Beyonce, Celebrity Couples, Jay Z, Stevie Wonder, What he said

Stevie Wonder disses Beyonce and her hubby Rapper Jay Z


Stevie Wonder who contributed an intricate part in his champion efforts to implement Martin Luther King’s holiday as a national observance in the United States, said in a recent interview that “Jay Z and Beyoncé are not actively involved in the struggles of social change

The world-renowned artist sat down with TV One’s Roland Martin in a recent interview and said, he has a problem with the fact that Jay Z could be doing more to promote and implement social change through his platform and influence but he’s NOT!

Wonder who is also noted for his work as an activist on various political causes, said he “has a problem with Jay Z’s silence on several social issues and “when you have a problem with someone, you call them out on it” wonder concluded.

Stevie Wonder knows that Jay Z and his glorified studio singing wife Beyoncé are self-centered entertainers who are all for and into themselves. A narcissistic couple who are not into public service and being activist for a cause or even actively involved in any revolutions of justice.

People, who remain silent and never support a cause, don’t want you to know where they stand on such issues. But silence brings consent and when you have a platform and an opportunity to make a difference you should do so!

Kudos to Stevie Wonder for being man enough to SPEAK ON IT!!!