Conversations Of A Sistah, Conversations Of A Sistah on Blog Talk Radio, Tracy L. Bell, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio, Tracy L. Bell Host Conversations Of A Sistah

Is it better to be Married or Single? Why? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

We’re starting Black History Month off with love and relationships in our topics list of discussions and tonight’s Conversation…”Is it better to be Married -or- Single?

Obviously being single carries the least amount of emotional risk and stress and prevents the potential traumatic experiences a marriage can allow (like cheating, divorce, death of spouse). While being single allows you to not have to answer to another person’s happiness (to a realistic extent) at all. You can have more time to yourself.

But being single can also feel lonely at times and many older singles can find it hard to have friends, as many will be married and have families of their own (per some older singles).

Married life can give more security if both parties can cooperate. Money, socialization and the support of another person can sometimes allow you to be the best version of yourself. A good marriage builds you up especially if both partners support each others goal.

Join the “Conversation” at 6:30 p.m. EST as we address the question: “Do you think its better to be single or married?” “And why?” on Conversations Of A Sistah.

We hope to meet you on the air!!

All “links” in this post will access the podcast.

Catch the Conversation LIVE on our YouTube Channel >>>HERE!!!

Conversations Of A Sistah, Conversations Of A Sistah on Blog Talk Radio, Tracy L. Bell, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio, Tracy L. Bell Host Conversations Of A Sistah

‘Unique Services in a Global Pandemic’ Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Since the global pandemic hit almost a year ago, it has given birth to a lot of entrepreneurs, individuals who have taken their skill sets to another level or expounded on their services to meet the needs of people. We see mobile businesses rolling up everywhere, providing services with safety measures in place to service the needs of clients, customers and individuals creatively.

You have telehealth professionals and front line workers making it happen in order to keep the economy moving forward. A couple of months ago I had my vehicle detailed from the comfort of my driveway, in the same sense you have companies doing home deliveries and services like never before.

Join us on Conversations Of A Sistah at 6:30 p.m. EST as we sit down in our studios with Mr. Billy Johnson Jr., CEO and Owner of Future Fuel International, LLCa very unique service for mobile fuel delivery, especially during this global pandemic.

All “links in this post” will access tonight’s podcast.

Hope to see you on the air!!

Conversations Of A Sistah, Conversations Of A Sistah on Blog Talk Radio, Tracy L. Bell, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio, Tracy L. Bell Host Conversations Of A Sistah

Our Year in Review – 2020 – Tonight on “Conversations Of a Sistah”

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There is no simple way to sum up this year. Tumultuous, terrifying, wearisome. Resilient, heroic, hopeful. Kobe Bryant, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmad Arbry, the coronavirus, social justice, wildfires and one of the most contentious elections in American history. Tune in as we look back at 2020, the most trying year of our time.

Yes, there were some signs: systemic racism and the death of too many Black men at the hands of white police officers was already a scourge. Wildfires in the West, hurricanes around the world, and an increasingly volatile climate were already a menace as the overheated Earth continued to run a fever. An unconventional President facing a restive public and a re-election campaign portended partisan rancor and possible electoral upheaval. And then there was the cluster of cases of a deadly flu-like disease in Wuhan, China that seemed—to Americans at least—to be somebody else’s problem.

Tune in at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” for our last show of this year.

Hope to see you on the air!!

Conversations Of A Sistah, Conversations Of A Sistah on Blog Talk Radio, Tracy L. Bell, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio, Tracy L. Bell Host Conversations Of A Sistah

‘Date with Purpose’ Tonight’s Conversation on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Where are you in your relationships? Are you dating? Just having fun? Or dating with purpose? Are you looking for a relationship? Or do you love your single life and just want to keep things casual? Be clear and have courage to be honest about your intent. While we can always be surprised by love finding us when and where we least expect it, its fair to be clear with yourself and your dates about your relationship intentions.

If you aren’t sure about what you want, it might be time to get clear. Who is your ideal mate?

Its good to have an idea of this person that will rock your world, but there’s a balance you need to find between having a general idea of this partner, and the reality of the relationship so that you don’t miss some great possibilities.

Join us tonight at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” with our host, Ms. Tracy Bell for her topic “Date with Purpose

Hope to see you on the air!!!

All “links” in this post will access tonight’s podcast.

You can also join the Conversation “LIVE” on our ——>> YouTube channel


Conversations Of A Sistah, Conversations Of A Sistah on Blog Talk Radio, Tracy L. Bell, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio, Tracy L. Bell Host Conversations Of A Sistah

“When Prince Charming is Not Talk Dark & Handsome” Tonight’s Topic on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Most women can describe the perfect man in three words: tall, dark, and handsome.

Height is perceived as a show of capability, strength, and power, which in theory makes a woman’s ideal mate. Many women scoff at the idea of dating shorter men, dismissing their other attributes, especially in today’s society.

Is tall, dark and handsome sexier than short, stout and stubby? Women’s preference for taller men stems from an evolutionary perspective that taller men generally tend to be healthier and better providers. 

Despite the influence evolution has had on our natural preferences, is it time to go against the odds?

Join us at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” as we discuss “When Prince Charming is Not Talk Dark & Handsome

We will be taking calls in the studio at (515) 602-9679

 Hope to meet you on the air!!

Pics courtesy of the handsome men who follow this blog!!