell me that a MAID is living in the state of CALIFORNIA like that?! I hope she takes him for all the money he has. He used THEIR money to finance that ho. It is going to get real messy, real fast. I bet that maid getting asked for interviews that will set her up REAL nice. Arnold better have more money, because clearly this chick is all about the $$


    1. See, you mean to tell me that a MAID is living in the state of CALIFORNIA like that?! I hope she takes him for all the money he has. He used THEIR money to finance that ho. It is going to get real messy, real fast. I bet that maid getting asked for interviews that will set her up REAL nice. Arnold better have more money, because clearly this chick is all about the $$

      hell somebodys gotta pay and when you play be ready to PAY! bitch gon get p.a.i.d. so arnold’s pockets betta be long.


  37. Twenty-five years down the drain…I am sure the housekeeper will be coming out with a books soon. Tragic!


  38. so his youngest son and his illegitima­te son must be around the same age, which means he had two women walking around his house pregnant, both with HIS child. Amazing his shamelessn­ess.


  39. Dude, really? REALLY?! You cheated on Maria Shriver with HER?

    You deserve all the scorn and ridicule you get. You would have anyway, but still… dude!


    1. Dude, really? REALLY?! You cheated on Maria Shriver with HER?

      You deserve all the scorn and ridicule you get. You would have anyway, but still… dude!

      I agree. Arnold’s taste in women is in his feet – excluding of course, Maria.


    1. maybe that ugly ass woman was the victim in this matter??

      Victim? She was a consenting adult from what we know. If she pursued him, it is not immaterial­, it is an indicator that she sought to seduce a married man, which is still frowned upon.





  40. I feel for her ex husband. He trusted her but I guess she wanted her old sleazy rich white bosses baby more then she wanted dignity, love or trust. SMH


    1. I feel for her ex husband. He trusted her but I guess she wanted her old sleazy rich white bosses baby more then she wanted dignity, love or trust. SMH

      plus i’m sure he trusted that ho.


      1. plus i’m sure he trusted that ho.

        yet she was prbly being FUCKED erday!


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