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‘Unique Services in a Global Pandemic’ Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Since the global pandemic hit almost a year ago, it has given birth to a lot of entrepreneurs, individuals who have taken their skill sets to another level or expounded on their services to meet the needs of people. We see mobile businesses rolling up everywhere, providing services with safety measures in place to service the needs of clients, customers and individuals creatively.

You have telehealth professionals and front line workers making it happen in order to keep the economy moving forward. A couple of months ago I had my vehicle detailed from the comfort of my driveway, in the same sense you have companies doing home deliveries and services like never before.

Join us on Conversations Of A Sistah at 6:30 p.m. EST as we sit down in our studios with Mr. Billy Johnson Jr., CEO and Owner of Future Fuel International, LLCa very unique service for mobile fuel delivery, especially during this global pandemic.

All “links in this post” will access tonight’s podcast.

Hope to see you on the air!!

40 thoughts on “‘Unique Services in a Global Pandemic’ Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

      1. That’s cool. Being mask are the new fashion statement, that lil hustle def come in handy. Good luck with it.


    1. He was excited and passionate about his business. I was impressed by that. He is probably good at telling the woman in his life about their cars.


  1. He came on the scene and blew up that spot. Tra asked what? Maybe all of 2 questions?? LOL 😆 i think he coulda talked all night.


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