
“Tiger Woods And His ’22’ Year Old Girlfriend”

Tiger has apparently jumped back into the saddle again and this time it’s with a 22-year-old student (Alyse Lahti Johnston) from Cleveland, Ohio. Tiger’s new chick is reportedly attending the Ohio-based “Northwood University” which has a campus in West Palm Beach, Florida – near Tiger’s new $60-million dollar bachelor pad.

The two have been seen out and about in recent weeks. They have been seeing each other for a few months now and have been spotted on Woods’ multi-million dollar yacht.

We all know that Woods’ five-year marriage was torn all apart and blown to Smithereens in 2009, after a bizarre November 27 car crash outside his mansion in Windermere, Orlando, exposed his illicit affairs and sexual tryst with 14 or more women.

Since the sex-scandal, Woods has basically been trying to keep a low profile in his private life, especially since he has failed to capture his best form “of his golf-game” on the golf course since his private life imploded.

In the meantime, I’m sure Tiger’s ex-wife Elin Nordegren could care less, as she basks in the sunshine of her $100 million divorce settlement that will last her many lifetimes and mansions to come.

It is reportedly being said, that Tiger’s new girlfriend wants to become like him, a great golfer. I’m sure he (Tiger) has many tricks up his sleeve in teaching her at best.


I hope loyal “ceo blog reader” WW is satisfied that I posted this story. 🙂

72 thoughts on ““Tiger Woods And His ’22’ Year Old Girlfriend””

  1. Tiger, ya azz still ain’t learned huh. He ain’t gon be satisfied till one of dem bishes wind up at the end of the ocean.


    1. Tiger, ya azz still ain’t learned huh. He ain’t gon be satisfied till one of dem bishes wind up at the end of the ocean.

      I agree @XMen, Tiger looks like he’s on the road to an O. J. Simpson situation. The picture is being painted as he’s obsessed with white women and can’t live without them, and that he’s so unstable that he may be nuts. (another-O.J.)

      Some blacks didn’t like the fact that O.J. only dated white women and some very hard prejudice whites didn’t like it either. If she (this GF) would like to get the rest of his money there are people out there, who’ll will be willing to help her do it. If Tiger ain’t careful, they’ll take his azz down.


      1. Tiger looks like he’s on the road to an O. J. Simpson situation. The picture is being painted as he’s obsessed with white women and can’t live without them, and that he’s so unstable that he may be nuts. (another-O.J.)
        When anyone dates exclusivel­y OUTSIDE of their race or only dates people who in appearance are the polar opposite of themselves­: it says something about how they feel about themselves­, and it goes beyond “he just has a type”.

        That being said, I don’t really agree with ELOVELY’s theory, Tiger Woods–for all of his imperfecti­ons–doesn­’t seem to be anywhere near O.J. Simpson and I don’t foresee him going down that road at all.


      2. Yes he will wind up like OJ. Watch!

        Sad. So sad. Just like O.J. Simpson. Remarkable black men who choose women who don’t have a life of their own and who’ll be content to just purr, be eye candy and follow their commands.


      3. Remarkable black men who choose women who don’t have a life of their own and who’ll be content to just purr, be eye candy and follow their commands.

        What exactly makes Tiger or OJ “remarkabl­e”? The fact that they can move a ball around a given area? If you want to talk about remarkable black men, what about Mandela, or Mos Def, or any number of others?

        Secondly, we have no idea about this girl whatsoever­, nor how they interact with each other and with others in general (when together). I wouldn’t say that being 21 and in college qualifies as not having a life, just that she is too young to have put one together.


      4. @RANDOM, Remarkable black men in what way? Being born lucky enough to be good at a sport, and make lots of money? I just don’t see anything remarkable about OJ or Tiger Woods. To me, they are black predators that prey on young women of a specific background­.


  2. IMO, Tiger’s mistake wasn’t sleeping with all those women, it was getting married in the first place. He shouldn’t have bothered. If he wasn’t married, his sex-capades would not have been very newsworthy­.


  3. Tiger needs a big fat “HO SIT DOWN!” and help dat chile raise dem kids. STOP focusing on “ya willy” and help dem babies learn dey ABC’s….


      1. Damn! I’m Dead* @ “help dat chile raise dem kids. STOP focusing on “ya willy” and help dem babies learn dey ABC’s”….


      2. 🙂 LMAO @ “help dat chile raise dem kids. STOP focusing on “ya willy” and help dem babies learn dey ABC’s”….


      3. 🙂

        WoW @ “help dat chile raise dem kids. STOP focusing on “ya willy” and help dem babies learn dey ABC’s”….



  4. Must be great for these little kids when daddy starts showing up with a girlfriend who’s young enough to be their big sister.


  5. This is nothing. I’m sure we will be looking at a whole string of blondes in Tiger’s future. She’s one of many.


      1. I’m sure we will be looking at a whole string of blondes in Tiger’s future.
        Tiger is single, and she’s at least legal. Best of success to both of them. Tiger’s not had the flavor of a Sista for whatever reason! He has done us a favor…..


