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Are you traveling anyway this Holiday Season? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

For many Americans, this holiday season marked the first time they were planning to take a trip away from home in months. In September, travel booking site Hopper polled 850 people about whether they’re planning to travel for the holidays this year, and 55 percent said it was going to be their first time traveling since the start of the pandemic.

Despite CDC warning Americans shouldn’t travel this holiday season, millions are taking to the skies and highways to get home this holiday season.  The end of the year is sneaking up on us quick, and people are weighing travel plans to join friends and family for the holidays against the backdrop of a surge of the Covid-19 pandemic.

CDC is reminding everyone that traveling does increase transmission risk for COVID-19 and that gatherings with those you do not live with can increase the chances of getting or spreading COVID-19 or the flu. According to the CDC, staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others. But are you traveling anyway?

Join us “LIVE” tonight for our topic: Are you traveling anyway this Holiday Season? 

All “links” in this post will access the online podcast.

Hope to meet you on the air!!!

42 thoughts on “Are you traveling anyway this Holiday Season? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

    1. Hey How you?
      My dad WAS going to drive in…but we ALL decided, not a good ideal at THIS time.
      Happy Holidays EVERYONE…..Tuning in


  1. As long as the airlines are properly cleaning and ventilating the air, people mask up, and passengers sanitize their area, I see nothing wrong with people traveling over the Holidays!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly!!!
      And some flights are cheap too.
      This is a blessings. Airlines like United have implemented rapid test in the airport and tests that can be sent to your home and mailed in for testing results prior to your flight. Air filters on planes now are cleaning the air like never before. Good to see Americans traveling and living life. Wear your masks, sanitize and you’ll be just fine while flying.


  2. Tracy did you read how fans of A Rod ripped him a new asshole for flaunting his wealth in a time when people are suffering? OMG they went in on him 😆

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Felicia, I saw it. It is not a good look to showboat your luxury in this climate.
      I applaud his/their hard work that enabled them to purchase their plane but really in this climate where people are afraid to have Thanksgiving together do we have to see this? where people are struggling. Really? Do we need to see folks wealth?

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Trace I say, it’s time to disobey ALL orders that violate our natural rights. No more curfews, lockdowns, or authoritarian measures. Disobey, resist, defy – open America

    Happy Thanksgiving.


    1. Really?
      60 Minutes did a story on the people who survived Covid, but still have lingering effects. Over 1000 people visit this clinic in NY.

      One lady who used to run is having problems just walking.
      The doctor says she still gets a headache every day.


  4. Tracy
    I have completely stopped watching TV. I have not watched TV at all. I don’t see my self watching another news channel, the amount of deceitfulness is unbelievable.

    When I heard you Tracy talking about the news. yea i turned it off.


  5. I am staying at home in Washington, D.C. and not visiting family outside my household. We’re have turkey wings, grilled salmon, asparagus, turkey stuffing, broccoli, potato salad, and a sugar free apple pie and a mandarin orange pound cake.😃😃

    I will be giving thanks and praise to God Almighty this Thanksgiving, thanking him for having food on my table, a roof over my head, and still being in the land of the living.

    Happy Thanksgiving All!

    Liked by 1 person

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