
Election Outcome, Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

US President Donald Trump dances at the end of a rally at Carson City Airport in Carson City, Nevada on October 18, 2020. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN / AFP) (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

The days, months and weeks leading up to this election have been messy, violent, riddled with racial injustice, aggressive outrage and a global pandemic. Businesses in New York, California and Washington, DC were boarded up early ahead of violence or election outcome unrest.

Join us “LIVE” at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” as we discuss “Election Day Outcome

We’ll be taking your calls in the studio at (515) 602-9679

All links in this post will access tonight’s podcast!

12 thoughts on “Election Outcome, Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. It’s not about cheating, keep in mind that the voter turnout has NEVER been this great and is going to take a little longer than usual to tally the absentee votes.

    Tracy I’m tuning in…cant wait!!


  2. Unlike other states that changed election rules to accommodate for the crush of mail-in votes, Republican lawmakers in these states opposed new laws to accelerate mail-in voting. As a result, officials in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin could not legally process absentee ballots until on or just before election day

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly!!!!
      It is about cheating when you have a president who orders the dismantling of mail processing machines and the unnecessary deliberate slow down mail processing and a crony he installed at the post office obeys. That’s collusion and election tampering. There’s also been cheating in multiple Trump stronghold states–everything from having wrong ballots printed, not mailing ballots, and restricting the number of polling places available. People aren’t stupid.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. people automatically ASSume that cheating occurred now that the ballot count is no longer in Trump’s favor. Absentee ballots have ALWAYS counted and it’s taking longer to count them because of the amount of voters not because of cheating.


  3. The forever Dumpers are the ones being ignorant….just what he told them to do because he knew he would lose this election.

    This is the only stupid potus who thinks that millions of ballots should have been counted by midnight November 3rd. Glad he will be tossed out on his big 100 gallon ass head.


  4. The Radical Left is going to do whatever it takes to try and rip a TRUMP-PENCE VICTORY away from you – Smh…Pathetic!!


  5. Tra good commentary but they slide Biden in. It’s not about Biden for them, it’s about voting Trump out. That’s why I’m mad at the DNC. They forced a lot of people to vote for Biden cause they refused to vote Trump.


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