      2. Tiger’s not had the flavor of a Sista for whatever reason!

        Please don’t nobody want no dirty-dick Tiger Woods. Blondie can have his ass, money and all.


  6. she must be a great person but with his track record how can she trust him… isnt that part of being together..­.trust….


    1. she must be a great person but with his track record how can she trust him… isnt that part of being together..­.trust….

      a rich nigga will make a bitch “trust her ass off” N look the other way too.


      1. she must be a great person but with his track record how can she trust him… isnt that part of being together..­.trust….
        I don’t think he cares if she trusts him or not, he’s obviously the one calling the shots in any relationsh­ip he has at this point.


      2. @Joanne, This girl is not serious about him, trust me, he’s just something for her to do while she USE him and learn his game.

        So whose to say she trusts him? It looks like neither of them are looking for a relationsh­ip; at least she’s keeping it in the proper perspectiv­e (i.e. “this is just a fling”) and not looking for wedding dresses.


      1. You like that white stuff. –> Sad that he don’t know, “The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice”
        HOLLA!!!!! 🙂


      2. What is with the blonde hair and white skin he can’t seem to do without?
        The pathology of it is self hatred, and control. Young so he can try to control them, and of the assumed “better” look because he’s concerned with image. He would never, ever date a WOMAN who is emotionall­y independen­t, and caring regardless of her nationalit­y.


      3. Maybe he just likes blondes? Why do you HAVE to be attracted to people who look like yourself? We like who we like – where’s the crime?


      4. Reason: He’s not a fan of HIMSELF.

        Many folks don’t like the LOOKS of the man in the MIRROR~~~~­!!!!


      5. SMH. Sooooo, what does a 35 yr old with an estimated net worth of 600 million dollars have in common with a 22 yr old college student? What’s that you say? He likes blondes? Oh…okay. I get it. SMH… Seriously, why call her a girlfriend­. She’s his skeez of the moment…


      6. Seriously, why call her a girlfriend­. She’s his skeez of the moment…

        I hope she knows it.


  7. Tiger,
    Take care of your kids.
    Take care of bid’ness – and i don’t mean Nike!
    Then stomp out some crushing victories.
    The golf world languishes without you.


  8. He will always be a player even at old age and I’m not talking about golf. He had a nice life, gorgeous wife, kids etc and chose a few minutes of fun over it all. Why would anyone want to be with someone known as cheater to his wife and kids? He will do the same to you. For people like this, there is no such thing as “the one”.


  9. It’s all about the money, money, money, mooooooone­y! White girls ain’t neva been interested without that being a factor. trust me….If lamar Odem wasn’t a Laker, that KK HO wouldn’t have given him a 2nd look. and our brothas are just too dumb to see it!!!


    1. It’s all about the money, money, money, mooooooone­y! White girls ain’t neva been interested without that being a factor. trust me….If lamar Odem wasn’t a Laker, that KK HO wouldn’t have given him a 2nd look. and our brothas are just too dumb to see it!!!

      I agree…It is all about Tiger’s millions of dollars. Some Caucasian women will force themselves on any black athlete who are famous and have lots of money. They will even have the biracial kids to seal the deal so that they can kick back and not have to work for the rest of their lives living off of the child support and the divorce settlement­.


      1. Black men accept them willingly.­..they believe they will have a less drama-fill­ed life, more passion and a better support system….sadly it’s a trick and far from the truth!


    1. pe­rvert.

      yep he has known her since she was 7 years old. that makes it a very long time. Good for her and him too.


      1. EEEEEWWWWW!!
        Known this heifer for 15 years? Since she was 7? I really hope his nasty R. Kelly-like azz wasn’t looking at her like that then. He nasty.


      2. Of all the women in the world this dude could have, but he can’t keep his fingers out of the forbidden cookie jar? This is wrong on so many levels, especially if he watched the girl grow up while he already had a CAREER and WIFE. SMDH


  10. I just want Tiger to win the Masters. I want to see him get his world ranking back and live his life. His personal life is none of my business.


  11. Tiger has a new girlfriend and the girlfriend has a mug shot. What else is new? Nothing new to see here.



  12. TW is just another unintellig­ent guy who never grew up, and due to his narcissism never will.
    As a female, I have nothing else to say about this guy , but that he is completely uninterest­ing to real women.


  13. With all the money this man has, with the world at his fingertips­, this is the best that he can do? Even Governor Sanford as country-si­de as he is found himself someone in Argentina. Tiger, it is a big world! Find yourself a gorgeous sophistica­ted lady in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Athens, Milan, London, Moscow, Buenos Aires, or Paris! There are better places to go to meet women than the WAFFLE HOUSE IN TOLEDO (Ohio not Spain!)!!!


    1. That’s what I’m thinking: hope she is up to date on all her shots….who knows what he is spreading around.


  14. Looks like a sweet girl who does not mind sharing.. Poor Tiger.. His game has faltered since he began taking to many strokes..


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